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What is Leadership?
Krantz and Gilmore
Leadership refers to the articulation of mission, direction setting,
vision and strategic thinking.

Leadership is a social process that contains complex

Lord and Maher

We can think of leadership as resulting from a social
perceptual process.
What is Leadership

 Burns
 Leadership is the reciprocal process of mobilizing, by
persons with certain motives and valves, various economic,
political and other resources, in a context of competition
and conflict, in order to realize goals in dependently or
mutually held by both leaders and followers.
 The processes of leadership “must be seen as part of the
dynamics of conflict and of power.”
What is Leadership
 They are three elements that engage in leadership.
They are “influence, group and goals”
 Leadership is a process of leader’s influence on followers, to
reach the goals with which the group is faced.

Influence is needed in leadership in order to contribute to the
What is Leadership
 Heifetz and Laurie
Leadership has to take place everyday. It can not be the
responsibility of the few, a rare event, or a once in a
lifetime opportunity.

 Meindl
 The location of leadership concepts in “causal chains”
in Meindl’s theory.
 Leadership does not need to emerge as the first step
in a chain of event,
Leadership can emerge at any stages of an
organization and appear anytime to fill the
organization’s need.

 Curriculum, Human Resource, Organization

What is Leader?
 Zaleznik
A person who has an ability to create change and imagine new
areas to explore

 House and Aditya

 Leaders are supposed to motivate people or followers to
accomplish organizational goals.
 Leaders are responsible for achieving goals.

 Dubin
Leaders have the power to bring and to encourage followers to
achieve the goal.
What is Leader?
 De Brin
The main characteristic of a leader is to influence people
through the use of power and authority.

 Kirk Patrick and Locke

Specific characteristics of leaders as “drive, motivation, honesty
and integrity, self confidence, cognitive ability and knowledge of
Rost: managers characteristic
 Sparrowe and Liden
Leaders are those who socialize and orient members in the ways
of institutional needs.
What is Leader?
 Zaleznik
 Leaders have specific psychological characteristics e.g
“attitudes toward goals, conceptions of work, their human
relation, and senses of self.
 Leaders have an ability to change the way people think.
 Leaders have specific conceptions of work such as “create
excitement in work” and are willing to “work from a high risk
 Leaders would not let any challenges go even though they
had to face the risks, because leaders are not bound by a
process, they overcome it, to establish creative ideas.
 Leader are concerned with ideas, relate in more intuitive
and empathetic ways.
 Leaders focus on ideas to make them mean something the
What is Leader?
Leaders characteristics are to be found only in unusual
people with special gifts.

 Genes ?

Born ?

Environment ?

Extraordinary ?
Type of Leaders (Burns)
* The Transactional and The Transforming

The Transactional leaders:

Approach followers with an eye to exchanging one

thing for another; jobs for votes, or subsides for
campaign contributions. Such transactions comprise
the bulk of the relationships among leaders and
followers, especially in groups, legislatures and
The Transforming leaders: (Burns)
Recognizes and exploits an existing need or demand of a potential follower.
But, beyond that, the transforming leader looks for potential motives in the
followers, seeks to satisfy higher needs, and engages the full person of the

 As some who motivated you to do more than you originally expected to do,
raised your level of awareness about important matters and or led you to
transcend your own self-interests for the good of the team or organization.
 Encourages followers with advice, help, support, recognition & openness.

Is about how leader encourage followers to develop their skills in order to
reach the leader’s goal.
What is Management?

 Management as the ability to allocate and control resources
to achieve specific, planned objectives.
 Management is the control of all resources, NOT just human
 Strategic and operational planning, providing structure,
organizing and directing the activities of others, motivating
others to pursue organizational goals, manipulating, and
controlling outcomes and organizational systems, and making
money for owner.
Leadership VS Management

1. Management is a doer type of activity, in contrast with

Leadership which focuses more on thinking activities (Barker)
2. The function of leadership is to create change, white
management is to create stability.
Stability is created by managing routine, incremental, and
countinous change by planning, organizing, directing,
controlling and effective staffing. (Barker)
3. Management protects stabilized patterns and anticipate
change and to adapt to it, but NOT to create it. (Barker)
Leadership VS Management
4. Leadership >< Influence
Management >< Authority

Is given by
organization to
Based on
control resources

What is Manager ?

 Zaleznik
 Managers also have specific psychological characteristics e.g
attitudes toward goals, conception of work, relations with
other and senses of self.
 Managers tend to see the goals as something that must be
 Managers tend to view work as an enabling process
involving some combination of people and ideas interacting
to establish strategies and make decision.
 managers use skills such as negotiating and bargaining, and
also give “reward and punishment to subordinates”.
What is Manager ?

 Zaleznik
 Managers prefer to “work with people”, instead of
“solitary activity”.
 Managers tend to have a strong sense to belonging
to the organization and often gains personal
fulfillment out of their job.
 Manager personality is such that in the workplace
they feel at home and in harmony with the

Who are more important ?

Leaders ?
Managers ?

One ? Both ? Neither ?

Managers are people who do things right


Leaders are people who do the right things

Managers are people who do things right


Leaders are people who do the right things

Manager’s role is in getting work done


The leader’s role is in thinking how the work should be


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