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May 29th 2019

Group 4

Final Presentation of
Fundamental Theory of Practice in
International Cooperation in Education I

Project Cycle Management

Dodoma Region, Tanzania
123 ethnic groups and tribal languages
English as the official language for teaching
in secondary and higher education.
No Level Grade Ages
Primary (Kishwalii)
6 to 12
(Standard 1 – 7)
1 Basic Education Lower – secondary
(English) 13 to 17
Kongo (Form I – IV)
Higher –
2 Secondary 18 to 19
Zambia (Form V – VI)
Technical and
Mozambique Technical and
Vocational Training
3 Vocational 17 to 20
(Levels 1 – 3)

26 administrative regions Of Adults. 17% have no formal Education,

185 Local Government Authorities 61% have only primary school, and
Low-income country, 52.09 billion USD 16% have secondary schooling
Area 947,300 sq. km (land: 94%, water: 6%).
Population 51.5 million (Mainland 50.0 million).
Secondary Education Enrollment
1 October 1973, as capital 2015
2,083,588 People (census on 2012) Total 62,909
41,284 square kilometers, 7 District
Agricultural region, crops include grain, seeds, nuts.

Due to limited water supplies and other environmental factors,

this proved impossible and the plan was mostly forgotten.
Most ministries and all embassies are still in Dar Es Salaam.
Although Dodoma retains the title of capital city of Tanzania,
government officials only travel to Dodoma for a few weeks
each June when the government is in session.

50% of all out-of-school children are located in the nine

regions of Tabora, Dodoma, Geita, Kagera, Mwanza,
Simiyu, Kigoma, Morogoro and Shinyanga.

The average distance between school and student’s home

in the Dodoma region is 19.4 Km (2012)
152 Secondary Schools
3642 Secondary Education Teacher ,
Challenges, Dodoma
In Tanzania One girl out of 3
“Dodoma has been ranked number one in 54% is married
producing street children in the country when before the age
of 18
compared to other regions, Street children are not 34%
only orphans but also those who ran away due to Shinyaga 58%
poverty, broken marriages, and child abuse”
(Global Monitoring status of action against commercial sexual exploitation of children.
ECPAT International. Bangkok, 2013)


Enrolme Dropout
nt 2015 Percentage
1 RUKWA 29,976 9.26%
8 DODOMA 62,909 4.54%
26 DAR ES SALAAM 184,191 1.00%
Basic Education Statistics in Tanzania (BEST) 2012-2016
Ministry of Education and Culture,
Stakeholder Analysi
To analyze how
people related to
the project will be
involved in the
Detail of Stakeholder

Beneficiaries Decision Implementer Potential Potential Funding

Makers Supporters Opponents agency
Students in lower Ministry of Lower Community Some parents are Government
secondary school Education Secondary leader barrier for of Tanzania
in Tanzania school teacher children to go to
Parents Ministry of Teacher Teacher union -Private school SADC
Community training center -Child employer,
Developmen loan shark
t Gender and
Lower secondary The Resource Private JICA
school teachers Regional center investors
Communities School principle UNDP
Problem Tree

Literacy rate is low Low enrollment rate in upper Secondary Qualified human resource is insufficient

Dropout rate in Lower Secondary school is

high in Dodoma Region

Quality of Teaching isn’t good enough Student performance is low (Math)

School infrastructure and Number of teachers Qualified teachers Students with

Students do not receive Students are not
facilities are insufficient is insufficient are not enough disability do not get Too many students in each
enough English language healthy to attend
enough support class
training school
from teachers
Training In-service training is
Learning materials are management insufficient
insufficient systems are not
interactive discipline)

Poor learning
Lack of Monitoring and Language in Teaching is a Teachers lack professional environment
control by school problem for students qualities for teaching discourage
headmaster (English & Kiswahili) students with disabilities students to
stay at school

There is not enough a

language training for
Problem Tree
Literacy rate is low Low enrollment rate in upper Secondary Qualified human resource is insufficient

Dropout rate in Lower Secondary school is

high in Dodoma Region

Government Policy / Law deter

Parents withdraw children from student from studying
Law of marriage Act
allows a girl as young Governmental Human
as 14 to be married anti-dropout trafficking – girls
Transportation policy was are kidnapped
Parents can not afford Parents’ illness Students are head of Parents think
takes too much Many girls are insufficient and sold
students to school holds children the household (800 in education is not
time and fee from school Dodoma) important forced to leave
school if they are Drug abuse is
Students Schools are Educational pregnant or getting one of the
too far Street Religion – belief married common reasons
from low children background of that girls
income who don’t parents and sibling shouldn’t go to
families Insufficient can affect the The school rules
have school Prostitution
quit transportati students. They will say they cannot
parents care shows moral
schools to on for follow the come back
and control Believe decay in the
seek for students experience of their girls should society
jobs / help parents marry early Abuse by teacher and adult –
their Insufficient
the law allows teachers to hit
parents dormitory for
children to punish them
students that live
away from school
Sexual harassment from the drivers
for girls on the way school / cases
teachers abuse girls
2. Education system
Pre- primary Primary Lower Secondary
• GER grew from 39.5% in • Enrollment level has • The enrolment trend in
2010 to 102.6% in 2016 shown increased of secondary education has
while the NER grow from 14.8% from 8,116,488 been fairly stable in
37.5% in 2010 to 46.7% in pupils in 2015 to recent years. Total
2016. 9,317,791 pupils in enrolment more than
• The government put 2017. quadrupled from
emphasis a lot on improving • Dropout rose by almost 401,598 in 2004 to
quality of learning at the ECL a third at primary 1,802,810 in 2012.
by revise curriculum, between 2009-16, to an • Enrolment in 2017
develop teachers’ guide and average annual rate of stands at 1,767,890.
textbook for prepare learners
6.4%. • In secondary school,
with prerequisite reading,
• Repetition has also risen students are required to
writing and basic
in early primary grades, sit through two further
mathematics skills.
to reach a high of 4.9% national examinations at
in 2014, and had the end of Form II and
reduced slightly to 3.8% Form IV.
in 2016. However, the
repetition rate in Std.I
remains high at around
Previous literature
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH(2016) mentioned as following: Completi
ng secondary education has been shown to strongly benefit individual
s’ health, employment, and earnings throughout their lives. Secondary
education, including technical and vocational training, can empower y
oung people with soft skills needed for sustainable development, inclu
ding citizenship and human rights, and ensure access to essential info
rmation to protect their health and well-being. For girls, safe and equal e
nrollment in secondary education 3 can act as a powerful equalizer, ensurin
g all girls and boys access the same subjects, activities, and career choices.

• Many students still face significant financial barriers.

• Infrastructure is poor and transportation to school is inadequat
• The quality of secondary education is poor
• Out of school adolescents have limited options to complete low
er secondary education
• Corporal punishment is endemic in secondary school
• Girls face sexual harassment, discrimination and expulsion due
to pregnancy or marriage
• Secondary education remains inaccessible to many students wit
h disabilities.
(Human Right Watch, 2016)

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