Curriculum - Theoretical Dimensions

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The concept of curriculum is as dynamic as the
changes that occur in society. In its narrow sense,
curriculum is viewed merely as a listing of subject to
be taught in school. In a broader sense, it refers to the
total learning experiences of individuals not only in
schools but in society as well.
Curriculum Definitions

There are many definitions of curriculum. Because

of this, the concept of curriculum is sometimes
characterized as fragmentary, elusive and
confusing. The definitions are influenced by
modes of thoughts, pedagogies, political as well
as cultural experiences
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers between
the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Franklin Bobbit
“… that series of things which children
and youth must do and experience by
way of developing abilities to do things
well that up the affairs of adult life; and
to be in all respects what adults should

a science that emphasizes on students' need to

prepare for adult life.
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers
between the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Hollis L. Caswell Doak S. Campbell

viewed curriculum not as a group of courses but

as “all the experiences children have under the
guidance of teachers”.
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers
between the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Ralph Tyler
believes that curriculum is a
science and an extension of
school's philosophy based on
students‘ need and interests.

He pointed that curriculum is always related to instruction.

Subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and
values. The process emphasizes problem solving.
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers
between the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Hilda Taba
“A curriculum is a plan for learning.”
Every curriculum globally contains common
elements, such as goals and objectives, and
distinct content selections and organizational
approaches that inform styles of learning and
teaching, concluding with an assessment
methodology to determine whether the objectives
were met.
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers
between the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Robert M. Gagne
“Combination of subject matter (content),
the statement of ends (terminal
objectives), sequencing of content, and
pre-assessment of entry skills required of
students when they begin to study of the
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers
between the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

J. Galen Saylor, William M. Alexander, and Arthur J. Lewis defined

curriculum as a plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for
persons to be educated.

Geneva Gay offered a more expansive interpretation of curriculum:

“If we are to achieve equally, we must broaden our conception to include
the entire culture of the school – not just subject matter content.”

Ronald C. Doll
“…the formal and informal content and process by which learners gain
knowledge and understanding, develop skills, and alter attitudes,
appreciations, and values under the auspices of that school.”
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers
between the early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Departing from a definition of curriculum as “school materials,

William F. Pinar, William M. Reynolds, Patrick Slattery, and
Peter M. Taubman described:

“Curriculum understood as symbolic representation refers to

those institutional and discursive practices, structures, images,
and experiences that can be identified and analyzed in
various ways, i.e., politically, racially, autobiographically,
phenomenologically, theologically internationally, and in term
of gender deconstruction.”
Concepts of curriculum by a number of writers between the
early 20th and early 21st centuries:

Jon Wiles and Joseph Bondi defined

the curriculum as a desired goal or set of values that
can be activated though a development process
culminating in experiences for students.

James Mc Kiernan
Curriculum is what concerned with what is planned,
implemented, learned, evaluated and researched in
schools at all levels of education.
Curriculum Definitions
Based on those interpretations, we can conclude some
definitions of curriculum:
 Curriculum is that which is taught in school

 Curriculum is a set of subjects

 Curriculum is content.

 Curriculum is a program of study.

 Curriculum is a set of materials

 Curriculum is a sequence of courses

 Curriculum is a set of performance objectives

 Curriculum is a course of study.

Curriculum Definitions

 Curriculum is everything that goes on within the school,

including extra-class activities, guidance, and interpersonal
 Curriculum is that which is taught both inside of school and
outside of school, directed by the school.
 Curriculum is everything that is planned by school personnel
 Curriculum is a series of experiences undergone by learners
in school
 Curriculum is that which an individual learner experiences as
a result of schooling.
Definitions by Purposes, Contexts & Strategies

“The purpose of the curriculum is transmission of the cultural
heritage,” or “The purpose of the curriculum is the development of
reflective thinking on the part of the learner.”
Context  state the settings within it takes shape
 An essentialist curriculum is designed to transmit the cultural heritage,
to school young people in the organized disciplines, and to prepare
the learners for the future.
 A child-centered curriculum reveals its orientation: the learner, who is
the primary focus of the progressive school of philosophy. The
development varies considerably from school to school.
 A re-constructionist curriculum aims to educate youth in such a way
that they will be capable of solving some of society’s pressing
problems and, therefore, change society for the better.

Curriculum  what is taught (program, a plan,

content, and learning experiences
Instruction  the means used to teach (methods,
the teaching act, implementation and
Distinguishing instruction from curriculum,
James B. Mc donald viewed curricular activity as the production
of plans for further action, and instruction as the putting of plans
into operation.
So, curriculum planning precedes instruction.
Models of the Curriculum-Instruction Relationship

1. The Dualistic Model :

Curriculum Instruction

 Curriculum sits on one side and instruction on the other.

 What takes place in the classroom under the direction of the teacher
seems to have little relationship to what the master plan says should
go in the classroom.
Models of the Curriculum-Instruction Relationship

2. The Interlocking model

Curriculum Instruction Curriculum Instruction

 There is an integrated relationship between these two entities.

