Phonology PPT 01

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• Group = 2
• Class = R4F
• Muhammad Rizky Cahyadi 201712500641
• Rasyiid Ramadhan 201712500677
• Audry Fadila Putra 201712500667
• Muhammad Armet Ngabalin 201712500681
[t] [d] [s] [z]
State of Vocal Fold Voiceless Voiced Voiceless Voiced

Place of Articulation Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar

Manner of Articulation Plossive Plossive Fricative Fricative

Initial Mideal/Middle Final

/t/ tin bitten Tent
/d/ dog hidden bid
/s/ Stop Fast choice
/z/ zink Noise these
[∫] [ᶾ] [ t∫ ] [ dᶾ ]
State of Vocal Fold Voiceless Voiced Voiceless Voiced

Palato Palato Palato Palato

Place of Articulation
Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar Alveolar

Manner of Articulation Fricative Fricative Affricate Affricate

Initial Mideal/Middle Final

/∫ / Shoe Fashion Fish
/ᶾ/ - Pleasure Garage
/ t∫ / Chair Teacher Church
/dᶾ/ Joke Lounge age

• 1. Mention the parameters of [ z ] ?

• 2. where is place of articulation of [ t∫ ]?
• 3. the initial [ s ] at least 3 words, give the examples?
• 4. what is the Manner of Articulation of [ ∫ ]?
• 5. give two examples of [ ᶾ ] medial?


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