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Unit 1

The Earth in the Universe

The Earth in the Universe

①The Earth and the Universe

②The Sun
③The Solar System
④The Moon
⑤Space Travel

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
Stock knowledge ✔️


Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe

① Earth is the center of the universe, the sun, planets, stars,

and all other bodies in the sky revolved around the earth.
② Star patterns are called CONSTELLATIONS.
③ GALAXY is comprise of billion of stars, clouds, gas, and d
④ METEOROLOGY is the study of celestial body with scienti
fic bases.
⑤ Earth has strong magnetic field/force.
⑥ 1 moon called LUNA.
⑦ UMBRA, ANTUMBRA, and PENUMBRA are types of luna
r eclipse.
The Earth in the Universe
Ursa Major, the great bear

Unit 1
Perseus (Persoos),
the Slayer of Monster

Unit 1
The Earth and the Univers
Unit 1


 3rd planet, most dense.

 Has strong magnetic field/force.
 The only planet known to have large amounts of l
iquid water where life is known to exist.
 orbits the sun once every 365 days, or one year.

Unit 1

 is a big, open place.

 the whole cosmic system of matter and energy
 “the Universe” derived from the Latin word “universum
”, which was used by Roman statesman Cicero and la
ter Roman authors to refer to the world and the cosmo
s as they knew it.
 This consisted of the Earth and all living creatures that
dwelt therein, as well as the Moon, the Sun, the then-k
nown planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn)
and the stars.

Unit 1
The Earth and the Universe

16th century it was believed that the earth wa

s the center of the universe.
 The sun appears to move in a daily path arou
nd the earth in an east to west direction.
 "Planet" which means "wanderer"

1543 there was little serious doubt about the

earth being the center of the entire universe.
• Greeks pictured the earth as being surrounde
d by a number of moving transparent spheres
Unit 1
, one inside the other.
Ptolemy (c. 85 - 165 CE)

• Egyptian astronomer
• said planets are on small circular
orbits, called epicycles.
• Developed 1st model to predict t
he positions of planets.
• Had support of Catholic church, d
espite inaccuracy

Unit 1
Geocentric Theory

Unit 1
Nicolaus Copernicus

• Polish churchman and Mathematicia

• He started his belief that the sun, not
the earth, was the center around whi
ch the planets revolved.
• First offered proof that the earth revo
lves around the sun.

Unit 1
Heliocentric System
(Copernican model)

Unit 1
• Give off the variety of radiation.
• Visible and Invisible
• Visible light - made up which wave length (4x1
0-7) meters- (7.6x10-7) meters.
• Invisible waves with much shorter and longer l
Wavelength - distance from one wave crest to t
he next.
Frequency - number of waves emitted by the so
urce in one second.
Unit 1
Light Year- distance that light travels trough spa
ce in one year.
Unit 1
Galileo Galilei

• February 15, 1564 – January 8, 164

• Italian Scientific Genius
• "father of observational astronomy"
• "father of modern science"
• his crude instrument he was the first
to see and describe the moons of ju
piter, sunspot and crates of the moo
Unit 1
Moons of Jupiter

Unit 1
Sunspot and Crates of t
he Moon

Unit 1
Optical Telescope
[Galileo (gah-li-lay-oh)]

• Mankind's first direct knowledge of th

e real nature of the universe came fr
om a simple telescope in the lands o
f a 16th Century.
• Gathers and focuses light, mainly fro
m the visible part of the electromagn
etic spectrum, to create a magnified i
mage for direct view, or to make a p
hotograph, or to collect data through
electronic image sensors.
Unit 1
2 types of astronomical telescope

1. Refractor

 light passes through lenses and is

bent or refracted to give an enlarg
e or intensified image of the objec
t viewed.

 this image viewed directly or phot


Unit 1
2 types of astronomical telescope

2. Reflector

 has a curved mirror that relects lig

ht to form an image of the object v

Unit 1
Yerks Observatory in Wisconsin

 Largest refracting telescope

 40 inches lens diameter
 Larger lenses are so heavy that th
ey sag of shape from their own w

Unit 1
Reflecting Telescope
Paloman Mountain in California

• Can be made much large

r because the mirror can
be supported from behind
• Largest reflecting telesco
pe is the famous 200 inch

Unit 1
Radio Telescopes

• Extremely sensitive radio receive

• They have very large antennas, s
ome of which can be pointed to
any spot in the sky.
• specialized antenna and radio re
ceiver used to receive radio wave
s from astronomical radio source
s in the sky.
Unit 1
Unit 1

• The astronomers most important


• In this device, light gather by a t

elescope is separated into the col
ors of the spectrum.

• Astronomers had identified three-

fourths of the known naturally occ
uring chemical elements of the su
Unit 1 n.

• Helium was discovered in the sun

before it found on earth.

• Spectrum patterns are affected b

y such conditions as the temperat
ure and pressure of the gases wh
ich give off the light.

• Can also be used to indicate the r

Unit 1 elative motion of the star.
The Constellations

Unit 1
The Constellations

• Typically grouped around asterisms, patterns f

ormed by prominent, relatively bright stars that
appear to be close to each other in the night s

• Names have been given to groups of stars bec

ause their arrangement suggested animals, go
ds, and legendary heroes.

• They are identified by their ancient names, suc

h as
Unit 1
Ursa Major, the great bear
(The Big Dipper)

Unit 1
Ursa Major, the great bear
(The Big Dipper)

Unit 1
Cygnus, the Swan

Unit 1
Cygnus, the Swan

Unit 1
Pegasus, the Winged Horse

Unit 1
Pegasus, the Winged Horse

Unit 1
Perseus (Persoos),
the Slayer of Monster

Unit 1
Perseus (Persoos),
the Slayer of Monster

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
• Visible Stars are usually named by their locati
on in a constellation and by their degree of bri
ghtness with respect to tge other stars if the c

• Many of the very brightest star have individual

names in addition.

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
The Five (5) Brightest Stars
of the Northern Sky

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
1. Sirius
(The Dog Star)

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
2. Canopus

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
3. Vega

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
4. Capella

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
5. Arcturus

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
• The motion of the earth as it turns on it's axis
makes the constellations seem to move throu
gh the sky.

Celestial North Pole

 from the northern half of the earth, all stars se
em to turn around a point in the sky
 star located here would not appear to move

Polaris (poh-lah-ris)
 the north star
 Very close to celestial north pole
 It seems to move only very slightly

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe
• The movement of the earth in it's orbit around
the sun also causes a change in the appearan
ce of the night sky from one part of the year to

Unit 1
The Earth in the Universe

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