Crimsoc 2 Reviewer II

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 Crisis Management - is the process by which an organization deals
with a major event that threatens to harm the organization or the
general public.
Crisis - is any event that is expected to lead to an unstable and
dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community or
Risk Management - involves assessing potential threats and finding
the best ways to avoid those threats.
Crisis Management - dealing with threats after they have
occurred.Crises Management is occasionally referred as incident
 Crisis Negotiation - is a technique for law enforcement to
communicate with people who are threatening violence
including barricaded subject, hostage taker, stalkers,
threats, workplace violence or person threatening suicide.
Forensic Psychology - forensic discipline that evaluates
behavioral patterns and how they relate to crime.
Hostage Negotiation - a negotiation conducted between law
enforcement agencies, diplomatic or other governmental
representatives for the release of a person held hostage
against their will by criminal, terrorist or other elements.
 Crises Management Plan - crises
management methods of a business or

3 Elements of Crises Management

1. threat to the organization or public
2. element of surprise
3. short decision time
 Types of Crises
1. Natural Disaster
2. Technological Crises
3. Confrontation
4. Malevolence
5. Organizational Misdeeds
6. Work place violence
7. Rumors
8. Terrorist attacks/Man made disasters
 Natural Disaster - considered acts of god - such as
environmental phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, floods, landslides, storms, tsunamis and droughts
that threaten life, property and the environment itself.
Technological Crises - are caused by
human application of science and technology.
Confrontation Crises - occur when discontented individuals
and/or groups, fight business, government and various
interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and
 Common Type of Confrontation Crises
1. Boycott
2. Picketing
3. Sit-ins
4. blockade
5. Occupation of buildings
6. Resisting/Disobeying police
7. Ultimatums to those in authority
 Crises of malevolence - opponents or miscreants
individuals use criminal means or other extreme
tactics for the purpose of expressing hostility or
anger toward a company or country with aim of
destabilizing or destroying it. ex. product
tampering, kidnapping, terrorism, espionage.
Crises of Organizational Deeds - occurs when
management takes actions it knows will harm
stakeholders without adequate precaution.
 3 Types of Organizational Misdeeds
1. Crises of skewed management values
2. Crises of Deception
3. Crises of Management Misconduct

 Human Behavior - refers to the range of behaviors

exhibited by humans and which are influenced by
culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority,
rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and genetics.
 Factors Affecting Human Behavior
1. Genetics
2. Attitude
3. Social Norms
4. Perceive behavioral control
5. Core faith
6. Survival instinct
 Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Criminal Behavior
1. Anxiety Disorders
2. Delirium
3. Delusional Disorder
4. Dementia
5. Impulse Control Disorder
6. Intoxication or withdrawal from medication or drugs
7. Malingering
8. Mood disorders such as major depression, anxiety disorders and
bipolar disorders
9. Personality disorders, especially anti social personality disorder
10.Pervasive developmental disorder (autism)
11.Psychotic disorder
13.Schizo-afflective disorder
14.Schizophreniform disorder
15.Substance dependence and abuse
16.Traumatic brain injury
 Mental Illness/Mental Disorder - a health conditions that changes a
persons thinking, feelings or behavior and that causes the person
distress and difficulty in functioning.
Schizophrenia - a long term mental disorder of a type involving a
breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion and behavior,
leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and
feelings,withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into
fantasy and delusion and a sense of mental fragmentation.
Autism - a mental condition present from early childhood
characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming
relationship with other people and in using language and abstract
 Hypnosis - the induction of a state of
consciousness in which a person apparently
losses the power of voluntary action and is
highly responsive to suggestions or directions.

Stalking - is a term used to refer to unwanted

and obsessive attention by an individual or
group to another person.
 2 Basic Instinct/Impulse

 Eros – life instinct – preservation of life

 Thanatos – Death instinct
 3 Possible Causes Of Crime And Delinquency

 Conscience so over bearing – strong

 Weak Conscience
 Desire for immediate gratification of needs
 3 Components Of The Human Personality

 ID
 Ego
 Super Ego
 3 Dimension Of Personality Related To Criminal Behavior –
Eysencks Theory

 Psychotism
 Extroversion
 Neurotism
 46 Chromosomes – normal person.

Female – XX on 23rd chromosomes

Male - XY on 23rd chromosomes

Anal – Anus is the source of gratification.

