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 -

Dependent on function of :


 Video: “old school” Douglas Bag
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 VO2 = (VE) x {[(1-(FEO2 + FECO2)) x (0.265)]

– (FEO2)}

 Maximal rate at which oxygen

can be taken up, distributed,
and used by the body during
physical activity.
 Several methods are acceptable

Predicted Max HR = 220-age

For VO2 Testing we will use:

Age-Predicted HRmax[206.9 – (0.67 x age)]
Most reach fatigue at 18-19 (very, very strong)
 Most reach fatigue at 9-10 (really, really

 Used to help individuals monitor

intensity with a rating system

 Preferred method of intensity for

individuals on medications that affect
heart rate
 Indicator of overall effort” - includes
rating of exertion, respiration, HR &
emotional response to the exercise

 Pair HR with a given RPE so that you can

establish their training zone
Box 4.4, p 84 (ACSM text)

 Angina
 Significant drop in SBP with increase in work rate (≥
 Excessive ↑ in BP: SBP > 250 mm Hg or DBP > 115 mm
 Subject requests to stop
 Shortness of breath, leg cramps, wheezing
 Signs of poor perfusion: light-headedness, confusion,
ataxia, cyanosis, nausea, cold/clammy skin
 HR does not increase with increase in workload
 Severe fatigue
 Noticeable change in heart rhythm
 Equipment failure
Stop test if these are achieved:
 Oxygen consumption plateaus during last minutes (i.e., does not
increase with increase in workload/intensity)

 Reach age predicted maximal HR: HR ±10 bpm of age-predicted


 Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) increases to 1.15 or higher (ratio

of carbon dioxide produced to volume of oxygen consumed)

 Note: Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER)

› Fat = 0.7
› Carbohydrate = 1.0
› Rest ~ 0.78 - 0.80
› Amino acids & fats in liver < 0.70
 VO2: absolute volume of oxygen consumption
 VO2/kg: relative volume of oxygen
 VCO2: absolute volume of carbon dioxide
 VE: pulmonary ventilation
 RR: respiratory rate
 VT: ventilatory threshold
 FEO2: fraction of expired air that is O2
 FECO2: fraction of expired air that is CO2
 REE: rate of energy expenditure
 AcKcal: sum of Kcal used for the exercise test
 Primary purpose: to predict VO2max from
the HR workload relationship

 Client health status

 Can client safely complete max or certain

submax tests

 Equipment available

 Training to exercise staff

 A steady state HR is obtain at each exercise work
rate and is consistent each day
 A linear relationship exists between HR and work
 The maximal work load is indicative of the VO2max
 Maximal HR for a given age is uniform ( the
prediction equation accurately predicts max HR)
 Mechanical efficiency is the same for everyone
 Subject is not on medications or supplements that
alter HR

 Do not hold handrails – this will overestimate

6 min walk test:
 used for older/clinical populations
 Submaximal test, but may max out some
 Predicts morbidity and mortality
 < 300 meters demonstrate limited short-term survival

How well does a test predict VO2max?

 R2 = Coefficient of Determination (range 0-1.0)

› How well the field test predicts VO2max
 Motivation – difficult to monitor
 Pacing ability
 Individual’s with very low fitness will max out
 Little equipment needed - economic
 BP and HR not monitored
 Very unfit individuals may still max out

 Little equipment
 Economical
 Test large groups quickly
 Advantages:
 Little equipment needed - economic
 Provide a safe alternative to max testing.
 Commonly employed to assess the aerobic fitness levels of what kind of
› sedentary, non-athletic subjects;
› large groups of people; and/or
› older individuals.
 Are preferred by non-medical facilities (health clubs, wellness centers,
wellness classes)

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