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Transaksi Intra-

perusahaan -

Ihda Arifin Faiz

Transaksi antarperusahaan
Untuk laporan keuangan konsolidasian
“intercompany balances and transactions shall be
eliminated.” [FASB ASC 810-10-45-1]

• Sajikan laporan keuangan dan laba rugi sebagaimana

seolah transaksi antarperusahaan tidak pernah terjadi

Penjualan sediaan antarperusahaan

• Keuntungan atas penjualan sediaan

– Dapat diakui jika dijual ke pihak lain
– Ditunda jika barang masih ada di sediaan
• Sediaan awal yang sebelumnya ditunda
pengakuan labanya dapat diakui saat periode
penjualan. Jika memakai FIFO maka
– Awal sediaan telah terjual
– Akhir sediaan merupakan pembelian berjalan

No Intercompany Profits in Inventories
During 2011, Pet sold goods costing $1,000 to its subsidiary,
Sim, at a gross profit of 30%. Sim had none of this inventory
on hand at the end of 2011. The worksheet entry for 2011:

Sales (-R, -SE) 1,429

Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 1,429
Eliminate intercompany sales = $1,000 / (1-30%) = $1,429

All intercompany sales of inventories have been resold to

outside parties, so remove the full sales price from both sales
and cost of sales.
Pet's sales are reduced $1,429.
Sim's cost of sales are reduced $1,429.
The same entry is used if Sim sells to Pet.
Intercompany Profits Only in Ending
Last year, 2011, Pal sold goods costing $500 to its subsidiary,
Sal, at a gross profit of 25%. Sal had none of this inventory
on hand at the end of 2011.
During 2012, Pal sold additional goods costing $900 to Sal
at a gross profit of 40%. Sal has $200 of these goods on
hand at 12/31/2012. Worksheet entries for 2012:
Sales (-R, -SE) 1,500
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 1,500
Eliminate intercompany sales = $900 / (1-40%) = $1,500
Cost of sales (E, -SE) 80
Inventory (-A) 80
Defer profit in ending inventory = $200 x 40%
Intercompany Profits Beginning and
Ending Inventories
• Last year, 2011, Pam sold goods costing $300 to its subsidiary, Sir, at
mark-up of 25%. Sir had $120 of this inventory on hand at the end of 2011.
• During 2012, Pam sold additional goods costing $500 to Sir at a 30% mark-
up. Sir has $260 of these goods on hand at 12/31/2012. Worksheet entries
for 2012:
Sales (-R, -SE) 650
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 650
Eliminate intercompany sales = $500 + 30%($500) = $650
Cost of sales (E, -SE) 60
Inventory (-A) 60
Defer profits in ending inventory = $260 x 30%/130%
Investment in Subsidiary (+A) 24
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 24
Realize profits from beginning inventory = $120 x 25%/125% = $24

Upstream and Downstream Sales

Downstream Sales

Parent sells to Parent Subsidiary sells to

subsidiary parent
Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary
1 2 3

Upstream Sales

Intercompany Inventory Sales
• Jurnal kerja untuk eliminasi laba antarperusahaan pada downstream
Sales (-R, -SE) XXX
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) XXX
For the intercompany sales price
Cost of sales (E, -SE) XX
Inventory (-A) XX
For the profits in ending inventory
Investment in Subsidiary (+A) XX
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) XX
For the profits in beginning inventory
• Untuk upstream sales, jurnal terakhir termasuk juga debit
kepentingan nonpengendali, sharing laba realisasi antara
kepentingan pengendali dan nonpengendali

• Untuk periode berakhir 12/31/2011:

– Subsidiary income is $5,200
– Subsidiary dividends are $3,000
– Current amortization of acquisition price is $450
• Intercompany (IC) sales information:
– IC sales during 2011 were $650
– IC profit in ending inventory $60
– IC profit in beginning inventory $24

Income Sharing with Downstream Sales –
PARENT Makes Sale

Subsidiary net income $5,200 CI 80% share

Current amortizations (450) $3,800
Adjusted income $4,750 (60)
Defer profits in EI (60) $3,764 Income from subsidiary
Recognize profits in BI 24
Income recognized $4,714 $2,400
NCI 20% share
Subsidiary dividends $3,000 $950
Saat induk bertransaksi penjualan IC,
seluruh dampak penundaan dan
pengakuan laba ditanggung oleh
induk $600
Income Sharing with Upstream Sales –