 Basic concept Of The Crisis Theory

 Equilibrium
 Time
 Change
 Behavior -

 Overt – directly seen

 Covert – motives, emotions
 Catatonic – wax – motor disorder, will stay in one
position for a long period without moving,
Change – the result of crisis on individual.
Coprolalia – obtaining of sexual pleasure by using
or hearing certain dirty words
Criminal Psychology – Human conduct against
criminal laws.
 Crisis – A state provoked when a process faces obstacle,
hazard to important life goals that is for a time
insurmountable through the utilization of
customary method of problem solving.
Delusion – erroneos belief

 Delusion of persecution
 Delusion of grandeur – you feel as a powerful person

Dyspareunia – painful intercourse
 Ego – In charge with reality.
Electra Complex – For female, female child
develop hatred to the mother but sexual attraction
to the father.
Equilibrium – state of balance
or adjustment between opposite or divergent
Exhibitionism – exposure of genitals in public.
 Extroversion – sensation seeking, anventurous,
dominant, assertive.
Faotreurism – rubbing genitals to other person.
Fetishism/Fatalism – sex objects are not human.
Frigidity – inability to have sexual arousal and
enjoy coitus.
Genetic Basis Of Criminology – bad seed theory.
 Genital – With other person.
Gonorrhea – infection of genitals acquired through
sexual contacts.
1. Inflammation
2. Discharge of white, yellow or
yellowish green fluid from the urethra
3.Burning sensation when
 Treatment – injection of penicillin

Halucination – perceive something without realistic


Hebephrenic – harmless, excessive withdrawal from

human contact, characterized by silliness and child like

Herpes – infection of the genetals acquired after 2-20

days of sexual contact with the carrier.
 Symptoms

 Sores, ruptures, and blisters

 It is recurrent

 Treatment – no sure cure yet

Histrionic – characterized bhy over reactivity.

 Homosexuality – sexual attraction and relationship with
the person of the same sex.
ID – Based on pleasure principle. Animal instinct.
Incest – sex with close relative
Insanity – Symptoms

 Halucination
 Delusion
 Klismaphilia – erotic activity involving the anal

Masochism – he is the one being hurt.

Mental disorder – is insanity. Is known as severe

psychosis, also called schizophrenia.

Narcisism – love of one's self

 Narcisistic Personality – inflated ego, “mataas ang
pagtingin sa sarili”
Necrophilia – sex with a corpse
Neurotism – low self esteem, mood swings,
excessive anxiety.
Oedipus Complex – For male, male child develop
hatred to the father but sexual attraction to the
 Oral – Mouth is source of gratification. From birth up to
3 years.

Paranoid – characterized by extreme suspiciousness,

most dangerous.

Paranoid Personality – characterized by suspiciousness

but absence ofdelusion and halucination. Neurotic.

Paraphilias – abnormal ways of sexual gratification.

 Personality Disorder – not insane

 Psychopath/Sociopath/Anti-social personality
 NarcisisticPersonality
 Paranoid Personality

 Histrionic

 Schizoid Personality
 Phallic – Source of pleasure is the sex organ.
About 5 years old.
Phedophilia – having sex with children, usually
below 13 years old.
Psychology – Study of behavior.
Psychopath – no sense of shame, no morality, do
not learn from their experience.
 Psychosexual development

 Oral

 Anal

 Phallic

 Genital
 Psychotism – aggressive, egocentric, impulsive.

Sadism – a person who achieve sexual

satisfaction by seeing the partner suffer.

Sado-Masochism – both sadism and masochism

Schizoid Personality – extreme social withdrawal.

 Sexual Disorders -

 SexualDysfunctions
 Paraphilias

 Gender identity Disorder

 Sexual Dysfunction – sexual disorder. Arousal

 Failure
to achieve orgasm
 Premature orgasm
 Sigmund Freud – psycho analytic theory.
Super Ego – In charge with morality – conscience.
Syphilis – STD disease acquired 3-4 weeks after sexual
contact with an infected person.
Symptom – Sore or chancre in the penis or scrotum for
male, cervix or vaginal walls for woman, can be
diagnosed by blood test.
 Treatment – antibiotics
 Time – involves the period of disorganization, period of
upset, and the period of adaptation.
Transvestism – cross-dressing, sexual gratification by
wearing the clothes of the opposite sex.
Types Of Psychosis

 Disorganized or hebephrenic
 Catatonic
 Paranoid
 Undifferentiated
 Undeffirentiated – simple schizophrenia, do not
care about their hygiene anymore, harmless, taong
Venereal Diseases – sexually transmitted diseases

 Gonorrhea
 Syphilis
 Herpes
 Aids
 Voyeurism – peeping tom

XYY – appearance of extra chromosomes,

violent people. Aggressive, usually tall.

Zoophilia/Bestiality – having sex with animal

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