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Eating Disorders

Natalia Ortiz MD
Associate Professor of Clinical
Lewis Katz-Temple University
Eating Disorders

I declare that I have no personal nor

familial conflict of interest affecting this
Eating Disorders
 1. To identify the diagnostic criteria for
anorexia, bulimia nervosa and binge
eating disorder
 2. To identify the medical complications
associated with eating disorders
 3. To learn what are the effective
treatments used for eating disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
 Diagnosis (DSM-V):

 Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements, leading to

significant body weight (age/sex/dev and health).

 Intense fear gaining w./ fat even though underweight.

 Body Image Disturbance: way bw/shape is experienced; bw

influence on self-evaluation or denial of seriousness of current
low BW.
Anorexia Nervosa
 Types (sxs x past 3 months): restricting or

 Severity: BMI(kg/m2)
• Mild >17
• Moderate 16-16.99
• Severe 15-15.99
• Extreme <15
Anorexia Nervosa
 Body Image Disturbance:
 Of Perception: views selected body parts as unrealistic big.
Predictive of tx outcome.
 Of Cognition (dissatisfaction): w/ shape, - physical
appearance, thinness is 1ary source of value.
 Of Behavior: body image avoidance, “checking behavior”,
avoids anxiety about body (e.g. swim).

 Eating Behavior:
 Eats what is perceived as “safe, good” food.
 Rituals (to reduce anxiety): cutting food small pieces, mixing
foods, cover taste food w/ excess condiments; too slow/fast; w/
fingers, diluting, bread w/ fork.
Anorexia Nervosa
 Incidence: 10:1 per 100,000 (women:men/year in
 Prevalence: 0.3-0.7 % young adult females

 Onset: early adolescence

 Course: 50 % full recovery, 30% partial; 20% chronic.
 10% in 10 y; 20% in 20 y: will die from medical

complications or suicide

 Mortality rate: 0.6 %/year

Anorexia Nervosa
 Genetics: 50 %
 Pre-morbid personalities: OCD, anxious, avoidant, perfectionist,
pleasers, avoid affects and risks, avoid conflict, prefer
predictable environments, ruminate, like routines, have
difficulties with change.
 Will like to stand out
 12 times more chance if mom/sister w/ AN

 Sociocultural: different ethnic and socioeconomic

backgrounds; more prevalent in western.
 Thiness ideal: self-control and power
Medical Complications
 Nutritional Assessment:

 Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg)/Height (m)2

• Normal range: 20-25
• Underweight: 17.5-20
• Anorexic <17.5

 % Expected body weight (EBW):

• Women: [100 lb. for 1st 5 feet + 5 lb./inch above 5 feet] +-
• Men: [106 lb. for 1st 5 feet + 6 lb./inch above 5 feet]+-10%
Medical Complications
 Endocrine: amenorrhea (low FSH, LH), osteoporosis (low estrogen/Ca),
euthyroid sick syndrome (T4 to T3), increase GH & cortisol, decrease ADH
secretion; infertility; cold int; large parotids.

 GI: constipation, int. diarrhea, small stomach,delayed g emptying; high

LFTs (fatty liver), gastric distention, h amylase, low albumin; low Zn & Mg;
high cholesterol
 CV: small L ventricle; low CO; bradycardia; hypotension; arrhythmias.

 Renal: high BUN, low GFR; edema; renal calculi; electrolytes’

abnormalities ( Na, K, phosphorus).
 Hemato: anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, lymphocytosis, low
complement; bm atrophy.
 Skin: carotenemia; lanugo; thin hair; dry skin.
 Neuro: “pseudoatrophy”; low production of NE and serotonin;
Anorexia Nervosa
 Schizophrenia
 Medical:
malignancies, hyperthyroidism,
Re-feeding Process
 Avoid Bulimia Nervosa: 50 % pts AN
 Increase 2 lbs/wk
 Zn (100 mg/d), Ca (1g/day), MV.
 PO phosphate: avoid deficits.
 Monitor edema, vol.overload.
 Hormone replacement or OCP if <70% IBW w/ osteop.
 Psycho-education; see psychotherapies
 Check fears about food
 Dev. responses to hunger/satiety
 No psychopharmacology
Bulimia Nervosa
 DSM-IV criteria:
A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating characterized by
both of the following:

A. Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g. within 2

hr period), more than most people eat during
similar period and under similar circumstances.

B. A sense of lack of control over eating during the

Bulimia Nervosa
B. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to
prevent weight gain (e.g. vomiting, laxatives, diuretics,
enemas), fasting or excessive exercise

C. Behaviors occur at least 1/wk for 3 months.

D. Self-evaluation influenced by body shape and weight

E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of

anorexia nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
 Severity: (# episodes/week)
 Mild 1-3
 Moderate 4-7
 Severe 8-13
 Extreme 14 or more
Bulimia Nervosa
 Epidemiology: (pre) 1-3 % of young women;
(in) 15 women:0.5 male per 100,000/year.