Subsidiary net income $5,200 CI 80% share

Current amortizations (450) $3,800
Adjusted income $4,750 (48)
Defer profits in EI (60) $3,771.2 Income from subsidiary
Recognize profits in BI 24
Income recognized $4,714 $2,400
NCI 20% share
Subsidiary dividends $3,000
Saat anak melakukan penjualan IC, 4.8
penundaan dan pengakuan laba dibagi
antara kepentingan pengendali dan $942.8
$600 5-12

Ending Inventory on Hand

• Terdapat laba antarperusahaan dan masih

memiliki sediaan akhir yang harus dieliminasi
akhir tahun
• Jurnal kertas kerja
Cost of sales (E, -SE) XXX
Inventories (-A) XXX
(Untuk laba takterealisasi)

Parent Accounting
• Pot owns 90% of Sot acquired at book value (no
amortizations). During the current year, Sot reported
$10,000 income. Pot sold goods to Sot during the year
for $15,000 including a profit of $6,250. Sot still holds
40% of these goods at the end of the year.
• Unrealized profit in ending inventory
40%(6,250) = $2,500
• Pot's Income from Sot
90%(10,000) – 2,500 unrealized profits = $6,500
• Noncontrolling interest share
10%(10,000) = $1,000

• Ayat jurnal Pot's mencatat laba

Investment in Sot (+A) 6,500

Income from Sot (R, +SE) 6,500

• Jurnal untuk eliminasi penjualan antarperusahaan dan

laba takterealisasi
Sales (-R, -SE) 15,000
Cost of goods sold (-E, +SE) 15,000
Cost of goods sold (E, -SE) 2,500
Inventory (-A) 2,500

Worksheet – Income Statement

Pot Sot DR CR Consol

Sales $100.0 $50.0 15.0 $135.0
Income from Sot 6.5 6.5 0.0
Cost of sales (60.0) (35.0) 2.5 15.0 (82.5)
Expenses (15.0) (5.0) (20.0)
Noncontrolling interest share 1.0 (1.0)
Controlling interest share $31.5 $7.5 $31.5

There would be a credit adjustment to Inventory for $2.5 on the

balance sheet portion of the worksheet.

Bagaimana jika?

• Jika penjualan naik (upstream), dari Sot ke Pot:

• Laba takterealisasi di sediaan akhir
40%(6,250) = $2,500
• Pot's Income from Sot
90%(10,000 – 2,500) = $6,750
• Noncontrolling interest share
10%(10,000 – 2,500) = $750
• Laba meningkat berdampak pada :
– Controlling interest share
– Noncontrolling interest share


Intercompany Profits in Beginning
• Unrealized profits in
• ending inventory one year

• Become

• Profits to be recognized in the beginning

inventory of the next year!

Direction of Sale and NCI

• Dampak dari laba takterealisasi di akhir

sediaan dan laba terealisasi di awal
sediaan tergantung pada arah penjualan
• Penjualan downstream
– Full impact on parent
• Penjualan upstream
– Share impact between parent and
noncontrolling interest
Calculating Income and NCI

Penjualan downstream:
Laba dari anak
= CI%(Sub's NI) – Profits in EI + Profits in BI
Noncontrolling interest share
= NCI%(Sub's NI)
Penjualan upstream :
Laba dari anak
= CI%(Sub's NI – Profits in EI + Profits in BI)
Noncontrolling interest share
= NCI%(Sub's NI – Profits in EI + Profits in BI)

Upstream Example with
• Perry acquired 70% of Salt on 1/1/2011 for $420 when Salt's equity consisted of
$200 capital stock and $200 retained earnings. Salt's inventory was understated by
$50 and building, with a 20-year life, was understated by $100. Any excess is
2011 2012
Perry Salt Perry Salt
Separate income $1,250 $705 $1,500 $745
Dividends $600 $280 $600 $300
• During 2011, Salt sold goods for $700 to Perry at a 20% markup. $240 of these
goods were in Perry's ending inventory.
• In 2012, Salt sold goods for $900 to Perry at a 25% markup and Perry still had
$100 on hand at the end of the year.
Analysis and Amortization
Cost of 70% of Salt $420
Implied value of Salt 420/.70 $600
Book value 200 + 200 400
Excess $200