 The separation of one from the other would effect to both.
 Curriculum planners would find it difficult to regard instruction as
paramount to curriculum and to determine teaching methods before
program objectives
Models of the Curriculum-Instruction Relationship

3. The Concentric Model

Curriculum Instruction

Instruction Curriculum

 Variations A and B both convey the idea that one of the entities occupies a
superordinate position while the other is subordinate.
 Concentric model A makes instruction a subsystem of curriculum, which is
itself a subsystem of the whole system of education
 Concentric model B subsumes curriculum within the subsystem instruction.
Models of the Curriculum-Instruction Relationship

4. Cyclical Model

Curriculum Instruction

 Curriculum and instruction are separate entities with a continuing

circular relationship. Curriculum makes a continuous impact on
instruction and instruction has impact on curriculum.
 The cyclical model implies that instructional decisions are made after circular
decisions, which in turn are modified after instructional decisions are
implemented and evaluated. This process is continuous, repetitious, and
Models of the Curriculum-Instruction Relationship

 Curriculum and instruction are related but different.

 Curriculum and instruction are interlocking and
 Curriculum and instruction may be studied and analyzed as
separate entities but cannot function in mutual isolation.

Can there be a discipline called


The Characteristics of a Discipline

1. Principles
 Any discipline worthy of study has an organized

set of theoretical constructs or principles that

governs it. And curriculum has developed a
significant set of principles.

2. Knowledge & Skills

 Any discipline encompasses a body of
knowledge and skills pertinent to that discipline.
The field of curriculum has adapted and
borrowed subject matter from a number of pure
and derived discipline.
Sources of the Curriculum Field
System Theory, Instruction, Communication Theory, History, Technology,
Evaluation, Sociology, Psychology, Phylosohpy, Subject areas,
Management, Organizational Theory, Supervision

 Selection of content for study by students, for example, cannot

be done without referring to the disciplines of sociology,
psychology, and subject areas.
 The “child-centered curriculum” as a concept draws heavily on
what is known about learning, growth, and development
(psychology and biology), on philosophy, and on sociology
 We can conclude that the field of curriculum requires the use of
an amalgamation of knowledge and skills from many
disciplines. That curriculum theory and practices are derived
from other disciplines does not in any way diminish the
importance of the field

3. Theoreticians & Practitioners

 A discipline has its theoreticians and its practitioners
 We can call them curriculum specialist. There are
planners, consultants, coordinators, directors, and
professors of curriculum.
 Curriculum specialists make a number of distinctive
contributions to their field.
 Curriculum specialists generate or help to generate
new curriculum concepts

1. Curriculum Specialist
 Curriculum specialists often make a unique contribution
by creatively transforming theory and knowledge into
 Curriculum specialists are students of the discipline of
curriculum. They examine and reexamine theory and
knowledge from their field and related fields.
 Curriculum specialists stimulate research on curricular
problems. They encourage the use of results of research
to continue effort to improve the curriculum.

The Curriculum specialist can be:

A philosopher, A psychologist, A sociologist, A
human relations expert, A technology expert, A
theoretician, A historian, A scholar in one or more
disciplines, An evaluator, A researcher, An instructor,
A system, analyst.

2. Supervisors
A supervisor is perceived as a specialist who works
in three domain:
 Instructional development,

 Curriculum development and staff, and

 Primarily teacher development.

Menurut Hamalik,
Isi dan materi pelajaran

Kurikulum Rencana pembelajaran

Pengalaman belajar
Sejarah Kurikulum di Indonesia
 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994,
2004, 2006
 konsekuensi logis dari terjadinya perubahan sistem
politik, sosial budaya, ekonomi, dan iptek dalam
masyarakat berbangsa dan bernegara
 kurikulum nasional dirancang berdasarkan
landasan yang sama, yaitu Pancasila dan UUD
1945, perbedaanya pada penekanan pokok dari
tujuan pendidikan serta pendekatan dalam
Kurikulum 1968 dan
 Awalnya pada tahun 1947, kurikulum saat itu diberi
nama Rentjana Pelajaran 1947.
 masih dipengaruhi sistem pendidikan kolonial
Belanda dan Jepang
 Rentjana Pelajaran 1947 boleh dikatakan sebagai
pengganti sistem pendidikan kolonial Belanda.
 Menjelang tahun 1964, pemerintah kembali
menyempurnakan sistem kurikulum di Indonesia.
 Kali ini diberi nama Rentjana Pendidikan 1964.
 Ciri dari kurikulum ini adalah bahwa pemerintah
mempunyai keinginan agar rakyat mendapat
pengetahuan akademik untuk pembekalan pada
jenjang SD, sehingga pembelajaran dipusatkan
pada program Pancawardhana (Hamalik, 2004),
yaitu pengembangan moral, kecerdasan,
emosional/artistik, keprigelan, dan jasmani.
 Kurikulum 1968 merupakan pembaharuan dari
Kurikulum 1964, yaitu dilakukannya perubahan
struktur kurikulum pendidikan dari Pancawardhana
menjadi pembinaan jiwa pancasila, pengetahuan
dasar, dan kecakapan khusus.
 Kurikulum berorientasi pada materi (subjek matter)
Kurikulum 1975
 Berorientasi pada tujuan
 Kelemahan kurikulum 1975 adalah digantinya
buku-buku sebagai acuan sehingga kurikulum
menjadi tidak menguntungkan dan kurang memberi
makna. Selain itu guru juga belum siap untuk
Kurikulum 1984
Kurikulum 1984 memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
 Berorientasi kepada tujuan instruksional.

