Solid Waste Management

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• Legal Basis
• Role of LGUs
• Manila Bay Clean-Up Rehabilitation and Preservation Program
• Environment Compliance Audit
• The 1987 Philippine Constitution Article II
o Section 15: The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill
health consciousness among them
o Section 16: The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature
• Local Government Code
o Section 16: General Welfare
o Section 17: Basic Services and Facilities
• Republic Act No. 9003
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
• Manila Bay Supreme Court Mandamus
• Responsible for the implementation and
enforcement of the provisions of the RA 9003 within
their respective jurisdictions
• Local Solid Waste Management Board
• Development and implementation of 10-Year Solid
Waste Management Plan
• Collection of residual waste and special waste
• Approved or accredited final disposal facility
• Barangay Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
• Implementation of segregation at source
• Collection of solid waste shall be conducted at the
barangay level, specifically for biodegradable,
compostable and reusable wastes
• Weekly clean-up activities
In keeping with Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160, also
known as the Local Government Code of 1991 that all
government units shall enhance the right of the people to
a healthful and balanced ecology, this Department
introduced the Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA) in
C.Y 2012. The ECA is a way of assessing LGUs along
the Manila Bay Area on their compliance with
environmental laws. It initially caters R.A. No. 9003 or
the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000,
and will gradually expand its coverage to other pertinent
1.) Assess the compliance of LGUs to basic environmental laws
particularly, R.A. No. 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000;

2.) Ensure that public officer tasked to implement environmental laws

comply and sustain such compliance;

3.) Serve as a monitoring tool and database of LGU performance;


4.) Institutionalize a rewards systems to the LGUs within the Manila

Bay watershed area that are compliant with environmental laws
Composition of the City/Municipality Solid Waste Management Board
(5) SWM Board is duly created with resolution and complete members
(4) SWM Board is duly created with resolution, but with incomplete/inappropriate board
(1) Draft resolution in the creation of the SWM Board
(0) No SWM Board
Functionality of the SWM Board: The Local SWM Board meets every
quarter; at least once WITHIN the quarter
(5) The Local SWM Board met at least once in each of the four quarters of the
assessment period
(4) The Local SWM Board met at least once in each of the three quarters of the
assessment period
(3) The Local SWM Board met at least once in each of the two quarters of the
assessment period
(2) The Local SWM Board met at least once in one quarter only of the assessment
(0) The Local SWM Board did not meet for the past assessment period
Existence of ordinance/s on the three policies on: 1) Littering, 2)
Open burning, and 3) Illegal Dumping
(5) The LGU has ordinance/s on the three policies: 1) Littering, 2) Open burning, and
3) Illegal dumping
(3) The LGU has ordinance/s on at least two of the mentioned policies
(1) The LGU has ordinance/s on at least one of the three policies
(0) Absence of ordinance/s on the three policies
Status of 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan
(5) The SWM Plan is approved by NSWMC
(3) The SWM Plan is submitted/resubmitted to the NSWMC Secretariat/DENR-EMB
Regional Office for review/approval
(1) Plan is on the drafting phase
(0) No Draft at all/ expired plan
The LGU implements a Segregated Collection System
(5) 70% - 100% of the total number of barangays are serviced by hauler/LGU with a
scheduled segregated collection system
(4) 46% - 69% of the total number of barangays are serviced by hauler/LGU with a
scheduled segregated collection system
(3) 31% - 45% of the total number of barangays are serviced by hauler/LGU with a
scheduled segregated collection system
(2) 16% - 30% of the total number of barangays are serviced by hauler/LGU with a
scheduled segregated collection system
(1) 1% - 15% of the total number of barangays are serviced by hauler/LGU with a
scheduled segregated collection system
(0) The LGU has no segregated collection system.
Presence of an Open Dump
(5) No open dump
(4) Open dump is with SCRP and is on-going rehabilitation
(3) Open dump is closed and with approved SCRP
(2) Open dump is closed and with draft SCRP
(1) Open dump is closed
(0) With open dumpsite
Percentage of households that practice segregation is at 70%
(5) 70% - 100% of households practiced segregation at source based on the results of
the site inspection
(4) 46% - 69% of households practiced segregation at source based on the results of
the site inspection
(3) 31% - 45% of households practiced segregation at source based on the results of
the site inspection
(2) 16% - 30% of households practiced segregation at source based on the results of
the site inspection
(1) 1% - 15% of households practiced segregation at source based on the results of
the site inspection
(0) Does not practice SAS
Implementation on the three policies: 1) no-littering, 2) no open
burning, and 3) illegal dumping

(5) Three of the mentioned policies are strictly implemented

(3) Two of the mentioned policies are strictly implemented
(1) One of the mentioned policy is strictly implemented
(0) No implementation of any of the mentioned policies
Percentage of barangays with functional MRF/MRS
(5) 70% - 100% of barangays have functional MRF/MRS
(4) 60% - 69% of barangays have functional MRF/MRS
(3) 50% - 59% of barangays have functional MRF/MRS
(2) 40% - 49% of barangays have functional MRF/MRS
(1) Below 40% of barangays have functional MRF/MRS
(0) MRF is not functional OR No MRF at all
The LGU disposes their Residual wastes in an approved/accredited
Sanitary Landfill
(5) The LGU disposes their Residual wastes in an approved/accredited Sanitary
(3) The LGU disposes their mixed wastes in an approved/accredited Sanitary Landfill
(2) The LGU is using Residual Containment Area and/or alternative disposal
(0) The LGU disposes their residual wastes in an open/controlled
Waste Diversion based on Solid Waste Management Plan
(5) Waste Diversion target in the SWMP is achieved at 100% or more
(4) Waste Diversion target in the SWMP is achieved at 80%-99%
(3) Waste Diversion target in the SWMP is achieved at 60-79%
(2) Waste Diversion target in the SWMP is achieved at 40-59%
(1) Waste Diversion target in the SWMP is achieved at below 40%
(0) No SWMP Plan

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