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Improving people awareness for

sustainable development and

lifestyles in harmony with nature.
Febri Ayunikasari
Feby Nuraeni
Nofi Alfiyah
Nuansa Purnama Bangsa
Nurfadilah Yusuf
Lifestyle aligned with nature
(living green) needs to get the attention of
the public and government in the world, as an
effort to reduce global warming that became the
source of climate change.
• islam religion
In Islam, a Muslim has a responsibility to protect
the environment
Q.S Al Baqaroh ayat 30
ْ‫ض َخ ِليفَة‬ ْ ِ ‫ُّك ِلل َم ََل ِئ َك ِْة ِإ ِني َجا ِعلْ ِْفي اْلَر‬ َْ ‫ل َرب‬ َْ ‫ َو ِإذْ قَا‬. ‫ل‬ُْ َ‫قَالُوا أَتَجع‬
َْ َ‫س ل‬
‫ك‬ ُْ ‫ك َوْنُقَ ِد‬
َْ ‫ح ِب َحم ِد‬ َ ُ‫ن ن‬
ُْ ‫س ِب‬ ُْ ‫الد َما َْء َونَح‬
ِ ‫ك‬ ُْ ‫فِي َها َمنْ يُف ِس ُْد فِي َها َويَس ِف‬.
َْ ‫ل تَعلَ ُمون‬
َ َْ ‫ل ِإ ِني أَعلَ ُْم َما‬ َْ ‫قَا‬
And, when you Lord said to the angel, " Indeed, I will
make upon the earth a successive authority." They
said, " Will You place upon the one who causes
corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare
Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, i
know that which you do not know."
َْ ‫رواه (م َمنْ أَحيى أَرضا َم ِيتَةْ فَ ِه‬
‫قال رسول هللا ص‬. ُ‫ي لَ ْه‬

"Rasulullah SAW said: Whoever revives the dead
earth, then the earth becomes his." (HR
Live With Nature Alignment
• Resfect for nature
• Care about nature
• Responsibility to nature
• The simple life in harmony with nature
Lifestyle effects are not aligned nature

Damage that can be a result of being out of tune

with nature. Thermal temperatures, floods,
landslides and even more vulnerable human
bodies are the consequences that arise after
humans do not coexist with nature in harmony.

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