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Employee Engagement
■ Employee engagement is a property of the relationship between an organization and its
employees. An "engaged employee" is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and
enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization's
reputation and interests. An engaged employee has a positive attitude towards the
organization and its values.
■ Employee engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all
members of an organization to give of their best each day, committed to their
organization’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, with
an enhanced sense of their own well-being. An organization with "high" employee
engagement might therefore be expected to outperform those with "low" employee
Need for the study
■ Employee Engagement is a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all
employees to give of their best each day, committed to their company’s goals and values,
motivated to contribute to overall success, with an enhanced sense of their own well-
■ Better engagement means better productivity. Corporations whose employees are
engaged perform better than the other companies. When employees are engaged at work,
they feel a connection with the company. They believe that the work they're doing is
important and therefore work harder.
■ When competition for top talent is fierce, and the cost of training new hires is steep, you
can’t afford not to engage your employees. Especially when you consider the benefits of
innovation, higher profits, and the sheer enjoyment of standing at the helm of a fully
engaged workforce.
■ Employees who are engaged at work feel satisfied with their careers and are generally
happier individuals than employees who aren’t.
Importance of the study

■ Employee engagement is extremely critical for organizational efforts. And how

successful you are in engaging your employees will determine how successful are with
your efforts.
■ Organizations these days face a tremendous challenge meeting the demands of the
customers & rapid market change. In such a situation they need to motivate their
employees to give better results.
■ “Anything is possible with inspiring workplace”
Objectives of the study

■ To study the concept of employee engagement.

■ To study the factors contributing towards effective employee engagement.
■ To study the strategies adapted by Medconverge to keep their employees engaged.
■ To draw suggestions, if necessary .
Research methodology
■ The data collected from the employees is the primary data. To support the primary data,
required particulars have been gathered by referring to Company’s performance
analysis reports, earlier research work in the area of employee engagement, HR journals
and from articles in business magazines and journals.
■ Research Design is the conceptual structure within which the research is conducted. It is
the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in manner that aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
■ Random sampling technique
■ Primary data & Secondary data.
Meaning :
■ Employee engagement is the emotional attachment employees feel towards their place of
work, job role, position within the company, colleagues and culture and the affect this
attachment has on wellbeing and productivity.

■ “The harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles; in engagement,
people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during
role performances.”
~William Kahn
Factors effecting employee engagement

■ Strategic Alignment
■ Trust in Senior Leadership
■ Immediate Manager Working Relationship
■ Peer Culture
■ Personal Influence
■ Nature of Career
■ Career Support
■ Nature of the Job
■ Development opportunities
■ Employee recognition
■ Pay fairness
Employee engagement process



Literature Survey- I
Few years ago Southwest Airlines, the world’s largest low-cost carrier, unveiled a new logo
(a heart colored by blue, red and orange stripes). Two years later Southwest Airlines is ready
to unveil a bold and bright new uniform design. However, instead of hiring an outside
company for the undertaking, it tapped employees to the job.

They put out an open call to employees from all departments. Anyone interested in
contributing thoughts and suggestions to the design of the airline’s new uniform was
welcome to apply. There were forty-three employees selected for the job.

In the span of 19 months employees met every two weeks in Chicago and Dallas to
collaborate on the design of the new uniforms. A bolder, more fashion forward and
functional uniform for employees was the result. The new uniforms are also machine
washable, a rarity when it comes to airline attire. Those who participated in this undertaking,
such as Joan Mast, a flight attendant for the airline for 36 years, called it an “unforgettable
■ HISTORY: MedConverge was registered in 2001. MedConverge is one of the few
companies that managed to survive despitenumerous odds. MedConverge had its share
of failures but learnt lessons quickly. MedConverge has an excellent track record and
reputation in the industry. Currently MedConverge has more than 50 full time and part
time employees. Over the years, MedConverge has evolved a system which has
rationalized pay structure. This has resulted in increased profits.
Achieve excellence in creating and providing economically viable solutions and services
through constant
To bring together technology to provide the most comprehensive healthcare revenue
cycle management solutions.
■ Products & Services:
a) Medical Billing and Coding Services
b) Medical Transcription Services
Chapter IV: Data analysis
■ Satisfaction at work ■ Expectations at work

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the
employees are satisfied with their work
employees are aware about what is
in the organization.
expected from them in the organization
■ Strategic goals of the organization ■ Reference to work

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees are aware about the strategic employees are willing to refer their friends
goals of the broader organization. or family to the organization.
■ Communication of information ■ Access to things at organization

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees are willing to refer their friends employees agree that they have access to
or family to the organization. things they need in the organization.
■ Training for work completion ■ Best at work

■ INTERPRETATION:Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees agree that they have receive the employees agree that their team inspires
required training for them to give their best at work.
completion/understanding of their work.
■ Understanding of career/promotion path ■ Provision of tools at work

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees are neutral that they have a clear employees are neutral that they receive the
understanding about the career/promotion right tools to work.
■ Asking for help ■ Understanding formal structure

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees are employees are aware about employees agree that they have an
whom to approach for help when something understanding about the formal structures
unexpected comes up. and processes in the organization.
■ Frequency of recognition from manager ■ Best place to work

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees are neutral that they receive employees are neutral that Medconverge is
recognition from their managers frequently. the best place to work.
■ Relationship with co-workers ■ Relationship with higher authority

■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the ■ INTERPRETATION: Majority of the

employees agree about their relationship employees are neutral about their
with their co – workers. relationship with higher authority.
■ The organization must organize more activities and that will make employees participate,
which will help employees have a sense of belongingness towards the organization.
■ The organization must also concentrate on increasing the flow of communication between
the higher and lower level.
■ The management must provide appropriate training to their employees which will help
them in their career and promotion opportunities.
■ The organization must provide appropriate tools to help them in completion of work.
■ The employees must be regularly revised about the organization formal structures and
■ The managers must try to recognize and appreciate the work of employees on regular basis.
■ The organization must also try to collect regular feedback from employees regarding the
employee/salary structure, know if there are any problem and solve them which would help
retain the employees and decrease attrition rate.
■ According to the study employee are satisfied with the organizational structure and its
functioning . The organization can retain its employees and reduce in attrition rate if it
can concentrate on providing more growth/promotion opportunities. The organization
must also concentrate on providing the required tools to their employees which will
increase their efficiency at work.
■ The study was limited only for 45 days which was not enough to collect and study the
employee structure at the organization.
■ The employees were not ready or willing to fill the questionnaire.
■ The management found it difficult to distribute the questionnaire to the right set of
employees from their organization.
■ Time consuming process to analyze and interpret the data.

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