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Identification of pH Saliva And Bacteria Streptococcus

Mutans On Students SDN 04 Kampung Olo With

Experiencing Caries

Dewi Elianora1, Poppy Maizulerisa2

Pediatric Dentistry Baiturrahmah University, Padang West
Student Faculty Dentistry Baiturrahmah University, Padang West
Dental caries is a disease of dental hard tissues, namely email, dentin and cementum
induced activity of microorganisms present in a carbohydrate that is fermented, saliva
in the oral cavity having a pH or acidity which may change at any time,
Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium highly cariogenic because this bacterium is able
to immediately make acidic carbohydrates that can be fermented, which enters school
age children with high risk to develop cavities. The purpose of this study was to
determine the measurement of the risk of caries in Pupil class IV and V in SDN 04
Kmpung Olo seen from the bacteria and pH Saliva, the type of research is analytic
survey with cross-sectional design of the study population was all students in grade
IV and V SDN 04 Kampung Olo with the number 112 in 2015 with 30 samples,
sampling is done by random sampling method, using univariate analysis that aims to
describe the distribution and the percentage of the variables studied. The results of
the 30 samples pH of saliva on caries risk students who experience most is the acidic
pH that 14 (46.7%) of respondents, normal pH 9 (30%) of respondents and the least is
an alkaline pH is 7 (23.3% ) respondents and all the students who performed the
examination which runs the risk of dental caries seen from the bacteria streptococcus
mutans. Suggestions for further research to look at the picture of the role of teachers
and parents in the provision of health education on the risk of dental caries in fourth
and fifth grade students at SDN 04 Kampung Olo.
Dental caries is a disease of dental
hard tissues is namely email, dentin
and cementum induced activity of
microorganisms present in a
carbohydrate that is fermented.
Caries process characterized by the
occurrence of demineralized dental
hard tissue, followed by damaged of
organic material
 The highest prevalence of dental caries in
children, According to the WHO global oral
health, dental caries index globally among
children aged 12 years and the average
individuals experiencing tooth decay is more
than one tooth (WHO, 2003).
 Indonesia, the Basic Health Research survey
results in 2007, among others: the
prevalence of people having oral and dental
problems is 23.4%, the people who have lost
all the original tooth was 1.6%, the national
prevalence of active caries is 43.4% and
residents with oral and dental problems,
receive no treatment or care of teeth force
was 29.6%.
 Saliva in the mouth has a pH or acidity which
may change at any time. According Dikri et al
(2003), changes the pH of saliva is affected by
several factors, including diet, stimulation of
secretion rate, and the change becomes acidic
polysaccharides in the oral cavity

 Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium highly

cariogenic because this bacterium is able to
immediately make acidic carbohydrates that can
be fermented. Bacteria can thrive in acid and
can stick to the surface of the tooth because of
its ability to make extra polysaccharides very
sticky cells of carbohydrate foods.
 Childrenwho enter school age have a high risk
of experiencing caries, at the age of 6-12
years who required intensive care because at
that age a change and the growing new teeth.
Many snacks in schools, with the type of food
and sweet drinks, thereby threatening the
dental health of children

 West Sumatra Health Office in 2012 showed

that the number of elementary school
students who are experiencing dental caries is
high enough, the results of screening
conducted by the health department found
most experienced dental caries in primary
school student is the city of Padang.
 Based on the survey results and the
researchers did in SDN 04 Kampung Olo and
in view of the data checking DMF-T was
found many students who experience caries.
From the data obtained the number of
frequency of caries in Kampung Olo SDN 04 is
higher than the other elementary. From
these data, the authors are interested in
doing research on SDN O4 Kampung Olo and
took the title "Caries Risk Measurement in
class IV and V students at SDN 04 Olo Kmpung
Judging from bacteria and pH Saliva
This type of research used in this research is analytic survey with
cross sectional.

The place and time of the study was the SDN 04 Olo Kampung
Padang in January 2016.

