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To define the different purposes of a bicycle

and consider the market for each.


Ohat is the purpose of this bicycle?
Oho might want a bicycle like this?
Ohat descriptive words might you
use for this bicycle?

For example:
± State-of-the-art
± Fast

Think of two more words

that might describe this kind
of bicycle, and write them on
your worksheet.
Ohat is the purpose of this bicycle?
Oho might want a bicycle like this?
Ohat descriptive words might you
use for this bicycle?

For example:
± Fun
± Cool

Think of two more words

that might describe this kind
of bicycle, and write them on
your worksheet.
Ohat is the purpose of this bicycle?
Oho might want a bicycle like this?
Ohat descriptive words might you
use for this bicycle?

For example:
± Convenient
± Safe

Think of two more words

that might describe this kind
of bicycle, and write them on
your worksheet.
The different ways of using a bicycle we have
looked at are the following:

± Oork
± Sport
± Fun
± Transport

Are there any other uses that we have left out?

jmagine you work for a company that has been
asked by the Mayor of London to provide
information about how bicycles can be used by
the general public for a variety of purposes.

Oho are the general public?

Ohy might the Mayor want to provide

information about bicycles?
ext lesson you will be using the internet
to research into bicycles and their uses.

Make a list of questions you could use

the internet to answer about bicycles.

Ohat information do you need to gather

to provide for the public?

Share some of the questions you have

decided to use the internet to answer.

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