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“The Value of

Just One”
The Parable of the
Lost Coin

Luke 15:8-10
Jesus speaks of a
woman in this

A speaker in Middle Eastern culture

cannot compare a male audience to
a woman without giving offense.
Jesus does it anyway with the intent
of elevating the status of all women.
I. There is a Purpose Attached to this Coin

In that day, married women wore a

headband that was made up of coins strung together.
These coins were typically given to the bride by her
father when she was married. This headband served
several functions in the life of the married woman of
that time.
1. It declared her
status as a married

Luke 15:8 Drachmas

2. Those coins also
declared her

The coins were her

insurance that if she
ever lost her
husband she would
have the coins to
support her
3. It was used to identify
sinful women.

If the woman is found

unfaithful her husband
might take the coins away
to her disgrace

If the husband discovers a coin

missing he might get the wrong
4. These coins were
there to bring glory to
the bride.

“…if she lose

one piece,…”
Luke 15:8

What a picture that coin is of men who do not

know the Lord.

Luke 15:8
1. Lost men are in darkness.

Luke 15:8
The homes were made with basalt (black volcanic
rock) floors. The rooms were about 7 feet high with six
inch slits near the top for the only windows. The floors
were stones pieced together, with numerous cracks
where the stones met.
The woman must light a lamp in the dark room and
painstakingly search for the coin.
2. Lost men are in the dirt .

“…and sweep the house, and seek

diligently till she find it?”

Luke 15:8
3. Lost men are in disuse

Transgression or neglect, that which is lost,

perhaps virtue or chastity, needs to be found
4. Lost men are
everywhere, even in the

In order to get back what

is lost, we need to repent
by searching and praying
for forgiveness.
How do you know
when you have been

Joy in Finding
Knowing that you had done
everything possible to find that
which was lost
“And when she hath found it, she
calleth her friends and her
neighbours together, saying, Rejoice
with me; for I have found the piece
which I had lost. ”

The woman
finds the coin
and invites the
neighbors to a
Luke 15:9
Having found the coin she has proven
her faithfulness and it is her success
that she wants to celebrate.

So it is with us,
when we fully
repent we rejoice to
be able to return to
the Savior
“Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy
in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner that repenteth. ”

Luke 15:10

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