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1.Identify the different oral forms of

literature during the pre-colonial
2. Create different oral forms of
literature in different perspective
3. Appreciate the value of oral forms
of literature.
• Who was the
protagonist of the
• Who was the antagonist
of the movie?
• What is the reason
beyond,why the girl
wants to kill boy?
The forms of oral Literature during the
pre-colonial period will be discussed.
• Bulong - It is used in witchcraftor
1. Tabi-Tabi poh.
2. Makikiraan lang po.
3. Tabi po apo,alisin mo po ang sakit ng apo ko.
4. Umalis kayo baka mabangga kayo!
• is a statement or a questions or phrase having a
doubleor veiled meaning but forth as puzzle to
be solved.
1. Three eyes have I,All in a row,when the road is
opens,all freeze. ( traffic light).
2. What animal walks in on all fours,in the
morning,two in the afternoon, and three in
the evening? (Man-Since he crawl as a child,walks
and uses a cane when gets older.
• It is a pitchy saying in general
use,stating a general truth or piece of

1. Provebs 27: 1
- Do not boast about tomorrow, for you
donnot know what a day may
bring forth.
• Something such as an adage or

Example :
1. I have found that if you love life,
Life will love you back.
2. It is not the length of life,but depth of life.
• It is an indigenous type of filipino poem that is
traditionally in tagalog language.
• Tanaga is a type of short filipino poem
consisting of four lines
• With seven syllables each with the same
rhyme at the end of each line.
• Example:
Oh! Be resilient you stake,
Should be waters be coming,
I shall Cowar as moss.
To you I shall be clinging.
Values Integration/formation
• Values Integration/formation
• 1. Collaborative
• - Working on different groups
understanding the strength and weakness of
others and self as individuals.
• 2. Social Integration
• - Helping students to take part
in social communities not just in the
neighbourhood but globally.
• a. What are the forms of oral
literature during pre-colonial period?
• b. What is Provebs?
• c. What is Riddle?
• d. What is Sayings?
Group 1 – Kasabihan/Sayings
Group 2 – Salawikain/Provebs
Group 3 – Tanaga/Poems
Group 4 - Riddle
1. What are the 4 forms of oral literature during pre-colonial period?
a. Riddle,Sayings,Provebs,Whisp
b.Riddle,sayings,provebs and Bulong/whispered.
c. Sayings,Provebs,Bulong/Whispered and Rider.
d. Bulong/Whispered,Riddle,Sagging and Proverbs.
2. What is riddle?
a. It is a pitchy saying in general use,stating a general truth or piece of advice.
b. Something such as an adage or maxim
c. It is used in witchcraftor enchantment.
d. is a statement or a questions or phrase having a doubleor veiled meaning but forth as
puzzle to be solved.
3. What is Provebs?
a. It is an indigenous type of filipino poem that is traditionally in tagalog language.
b.It is a pitchy saying in general use,stating a general truth or piece of advice.
c. Something such as an adage or maxim.
d. is a statement or a questions or phrase having a doubleor veiled meaning but forth as
puzzle to be solved.
4. Tabi-Tabi po,makikiraan lang po,and umalis kayo ng baka mabangga kayo is the example of?
a. Riddle b. Bulong/Whispered c. Sayings d. Poem.
5. 1. Provebs 27: 1 is the example of?
a. Salawikain/Proverbs b. Bugtong/Riddle c. Sayings d. Poem.

Write your own provebs

in life.

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