 Etiology:

 Serotonin and norepinephrine

 Endorphin: high in purging type
 High achievers, respond to social pressure
 Many are depressed and have family hx of
depression; higher conflict in families
 More angry and impulsive than A.N
Bulimia Nervosa
Personality Traits
Difficulty w/ trust (few relationships), lack of
• Shoplifting, drugs and alcohol dep, emotional
lability, self-destructive sexual behaviors
• Ego-dystonic binging
• Difficulties separating from caretakers (absence of
transitional objects during child.)
 Binging: wish fuse with caregiver
 Purging: wish separation
Bulimia Nervosa
 Behaviors:

 Binge: not chewed (fast), dissociative, sweets

 Compensatory behavior: decreases guilt, anxiety, sadness,

bloated sensations and fear of wt gain after binge.

 Weight is variable, usually normal

 Can have other eating behaviors: struggle w/ meal (rituals), pica

Bulimia Nervosa
Medical Complications
 Hypochloremic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia
 Gastric and esophageal tears (rare)
 Cardiomyopathy: ipecac
 Cardiac arrhythmias
 Hyperamylasemia, GI obstruction, gastroparesis, GI bleed,
erosions, ulcers
 Peripheral edema, renal failure
 Irregular menstruation
 Hypotension and bradycardia at times
 Starvation might be not obvious
 Caries
 Russell’s sign
Bulimia Nervosa
 Comorbidities:

 Mood d/o
 Anxiety d/o
 Substance-related d/o
 Personality d/o
 Impulse control d/o
 Dissociative d/o
Bulimia Nervosa
 Differential Dx:

 AN purging type
 CNS tumors
 Kluver-Bucy syndrome: visual agnosia, compulsive
licking and biting, examination of obj with mouth,
inalibity to ignore any stimulus, placidity, altered
sexual behaviors and dietary habits (high).
 Klein-Levin syndrome: hypersomnia (2-3 wks) and
hyperphagia; men>women; adolescents
 Borderline: can binge eat
Bulimia Nervosa
Course and Prognosis

 Course: variable

 If Tx: 50% improvement, 30% (p), 20 % (c)

 Waxing waning

 Hospitalized pt: 1/3 doing well after 3 years, > 1/3 some
improvement, 1/3 poor (chronic)
 Prognosis dep. On medical complications
Bulimia Nervosa
 Treatment:

 Psychotherapy: individual w/ CBT; group; family tx

 Identify and tx comorbidities
 Inpt: if med complications or psych dangerousness.

 CBT:
• Identify thoughts, feelings and behaviors leading to
• Behavioral contract to control those
• Splitting of food: bad food is vomited
Bulimia Nervosa
 Medications:

• Ssris e.g. fluoxetine 60-80 mg

• Imipramine, desipramine, trazodone and maois:
• Carbamazepine, li: can help comorbidities only
• Naltrexone (200-300 mg/day)
• Ondansetron (24 mg/day in 6 doses)
Binge Eating Disorder
 A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating:
 Short time, large meal
 Lack of control

 B. Episode associated with at least 3:

 Faster than normal
 Uncomfortably full
 Large meal when not hungry
 Alone since embarrassed
 Disgusted about self, depressed or guilty afterwards
Binge Eating Disorder
 C. Marked distress regarding binge eating
 D. Episodes 1/wk x3 mo.
 E. No use of compensatory behaviors. Not part
of A. N. or B.N.
Binge Eating Behavior
 Severity: (#episodes/wk)
 Mild 1-3
 Moderate 4-7
 Severe 8-13
 Extreme 14 or more
Binge Eating Disorder
 Characteristics:

 10 % with Hx of BN
 Prevalence: 2 % women, 0.8% male
 ¼ of obese pts have BED
 Usually presents for tx in the 40’s
 Emotional eating

 Risk factors: parental dep; obesity; exp. – comments

shape/ w and eating.

 Comorbidities: anxiety, depression; DM, HTN,

hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, CAD
Eating disorders and trauma
 To numb feelings by binging or starving

 To cleanse themselves by purging

 To punish self by starving

Treatment eating disorders
 Psychotherapy:

 Family Therapy
 Interpersonal Psychotherapy
 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
 Group Therapy
 Exercise Therapy
 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
 References:
 1.APA Publishing DSM-5. 2013.
 2. Briber, S; Leavy, P; Quinn, C.E.; Zoiro, J. “The mass
marketing of disordered eating and eating disorders: The
social psychology of women, thinness and culture.
Women’s studies international forum. Vol. 29(2). Mar-Apr
2006, 208-224. (PsycInfoHesse Ovid)
 3. Gardfinkel, P.E., Garner, D.M. Handbook for treatment
of eating disorders. 1997. 2nd edition. Gulford Press.
 4. Kaplan H.I. and Sadock, B.J. Comprehensive
Textbook of Psychiatry. “Eating Disorders”. 9th edition,
2009. (R2 online, Temple School of Medicine”.
 5. Mitchell, J. E.a; Crow, S.b. “Medical complications of
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa”. Current opinion
in Psychiatry. 19(4): 438-443, July 2006. (Journals Ovid
Full Text).
 6. Soderster, P; Bergh, C; Zandir, M. “Understanding
eating disorders”. Hormones and behavior. Vol. 50(4).
Nov. 2006, 572-578. (PsycInfo Ovid).

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