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 Generally refers to the variety

and variability of life on earth.
 Variability within species,
between species and
between ecosystems.
 Biodiversity forms the
foundation of the vast array of
ecosystem services that
critically contribute to human
 Biodiversity includes all
ecosystems-managed or
Where is biodiversity?

 It is essentially everywhere,
ubiquitous on earth’s surface
and in every drop of its bodies
of water
 everything should be balanced

 In a balanced ecosystem,
organisms need a balanced
What endangers or
destroys biodiversity?
 Deforestation is the clearance
or clearing or removal of a
forest or stand of tress where
the land is thereafter
converted to a non-forest use.
 Improper waste disposal
 Pollutions coming from factories
 pesticides
 Typhoon
 A typhoon is a mature tropical
cyclone that develops in the
western part of the North
Pacific Ocean.
 In the Philippines,
approximately 20 typhoons hit
the country in a year.
 Tsunami
 Tsunami is a long high sea
wave caused by an
earthquake, submarine
landslide, or other disturbance.
 Tsunami in literal translation is
“harbor wave”.
 Can cause extensive damage
when it encounters land.
 Storm surge
 Storm surge is the rising of the
sea as a result of atmospheric
pressure changes and wind
associated with a storm.
 Ways to save biodiversity or the
 reforestation
 Clean the bodies of water
 Reduce, recycle, reuse
 Reduce, reuse and recycle- all
help to cut down on the
amount of waste we throw
away. They conserve natural
resources, landfill space and
 As much as possible don’t use pesticides
 Don’t use pesticides as much as
possible because pesticides
contaminate soil, water,turf, and
other vegetation.
 In addition to killing insects or
weeds, pesticides can be toxic to
a host of other organisms
including birds, fish, beneficial
insects, and non-target plants.

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