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The System of Education in the

 The system of education is determined by the National
Education Acts.
 In Scotland and Northern Ireland schools are still
managed by local authorities.
 Schools in England and Wales are supported from public
funds = grant-maintained.
 They receive money directly from the central government
and are run by a board of governors, consisting of parents
and members of the public.

Outline of the basic features
 There are wide variations between one part of the
country and another. (Scotland and Northern Ireland,
England and Wales have their own education systems.)
 Education in Britain mirrors the country's social system: it
is class-divided and selective
 maintained schools (public funds, education is free.)
 public schools (Parents have to pay high fees)
 grammar schools (selective, exams)
 comprehensive schools (no exams to enter)
 .
 three stages of education: primary, secondary and further
 Compulsory schooling in England and Wales lasts 11
years, from the age of 5 to 16.
 The National Curriculum (1988) sets out in detail the
subjects that children should study and the levels of
achievement they should reach by the ages of 7, 11, 14,
and 16, when they are tested.
 National Curriculum does not apply in Scotland.
 The English school syllabus used to be divided into Arts
(or Humanities) and Sciences.
 core subjects – English, mathematics, science, and, in the
secondary schools, a foreign language. The foundation
subjects are technology, geography, history, art, music and
physical education.
 Assessment tests (SATs) at the ages of 7, 11 and 14
(based on "course work" ).
 At 16 students take exams.
 All state schools must provide religious education,
although parents have the right to withdraw their children
from these classes.
Pre-Primary and Primary Education
 nursery schools for children under 5
 nursery classes or in infants classes in primary schools
 attend informal pre-school play-groups organized by
 Most children start school at five in a primary school.
(infants and juniors)
 clay or drawing, reading or singing, writing and arithmetic
 History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, Physical
Education, Swimming
Secondary Education
 GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
examinations at the age of 16
 Students who hope to go to university stay on at school
to study for A-levels (Advanced level) in two, three or
four subjects (17/8 years)
 It is necessary to have three or four A-levels to go to a
university or a Polytechnic.
 GNVQ exam, that is the General National Vocational
Qualification - to prepare students to do certain jobs
 SCE (the Scottish Certificate of Education) exams
Further education

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