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Drawing and Writing

Exercises for Children

Dr. Johnny Decatoria PhD

1. WRITE or DRAW a picture that tells about your
family or where you live ( or you used to live).

Objective: Determine the nature of critical

incident, experience or trauma.
2. In every person’s life, some good things happen
and some bad things happen. Draw a list of the
bad things that have happened to you.

Objective: Reality testing to assess children’s memories, orientation to

reality, perception of the critical incident and the level of
severity of negative emotional impact, if any.
3. If you close your eyes, you will easily remember
what happened to you. Where were you when
the incident happened? Write something or
draw a picture of that place.

Objective: To allow debriefing: give each child in the group

the chance to recall, relive and relate or share
with each other the incident
4. How did you feel at that time? Did you get
scared? What sounds did you hear? What
did you see? Do you remember any smell?
Remember how your body felt? Draw or
write something about it.

Objective: To identify the prominent and disturbing

emotions and thoughts following the
5. Do you feel safe in this place now? Draw
something or make a list of things that would
help you to feel safe.

Objective: Healing begins here. Children must be able to see the

change in their situation. The feeling level must be
expressed clearly in order to affirm their belief that
they are safe in this place now.

6. Are there any other feelings? Are you angry?

Sad/ anxious/ afraid? Draw or write these

Objective: Psychological residues, if any, will be processed here. Feelings of

loss, separation anxiety or depression may surface at this point.
7. Write or draw a picture of the worst thing
you worry might happen to you.

Objective: Children need assurance.

8. Draw or write something that would help
you to feel safe.

Objective: The process provides reassurance to help

them feel safe.
9. Being exposed to “bad experiences” or frightening
situations can give you bdreams, headaches,
nervousness, trouble sleeping, repetitive
thoughts about the incident, and others. Write or
draw a picture of any bad dreams or frightening
and repetitive thoughts you have had.

Objective: Understanding of the post-traumatic stress reactions;

that these symptoms {such as nightmares} are
10. What do you do when you have a bad
dream or when you have negative reactions?
Or when you feel nervous and have sleep
problems? Can you write or draw something
about what you do to help you feel better?

Objective: Determine other complaints and negative stress

reactions or trauma symptoms.
11. Write or draw a picture of a dream you
would like to have.

Objective: Awareness of helpful and effective coping mechanisms and

strategies to help them feel better and survive from the very
fearful experience.
12. Write or draw something how you feel
about the incident NOW.

Objective: Recognition of the HERE and NOW situation.

13. Draw a picture of YOU BEFORE the

Objective: Recognizing their past condition; assessing

how the event impacted on their self-
14. Draw a picture of you now.

Objective: Recognizing the present condition and how

they look at themselves.
15. In every person’s life some good things
happen and some bad things happen. Can
you draw or list the GOOD things in your

Objective: To examine and recognize existing turn of

events, good things can also happen.
16. Hope means you believe things can get better.
Maybe things are not so good in your life right
now, but someday they will be better. You can
have hope. Write a Story about Hope ( You can
draw pictures if you like)

Objective: HOPE OR WISHES for the FUTURE can indicate brighter

side of the child’s perception about life and events in life; also
expressive of possible healing or recovery process.
17. You may also draw or write some wishes
you have for the future.

Objective: Indicates child’s insight about recovery and

make plans for the future.
18. Are there other things or feelings you wish
to express or draw?

Objective: Dreams and visions for future.

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