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Objectives of HRM
HRM Objectives Supporting
Societal Objectives Legal Compliance
SAILs basic objective is customer satisfaction Benefits
Union Management Relations
Organizational Objectives HRP
TVS Suzuki- emphasis of the company are Employee Relations
Functional Objectives People and quality through quality
circles Training and Development
Reliance – KRA based on PMS & career mapping Placement

exercise, Mfg leadership program for its senior executives

in association with Hewitt

Personal Objectives Training and Development

Eg- DuPont Nylon – a development Appraisal, Placement, Compensation
Center created for employees, team bldg
Functions of HRM
 Planning- plan & research about wage trends,labour mkt etc
 Organizing- manpower and resources
 Staffing- recruitment & selection
 Directing- issuance of orders and instructions to follow plan of action
 Controlling – to regulate the activities
 Operational Functions of HRM
 Procurement- planning , Recruitment & Selection , Induction &
 Placement
 Development – T & D, Career Planning & Counseling
 Compensation- Wage & Salary administration
 Integration
 Maintenance – improving work conditions, retentions
 Separation - caused by resignations, retirement, death, medical reasons
Responsibility of Personnel Specialist

1. Human Resource Planning

2. Formulation of Programmes & Procedures
3. Employee Health & Safety Programmes
4. Training and Development of Personnel
5. Wage & Salary Administration
6. Good Labour Management Relations – Grievance handling
7. Employee Benefit Programmes
8. Personnel Research
9. Personnel Audit & Review Work
Difference Between Personnel management & Human
resource management
1. Personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization.
Human resource management is a modern approach of managing people and their
strengths in the organization.
2. Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labor
Human resource management focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and
maintenance of human resources in the organization.
3. Personnel management assumes people as a input for achieving desired output.
Human resource management assumes people as an important and valuable resource
for achieving desired output.
4. Under personnel management, personnel function is undertaken for employee’s
Under human resource management, administrative function is undertaken for goal
5. Under personnel management, job design is done on the basis of division of labor.
Under human resource management, job design function is done on the basis of
group work/team work.
 PM can be described as a series of activities related to various aspects of an
employee’s relationship with the organization. HRM is also concerned with
these issues, but in addition stresses the primacy of business needs. Other points
of departure are that HRM embraces individual flexibility and congruency
between individual and organizational goals, whereas PM is concerned with
systems applied to individuals and collectivism.
1. World becoming a Global Village eg-GE, ranbaxy, Glaxo, TCS
2. Corporate Re-organizations eg- Air India & IA,
3. New Organizational Structures- Virtual , boundary less , flat , Wipro –
4. Diversification – soaps,edible oils etc Forward & Backward Intg Backward
5. Integration M&As
6. Diverse workforce- eg. Teenagers, Nuclear families, working mothers etc
7. Change in Employee Expectations- more of benefits
8. People Focus – concept of flexi time –huges software, L&T – nanhi kali,TCS joined Tata
Mgmt Training Center for balance scorecard & other systems like PMS , Protection of
Interests of Weaker sections
9. Employee Engagement
10. Attrition

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