Unamort Amort Unamort Amort Unamort

Allocated to: 1/1/11 2011 1/1/12 2012 12/31/12
Inventory 50 (50) 0 0 0
Building 100 (5) 95 (5) 90
Goodwill 50 0 50 0 50
200 (55) 145 (5) 140

2011 Income Sharing (Upstream)

Salt's net income $705 CI 70% share

Current amortizations (55) $455
Adjusted income $650 ($28)
$427 Income from Salt
Defer profits in EI (40)
Income recognized $610 $196

NCI 30% share

Subsidiary dividends $280 $195

Jurnal ekuitas Perry's 2011

Investment in Salt (+A) 420

Cash (-A) 420
(For acquisition of 70% of Salt)
Cash (+A) 196
Investment in Salt (-A) 196
(For dividends received)
Investment in Salt (+A) 427
Income from Salt (R, +SE) 427
(For share of income)

2011 Worksheet Entries (1 of 3)
• 1. Adjust for errors & omissions - none
• 2. Eliminate intercompany profits and losses

Sales (-R, -SE) 700

Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 700
Cost of Sales (E, -SE) 40
Inventory (-A) 40
• 3. Eliminate income & dividends from sub. and bring Investment
account to its beginning balance
Income from Salt (-R, -SE) 427
Dividends (+SE) 196
Investment in Salt (-A) 231
2011 Entries (2 of 3)
• 4. Record noncontrolling interest in sub's earnings & dividends
Noncontrolling interest share (-SE) 183
Dividends (+SE) 84
Noncontrolling interest (+SE) 99
• 5. Eliminate reciprocal Investment & sub's equity balances

Capital stock (-SE) 200

Retained earnings (-SE) 200
Inventory (+A) 50
Building (+A) 100
Goodwill (+A) 50
Investment in Salt (-A) 420
Noncontrolling interest (+SE) 180
2011 Entries (3 of 3)

• 6. Amortize fair value/book value differentials

Cost of sales (E, -SE) 50

Inventory (-A) 50
Depreciation expense (E, -SE) 5
Building (-A) 5

• 7. Eliminate other reciprocal balances – none

2012 Income Sharing (Upstream)

Salt's net income $745 CI 70% share

Current amortizations (5) $518
Adjusted income $740 ($14)
Defer profits in EI (20) $532 Income from Salt
Realize profits from BI 40
Income recognized $760 $210
NCI 30% share
Subsidiary dividends $300 $222

$90 5-31
Perry's 2012 Equity Entries

Cash (+A) 210

Investment in Salt (-A) 210
For dividends received
Investment in Salt (+A) 532
Income from Salt (R, +SE) 532
For share of income

2012 Worksheet Entries (1 of 3)
• 1. Adjust for errors & omissions - none
• 2. Eliminate intercompany profits and losses
Sales (-R, -SE) 900
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 900
Cost of Sales (E, -SE) 20
Inventory (-A) 20
Investment in Salt (+A) 28
Noncontrolling interest (-SE) 12
Cost of sales (-E, +SE) 40
• 3. Eliminate income & dividends from sub. and bring Investment
account to its beginning balance
Income from Salt (-R, -SE) 532
Dividends (+SE) 210
Investment in Salt (-A) 322
2012 Entries (2 of 3)
• 4. Record noncontrolling interest in sub's earnings &
Noncontrolling interest share (-SE) 228
Dividends (+SE) 90
Noncontrolling interest (+SE) 138
• 5. Eliminate reciprocal Investment & sub's equity balances
Capital stock (-SE) 200
Retained earnings (-SE) 625
Inventory (+A) 0
Building (+A) 95
Goodwill (+A) 50
Investment in Salt (-A) 679
Noncontrolling interest (+SE) 2915-34
2012 Entries (3 of 3)

• 6. Amortize fair value/book value differentials

Depreciation expense (E, -SE) 5

Building (-A) 5

• 7. Eliminate other reciprocal balances – none

Terima Kasih

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