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Non newtonian fluids


MR1 oftalmología

 Is the science that concerns with the flow of liquids

and deformation of solids.
 Viscosity Newton law:
 The higher the viscosity of a liquid, the greater is the force per
unit area (shearing stress) required to produce a certain
rate of shear”
 Shear
 Is a stress which is applied parallel or tangential to a face of a
material, as opposed to a normal stress which is applied
 A shear stress, is applied to the top of the square

while the bottom is held in place. This stress results

in a strain, or deformation, changing the square into
a parallelogram.
Newtonian fluid

 Is a fluid whose stress

versus rate of strain
curve is linear and
passes through the
 The constant of
proportionality is
known as the viscosity.
 This means the fluid continues
to flow, regardless of the forces
acting on it.
 For a Newtonian fluid, the
viscosity, by definition, depends
only on temperature and
pressure not on the forces
acting upon it.
Non-Newtonian fluid

 Is a fluid whose flow properties are not described by

a single constant value of viscosity.
 In a non-Newtonian fluid, the relation between the
shear stress and the strain rate is nonlinear, and can
even be time-dependent. Therefore a constant
coefficient of viscosity cannot be defined.
Time independent fluid behavior

 Bingham plastic:
 They have linear shear stress and strain relationship which require a limited stress before they begin
to flow
 Pseudoplastic
 Viscosity decreases with an increase in shear rate
 Caused by the re-alignment of polymer and/or the release of solvents associated with the polymers
 Dilatant Flow
 Viscocity increases with shear rate
 Suspension containing high-concentration of small deflocculated particles

Shear stress

Shear rate Shear rate

Time dependent fluid behavior

 Rheopectic:
 Fluids that require a
gradually increasing shear
stress to maintain a
constant strain rate.
(viscosity increase)
 Thixotropic :
 Fluid that thins out
(viscosity decrease) with
time and requires a
decreasing stress to
maintain a constant strain
rate ().

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