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Deskless Class

Why are we going deskless?
● It is easier for us to get up and move around for activities.
● Combining and recombining into partners and groups is faster
and more efficient.
● You can get into and out of your chair a lot faster than you can get
into/out of a desk.
● You can’t hide your cell phones and use them in class.
Why are we going deskless?
● You can stretch your legs or move around in your chair more
comfortably without being confined by a desk.
● We can have more natural feeling conversations without hiding
behind our desks for “comfort”.
● You can’t put your head down and sleep.
How do I enter the room?
Come in, put your phone in “Le Parking”, find your assigned seat, put all of
your stuff under your chair.


we will be getting up and moving, so we don’t want someone to trip on
How do I use my Chromebook without a desk?
We will also be using our Chromebooks without desks. Use your lap as a desk
for your Chromebook.

Because we don’t have desks and the desks cover most of the outlets, you
must bring your Chromebook CHARGED to class everyday. Charging cords
on the ground are a tripping hazard. If your Chromebook is not charged for
class you will automatically lose your participation point for that day.
How do we write when we don’t have desks?
There will be times that I ask you to write something down when we don’t
have our desks in front of us. In these instances use your Chromebook or
another book on your lap as a solid surface on which to write.
When do we use desks?
We will have to use our desks sometimes: when taking tests, when doing
certain group projects, when doing long writing assignments. But if I do not
say for you to grab a desk, that means that we are not using them. So please
do not scoot your chair back to try to use the side of the desk behind you.
Procedures for getting desks...
1. Madame will announce that we are going to use the
desks. When she says that, wait for further instruction
before moving.
2. The inner circle will stand up first, and walking calmly in
a line they will grab the desks on the right side of the
classroom (there will be 2 left over). They will then
bring the desks back to their chairs. They may need to
scoot their chairs back a little to accommodate the
3. After the inner circle has installed themselves at their
desks, I will direct the right side of the outer circle to
stand, scoot their chairs back a few inches, and grab
the 2 remaining desks from the right side of the room
and 3 from the back of the classroom.
4. After the right side of the outer circle has installed
themselves at their desks, I will direct the left side of
the outer circle to stand, scoot their chairs back a few
inches, and grab the 4 desks from the left side of the
room and 1 from the back of the classroom.
4. After the left side of the outer circle has installed
themselves at their desks, I will direct the back of the
outer circle to stand, scoot their chairs back a few
inches, and grab the 5 desks from the back of the

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