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I. Code of Ethics Concept

i. The Code of Ethics for Law Enforcement personnel, is an

excellent guide for the most efficient duty performance.

ii. Any Law enforcement member who cannot abide by the

requirements of the Code of Ethics because of
temperament, lack of self-control, or weakness
character, should be relieved from police duties; the
SBMA Manager should take steps to retain or discharge
the individual.
iii. Violation of the rules of the code is sufficient
justification for relief from the law enforcement
duties and makes the individual liable for punitive

iv. As law enforcement officer, we are faced with

responsibilities that cannot be met by people of
shallow integrity. Those who enforce the law shall
abide by canons of ethics to achieve outstanding
performance of duties assigned.
II. Canon of Ethics for Law Enforcement Personnel

i. Manner of Exercising Authority.

Law Enforcement Officers are to carry out their duties in
a fair and impartial manner, so that respect for the
police is maintained.
ii. Manner of fulfilling Mission.
Law Enforcement personnel must deal with offenders in
a quite and dignified manner, so that there is no
question of insult, disobedience, argument, or offense
to the public peace.
iii. Personnel Responsibility for Appearance.
Police personnel are duty-bound to maintain a neat
appearance; to keep themselves physically fit; and to be
a model of security bearing and courtesy.

iv. Attitude Toward the Public in General.

Unwarranted harassment of people should be carefully
avoided to prevent low morale or unnecessary friction.
v. Assistance to Fellow Members of the Armed

Police Officers are duty-bound to render assistance to

service personnel. This assistance can range from giving
directions at a base entry point to actual emergency

vi. Attention to Duty

Police officers should be mindful that their duties require
their full attention. Drinking alcoholic beverages, or not
sleeping enough would negatively affect an individual’s
attention to duty.
vii. Attention Toward Carrying Out Favors
Law enforcement personnel must not try to gain favor
or popularity by easy-going methods, overlooking
discrepancies or otherwise failing to enforce regulations.
vii. No Authority to Punish Offenders and Annoy Civilians
Civilians who commit Infractions of a law may be
apprehended or detained when warranted; but, they
may not be punished in any manner by a law
enforcement personnel. (We are not the judge and jury)
ix. Dealing with Intoxicated Personnel
It is a duty of a Law enforcer to apprehend members of
the Armed Forces and civilians who are obviously
intoxicated beyond any sense of self-control and
mobility; and to take appropriate action in processing of
these individuals.
x. Avoid Foul Language

Law Enforcement personnel should refrain from the use

of profanity, smut and filth in their everyday
conversation so that personnel do not acquire the habit
of resorting to foul language in public while on duty.
xi. Refusal of Rewards, Gratuities and Advantages
It is improper for a Law Enforcement Officer to accept
any advantage, gratuity or reward for the performance
of official duty.

xii. Mental and Moral Constitution.

Law Enforcement personnel must strive to acquire
qualities of mental and moral make-up. Initiative,
dependability, common sense and tolerance are just a

Must radiate at all times in oneself and in a law

enforcement’s job to the point of maintaining a clean,
without blemish and peaceful life, exemplary to all.
Police members must be able to maintain
calmness during times of danger, rejections,
mock and the like. Must think of welfare of
others in priority of oneself and must be able to
treat with confidence any matters that relate to his
official capacity.

The badge does not give us the authority to abuse people.

Police officers are human beings who logically has
personal prejudices. But, these must be overcome and
police officers must condition themselves to be firm in
judgment with no display of hatred and with untiring
effort to go after law offenders. Police officers shall
enforce the law without fear or favors, without employing
unwarranted force or violence, and shall never accept gifts
or favors in any manner.
The Police officer’s creed:

1. I believe in God, The Supreme Being, Great Provider, and

The Creator of all men and everything dear to me. In return,
I can do no less than love Him above all, seek His
guidance in the performance of my sworn duties and
honor Him at all times.
2. I believe that respect for authority is a duty. I respect
and uphold the constitution, the laws of the land and
applicable rules and regulations. I recognize the
legitimacy and authority of the leadership; and follow
and obey legal orders of my superior officers.
3. I believe in selfless love and service to people. Toward
this end, I commit myself to the service of my
fellowmen over and above my personal convenience

4. I believe in the sanctity of marriage and the respect for

women. I shall set the example of decency and
morality and shall have high regard for family life and
5. I believe in responsible dominion and stewardship over
material things. I shall inhibit myself from ostentatious
display of my property. I shall protect the environment
and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance. I
shall respect private and public properties and prevent
others from destroying it.

6. I believe in the truthfulness. I must be trustworthy and I

shall speak the truth at all times as required by my
Police Stand on Basic Issues:

1. Equality in the Service – There shall be judicious and

equitable distribution of opportunity to prove one’s
worth in the police service.

2. Delicadeza - In the consonance with the requirements

of honor and integrity in the Police, all members must
have the moral courage to sacrifice self interest in
keeping with time honored principle of delicadeza.
3. Police Lifestyle – The Law Enforcer shall endeavor to
promote a lifestyle for every member of the
organization that is acceptable and respectable in the
eyes of the public.

4. Political Patronage – all police members shall inhibit

themselves from soliciting political patronage on
matters pertaining to assignment, award, training and

5. Human Rights – Members must respect and protect

human dignity and man’s inalienable rights to life,
liberty and property.

SEC.1. Standard of Police Professionalism –

All Police members shall perform their duties with

excellence, competence, integrity, intelligence and
expertise in the applicable of specialized skill and
technical knowledge.
SEC.2. Police Professional Conduct

1. Commitment to Democracy - Uniform Police

members commits themselves to the democratic way
of life and values and maintains the principle of public

2. Commitment to Public Interest – Members shall

always uphold public interest over and above personal
interest. All government properties resources and
powers of their respective offices must be employed
and used effectively, honestly and efficiently,
particularly to avoid wastage of public funds and
3. Non- Partisanship – Police member shall provide
services to everyone without discrimination
regardless of party affiliation in accordance with
existing laws and regulation.

