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Identify the medium

various form of art, viz.,

visual, auditory and any
combined arts
Define an artist or artisan’s
medium of technique
An artist is a person engaged in an activity related
to creating art, practicing the arts, or
demonstrating an art. The common usage in both
everyday speech and academic discourse is a
practitioner in the visual arts only.
» Artists can make large quantities of artworks of same
nature and be reproduce in industrial ways.
Artists creates something whose only value is aesthetic.
. An artisan’s (from French: artisan) is a skilled
craft worker who makes or creates things by hand
that may be functional or strictly decorative, for
example furniture, decorative arts, sculptures,
clothing, jewelry, food items, household items and
tools or even mechanisms such as the handmade
clockwork movement of a watchmaker. An artisan
makes unique handicrafts.
» The purpose of the artisan is more the passion of their work than
money. That is why is rare to see stores of unique unrepeated pieces
from them.
> An artisan makes unique handicrafts.
Medium & Technique
Artist and Artisan’s
The medium & technique of
The artist thinks, feels, and gives shape to his
vision in terms of his medium. When an artist
choose a particular medium, he believes that his
choice can best express the idea he wants to

In the manner in which the artist control his

medium to achieve the desire effect.
The medium & technique of
Durable sculpture processes used in carving
(Removal of material), modelling (Additional
material), in stone , metal, ceramics and wood
and other materials but same modernism, shift in
sculpture process led to an almost complete
freedom materials and process.
. A way of doing basic physical movement and
special knowledge or skill.
Define the role of
manager’s, curators,
buyers, collectors, art
dealers in the art world
An individual who is in charge of a certain group of
tasks, or a certain subset of a company. A manager
often has a staff of people who report to him or her.
As an example, a restaurant will often have a front-
of-house manager who helps the patrons, and
supervises the hosts; or a specific office project can
have a manager, known simply as the project
manager. Certain departments within a company
designate their managers to be line managers,
while others are known as staff managers,
depending upon the function of the department
• .is the person who selects art work, arranges for the
setting and provides information for artists
regarding shipping or documentations needed and
responsible for writings labels, cataloged themes
and other supporting content for an exhibition as
well. In general curators holds a higher academic
degree in their subjects such master degree of art,
art history. Curators also can deliver public talks,
publish articles and prefers to work with a small
group of artist and creating variety of traditional
.is the person who buys art at the right time with
the right price and sells it at the right time with the
right price, but not necessary deal with artists on a
personal level. In such case, it works will for artst
who accept to work as employees not as free
creative individuals for he/his is asked what to
paint within a given time. Dealer has a secondary
market; first market is targeting artist with certain
artwork, second; is targeting art buyers with his
collection to get best prices possible.
• Is the person who loves certain pieces of
art/paintings and collect at not necessary
to sell later but the chance is there. He is
also called an art loves with possibility of
having a personal project in mind for
his/her collection in the future, such as
having own museum or use/rent the
collection for films/movies and TV shows
Art dealers
• An art dealer is a person or company that
buys and sells works of art. Art dealers'
professional associations serve to set
high standards for accreditation or
membership and to support art
exhibitions and shows.
• When dealers buy works of art, they
resell them either in their galleries or
directly to collectors.
GAMABA National Artist
• The National Living Treasures Award, alternatively
known as the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
(GAMABA; lit. Award for the Creators of the Country)
is conferred to a person or group of artists
recognized by the Government of the Philippines for
their contributions to the country's intangible
cultural heritage. A recipient of the award, known as
a National Living Treasures or gawad sa Manlilikha
ng Bayan is defined as "a Filipino citizen or group of
Filipino citizens engaged in any traditional art
uniquely Filipino, whose distinctive skills have
reached such a high level of technical and artistic
excellence and have been passed on to and widely
practiced by the present generations in their
community with the same degree of technical and
artistic competence

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