Dependent variable: The risk of caries in students of SDN 04

Kampung Olo.
The independent variables: Examination of the bacteria
Streptococcus mutans and pH salivary.
 Sample criteria:
 a. Criteria for inclusion:
1. Class IV and V students of SDN 04 Kampung Olo with
2. Willing to be a responder.
 b. Exclusion criteria:
1. Class IV and V students of SDN 04 Kampung Olo
had no caries.
2. Students who have been doing fillings.
3. Students who have revoked his caries.
4. Not willing to become respondents. The
population in this study were all students in
grade IV and V SDN 04 Kampung Olo are 112 in

 The sampling technique was conducted by

random sampling ± 30 subjects.
1. The sample was in class IV and V students of SDN 04 Kampung Olo general berkeadaan
well with high caries risk based inspection DMF-T. Inspection is done in SDN 04 Olo
2. Collecting saliva. Prior to saliva collection, the patient is asked to gargle and in calm
3. Tests carried out on unstimulated salivary pH which is to be considered as a general
indicator of the level of acidity of the oral cavity, in a way the patient is asked to spit in
the space provided 1 ml, then the pH strips put into saliva. After 10 seconds, the pH is
determined based on the factory instructions. Criteria red, showing a pH of less than 5.8,
while yellow indicates a pH of 6.8, and the green is the pH above 6.8.
4. After take of saliva, saliva pH did recording the results.
5. Then, do a swab in caries with a cotton swab pellets and the results entered into the
Media TYC (Tryptone Yeast Cystine) in order.
6. inculcation Streptococcus mutans done by diluting up to 102 according to McFarland
standard. dilution solution is used sterile BHI.
7. In the first dilution of 0.5 ml murky sediment taken with a micropipette and inserted into
the first tube containing 4.5 ml BHI (101 dilution).
8. Then for subsequent dilution of the sediment that has been diluted 101, taken with a
micropipette 0.5 ml, and then inserted into the second tube which also contains 4.5 ml
solution (102 dilution).
9. The solution was diluted to 102 ml taken 0.1 then poured on an
agar medium, then level it with a spreader.
10. Media that are already planted the bacteria incorporated into
the candle jar, then stored in an incubator at 37 ° C for 1x24
11. After incubation for 1x24 hours, candle jar removed from the
incubator and the petri dish was issued.
12. Colonies draw grayish white, looks like frosted glass, convex, ± 1
mm in diameter, and can contain a liquid (water soluble glucans)
at the top or in the form of polysaccharides puddle around the
13. After that, the observation results of the breeding of bacteria
under a microscope.
14. Recording of data obtained from observations.
15. The business data using SPSS version 18.
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of the pH of saliva on caries risk
students with grade IV and V SDN 04 Kampung Olo

pH saliva f %
ACID 14 46,7
Normal 9 30
Alkali 7 23,3
Total 30 100
Figure 1: The risk of caries in grade IV and V SDN 04 Kampung Olo
seen from the bacteria Streptococcus mutans
Analysis of researchers to research results
prove that students who bersiko caries have
more acidic pH and bacteria found in the
oral cavity is a type of bacterium
Streptococcus mutans. Pupils at risk of caries
is caused by many factors, and among the
dominant factor is the pattern of
consumption of foods containing cariogenic
every day are sold around the school and not
accompanied by brushing teeth regularly so
that bacteria will grow in the oral cavity and
will lead to dental caries.
Caries Risk Measurement Based on class IV and V
students at SDN 04 Olo Kmpung Examination
Viewed from bacteria and saliva pH is concluded
that the pH of saliva on caries risk students who
experience most is the acidic pH that 14 (46.7%)
of respondents, pH normal 9 (30%) of respondents
and the least is an alkaline pH is 7 (23.3%) of
respondents and all the students who carried out
the examination which runs the risk of dental
caries seen from the bacteria streptococcus
mutans and the results of all these students are
the bacteria streptococcus mutans.
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