4. Physical Fitness and Health – All Police member

shall strive to be physical and mentally fit and in
good health at all times.
5. Secrecy Discipline – All Police members shall guard
the confidentiality of classified information against
unauthorized disclosure, including confidential
aspects of official business, special orders,
communications and other documents, roster or any
portion thereof of the Police, contents of criminal
records, identities of person who may have given
information to the police in confidence and other
classified information on intelligence material
6. Devotion to Duty - all Police shall perform their
duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency,
enthusiasm, determination, and manifest concern for
public welfare, and shall refrain from engaging any
activity which shall be in conflict with their duties as
public servants.

7. Loyalty – Above all Police must be loyal to the

Constitution and the police service as manifested by
their loyalty to their superiors peers, and subordinate
as well.
8. Obedience to Superiors – All police shall obey lawful
and legal orders and courteous to superior officers and
other appropriate authorities within the chain of

9. Command Responsibility – In accordance with the

Doctrine on Command Responsibility, immediate
Commanders/Directors shall be responsible for the
effective supervision, control and direction of their
personnel and shall see to it that all government
resources shall be managed , expended or utilized in
accordance with laws and regulations and safeguard
against losses thru illegal or improper disposition.
SEC.3. Ethical Standard shall refer to established and
generally accepted moral values. Ethical acts to be
observed are the following;

1. Morality - Police member shall adhere to high standard

of morality and decency and shall set good examples
for others to follow.

2. Integrity – Police shall not allow themselves to be

victims of corruptions and dishonest practices in
accordance with the provisions of RA 6713 and other
applicable laws.
3. Justice – Police member shall strive constantly to
respect the right of others so that they can fulfill their
duties and exercise their rights as a human beings,
parents, children, citizens, worker, leaders or in other
capacities and to see to it that others do likewise.

4. Humility – Police shall recognize the fact that they are

public servants and not the masters of the people and
toward this duties without arrogance.
5. Orderliness - Police member shall follow logical
procedures in accomplishing tasks assigned to them
to minimized waste in the use of time, money and

Courtesy – a manifestation or expression of

consideration and respect for other.

1. Salute – is the usual greeting rendered by

uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing
person entitled to a salute.
2. Salute to National Colors and Standard
– members stand at attention and salute the
national color and standard as it pass by them or
when the national color is raised or lowered
during ceremonies.

3. Address/Title – Junior in rank address senior

members and officers (from LT to general) with
the word “Sir”.
1. Courtesy Calls of a Newly Assigned/
appointed Member – Police member who are
newly appointed or assigned in a unit or command
call on the chief of the unit or command and to
other key personnel for accounting, orientation and
other purposes.

2. Christmas Call – Police member pay a

Christmas Call on their local executive and
immediate commander in their respective area of
3. New Year’s Call – Police members pay a New
Year’s call on their commander and/ or key officials
in their respective area of responsibility.

4. Promotion Call – Newly promoted Police

members call on their unit head.

5. Exit Call – Police members pay an Exit Call on

their superiors in the unit /command when relieved
or reassigned out of the said unit or command.
6. Courtesy of the Post – The host unit extend
hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to the
command or unit.

7. Rank Has-Its-Own Privilege (RHIP) -

Police member recognizes the practice that different
ranks carry with them corresponding privileges.
Sec. 4. Police Custom on Ceremonies;
1. Flag raising Ceremonies – Police members
honor the flag by raising it and singing the National
Anthem before the start of the official day’s work.

2. Flag Retreat Ceremony – At the end of the

official day’s work, the Police members pause for a
moment to salute the lowering of the flag.

3. Half-Mast – The flag is raised at half-mast in

deference to deceased uniformed members of the
1. Funeral Service and Honors - Departed
uniformed member, retirees, war veterans or
former PC/INP members are given vigil,
neurological services and graveside honors as a
gesture of farewell.

2. Honor Ceremony – Arrival and departure

honor ceremonies are rendered to visiting
dignitaries, VIP’s, Police Officers with the grade of
the Chief Superintendent and above and AFP
officers of equivalent grade, unless waived.
Sec.5. Police Customs on Social Decorum:
1. Proper Attire – always wear appropriate and
proper attire in conformity with occasion.

2. Table Manners – observe table etiquette at

all times.

3. Social Graces – conduct themselves properly

in dealing with people during social functions.
4. Uniform/Appearance – The public looks
upon Police member as distinctively a man
among men. It is a welcome sight when Police
member wear their uniform properly wherever
they may be. They must therefore observe the
a. Wearing the prescribed uniform

b. Wearing as part of the uniform, awards

and decorations earned in accordance
with the prescribed rules and regulations.

c. Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules

and regulations.
5. Manner of Walking – Every Police
member is expected to walk with pride and
Sec.6. Other Police Custom:

Athletic – All Police members indulge in physical

Fitness activities to insure that their proper physical
appearance and bearing are maintained with the
waist line measurement always smaller than the size
of his chest and in conformity with the standard set
forth by the organization.
Sec.7. Tradition:

1. Discipline – are manifested by instinctive

obedience to lawful orders and through and
spontaneous actions towards attainment of
organizational objective guided by moral, ethical and
legal norms.

2. Word of Honor – the word is their bond. They

stand by and commit to uphold it.

3. Loyalty – the policeman are the traditional loyal to

the organization, country and people as borne by
history and practice.

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