 Pendekatan pengajarannya berpusat pada anak

didik melalui cara belajar siswa aktif (CBSA)
 Materi pelajaran dikemas dengan nenggunakan
pendekatan spiral.
 Menanamkan pengertian terlebih dahulu sebelum
diberikan latihan.
 Materi disajikan berdasarkan tingkat kesiapan
atau kematangan siswa.
 Menggunakan pendekatan keterampilan proses.
Kurikulum 1994
 Pembagian tahapan pelajaran di sekolah dengan
sistem caturwulan
 Pembelajaran di sekolah lebih menekankan materi
pelajaran yang cukup padat (berorientasi kepada
materi pelajaran/isi)
 Kurikulum 1994 bersifat populis, yaitu yang
memberlakukan satu sistem kurikulum untuk semua
siswa di seluruh Indonesia
Akibat dari kecenderungan kepada pendekatan
penguasaan materi (content oriented), tjd masalah:
 Beban belajar siswa terlalu berat karena
banyaknya mata pelajaran dan banyaknya
materi/substansi setiap mata pelajaran
 Materi pelajaran dianggap terlalu sukar karena
kurang relevan dengan tingkat perkembangan
berpikir siswa, dan kurang bermakna karena
kurang terkait dengan aplikasi kehidupan sehari-
Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi –
Versi Tahun 2002 dan 2004
 KBK menitikberatkan pada pengembangan
kemampuan untuk melakukan (kompetensi) tugas-
tugas tertentu sesuai dengan standar performance
yang telah ditetapkan
 pendidikan mengacu pada upaya penyiapan
individu yang mampu melakukan perangkat
kompetensi yang telah ditentukan.
Dasar pemikiran untuk menggunakan konsep
kompetensi dalam kurikulum adalah sebagai berikut.

 Kompetensi berkenaan dengan kemampuan siswa

melakukan sesuatu dalam berbagai konteks.
 Kompetensi menjelaskan pengalaman belajar yang
dilalui siswa untuk menjadi kompeten.
 Kompeten merupakan hasil belajar (learning outcomes)
yang menjelaskan hal-hal yang dilakukan siswa setelah
melalui proses pembelajaran.
 Kehandalan kemampuan siswa melakukan sesuatu
harus didefinisikan secara jelas dan luas dalam suatu
standar yang dapat dicapai melalui kinerja yang
dapat diukur.
Tiga unsur pokok program
pendidikan dalam KBK, yaitu:
 pemilihan kompetensi yang sesuai;
 spesifikasi indikator-indikator evaluasi untuk
menentukan keberhasilan pencapaian kompetensi;
 pengembangan sistem pembelajaran.
Ciri-ciri KBK
 Menekankan pada ketercapaian kompetensi siswa baik
secara individual maupun klasikal.
 Berorientasi pada hasil belajar (learning outcomes) dan
 Penyampaian dalam pembelajaran menggunakan
pendekatan dan metode yang bervariasi.
 Sumber belajar bukan hanya guru, tetapi juga sumber
belajar lainnya yang memenuhi unsur edukatif.
 Penilaian menekankan pada proses dan hasil belajar
dalam upaya penguasaan atau pencapaian suatu
Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi – Versi KTSP
(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan)
 Esensi isi dan arah pengembangan pembelajaran tetap
masih bercirikan tercapainya paket-paket kompetensi (dan
bukan pada tuntas tidaknya sebuah subject matter), yaitu:
 Menekankan pada ketercapaian kompetensi siswa baik
secara individual maupun klasikal.
 Berorientasi pada hasil belajar (learning outcomes) dan
 Penyampaian dalam pembelajaran menggunakan
pendekatan dan metode yang bervariasi.
 Sumber belajar bukan hanya guru, tetapi juga sumber
belajar lainnya yang memenuhi unsur edukatif.
 Penilaian menekankan pada proses dan hasil belajar dalam
upaya penguasaan atau pencapaian suatu kompetensi.
Terdapat perbedaan mendasar dibandingkan
dengan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi sebelumnya
(versi 2002 dan 2004), bahwa sekolah diberi
kewenangan penuh menyusun rencana
pendidikannya dengan mengacu pada standar-
standar yang telah ditetapkan, mulai dari tujuan,
visi – misi, struktur dan muatan kurikulum, beban
belajar, kalender pendidikan, hingga
pengembangan silabusnya.

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