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Reading Skills

Tamanna Agarwal
• What should a person have to develop to be an effective

• What 3 habits are essential in order to become an effective

Reading Skills
Reading is the knowledge process of deriving meaning from
written or printed text.
Reading is a process of retrieving and understanding the
meaning of stored information or ideas.
Reading is thinking under the stimulus of the printed page.
3 Levels of Understanding
When we read any piece of information we understand it at 3 different

(a) Pure, literal response to familiar words on the page –there is no

depth of understanding at this level.
(b) You recognize the writer’s meaning.
(c) Your own personal experience helps you to understand the matter.
The Purpose and importance of Reading

• To acquire / Enhances knowledge

• Reading helps in mental development
• Improvement of conversational skills
• helps readers to decipher new words
• developing vocabulary, language skills
• To connect the ideas through the material on the basis of prior knowledge
• If the reader don't know anything about a subject, then it will be difficult
for him to grab the information
Ex: 7516324 This is hard to read and remember.
751-6324 This is easier because of chunking.
123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure
Types of reading

• Skimming
• Scanning
• Extensive
• Intensive
• Loud
• Silent
• Reading to Study

• Skimming :- It means looking quickly over a text/book to get a

general or superficial idea of the content.
• Scanning:- When you do extremely careful reading to find out
specific details regarding the information you are seeking it is called
SQ3R Technique of reading
• It is the name given to the method of study skill in reading.
• It enables the learner to focus his mind on the problems of academic
• It will enhance the speed of reading and still grasping all the subject-
• It divides the reading process into 3 stages:
• Before : Preparation
• During: Concentration
• After: Retention
• Get an overview or general idea about the reading by
• This helps to activate any previous knowledge we may have
• Find out about the author, type of work, and subject
• Look at the title, subtitles, or headings
• Look at any visuals (captions, pictures, charts or drawings)
SURVEY (cont.)
• Read the first paragraph and the first sentence of each other
• Read the last paragraph
• Look for key words in different print
• Circle or underline any difficult words as a vocabulary preview
• Make a PREDICTION about the main idea or central theme
• The author’s idea or message about the topic of discussion
• Remember-don’t read all the material!
All you want is an idea, so only take a few minutes to conduct your
• Formulate information (Wh) questions on what you have surveyed
• These will help you to concentrate or focus while reading!
• For example: the title, visuals, the first lines of the different paragraphs etc.

• Follow the organization of the article!

• Read thoroughly and actively, focusing on your questions
• This gives your reading a purpose
• As you read, you can annotate (underline and take notes in the margin)
• Writing reinforces what you read
• Try to answer the questions you formulated based on what you
• If you have problems, then these are the areas you will pay closer
attention to when you review
• Recite after a long section; repeat information and reread if necessary
• Look over the material again but without rereading; go over the
questions again
• Verify your prediction and revise it if necessary
• Now that you’ve read you can determine what the main idea or central
theme is
• Respond and reflect by connecting the reading to your previous
Tips for increasing reading speed

• Work on vocabulary improvement.

• Determine your purpose before reading
• Try to read faster than normal speed
• Use your hand or an index
Comparison of efficient and slow readers
Efficient reader Slow reader

Reads ideas. Reads words.

Reads multi-word phrases. Reads one word at a time.

Visualizes ideas. Vocalizes words.

Sets a purpose. Reads to "the end of the book."

Adjusts reading speed to need. Reads everything slowly and

Keeps reading. deliberately.

Has a large vocabulary in that subject Re-reads sentences to be sure of

area. understanding.
Practices speeded reading daily. Has a limited vocabulary in that area.

Marks text for memory. Rarely attempts speeded reading.

Sorts materials as critical, interesting, Leaves pages pristine and clean.

or trash. Reads everything irregularly.

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