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Marketing Management

 Good marketing is no accident but result of careful planning and execution.
some people think marketing as Sales or advertising but marketing is very
broader area its start before production and also works after sales.
 American Marketing Association: Marketing is organizational function and a
set of processes for creating communication and delivering value to customers
and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization
and its stakeholders’’

 What is Marketed. 1 Goods 2 Services 3 Events 4 Experiences e.g. Water park,

Hotels, 5 Person 6 Places 7 Properties 8 Organizations 9 Information e.g.
information can be marketed as product like report of health checkups 10 Idea
 Marketer and Prospect Relationship in marketing……

By. Gaurav Batheja

Levels of Needs
A… Needs ; Comes from unsatisfaction ; to remove this unsatisfaction we need various
things (needs preexists marketer can’t influence needs but to wants.
B… Wants : Need become want when they are directed to specific objects. hunger in
need but burger is want.
C… Demand; 1 desire 2 ready to Buy 3 ability to pay mix of these three makes
Demand for product.

1.Stated need : clearly said and expressed by customer.

2.Real need : stated need may be different from real need marketer has to find out real and
actual need.
3.Un stated needs. Expectations but not expressed by customers.
4.Delight needs. These are not essential but would make delight to customers.
5. Secrete needs. Like want to become savvy customers.

By.Gaurav Batheja
Types of Demand
 Negative Demand; when customer dislike the product and even that pay a price
to avoid it. E.g. like people like to avoid heart attacks even that they pay for full body
checkups. positive promotion is required
 No Demand; when people are unaware and uninterested in product. e.g. family
planning's. language courses .
 Full Demand ; 100% products are sold in market ,
 Overfull Demand ; demand is more than supply of products .either we can
increase the price or reduce promotion exp..
 Latent Demand; strong demand for new innovative products that are not
currently available in the market e.g. harmless cigrates
 Unwholesome Demand; demand for socially undesirable products like tambacu
products ,
 Customer value triad , ratio of customer perceived benefits
and cost of that product .

By. Gaurav Batheja

Developments of Marketing Concepts
 1. Exchange concept. Only limited to make deal done by making contact
of buyer and seller.
 2. Production concept. It holds that customer will buy the products
those are widely available and inexpensive. Stress on mass production to reduce
per unit cost and make it widely available.
 3. Product concept. Marketing approach is high quality superior products
with innovative features.
 4.Selling concept. Aggressive selling efforts by personal selling discounts
high advertisements to sell what they make rather to make what markets wants
.mostly in case of unsought goods. Insurance capital research
 5. Marketing concept. sense and response philosophy. Customer
centered by serving best value to customers,

By. Gaurav Batheja

Holistic Marketing
According to this concept every thing matters in marketing and that broad

perspective is required .

By. Gaurav Batheja

By. Gaurav Batheja
idea James kultun development Neil.H.Borden
4 Ps jerome McCarthy

 The marketing mix is one of the most famous marketing terms.

The marketing mix is the tactical or operational part of a
marketing plan. The marketing mix is also called the 4Ps and the
7Ps. The 4Ps are price, place, product and promotion. The services
marketing mix is also called the 7Ps and includes the addition of
process, people and physical evidence.
 The marketing mix is . . .The set of controllable tactical marketing tools –
product, price, place, and promotion – that the firm blends to produce the
response it wants in the target market.

By. Gaurav Batheja

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By. Gaurav Batheja
By. Gaurav Batheja
By. Gaurav Batheja
By. Gaurav Batheja

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