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Instrumentation & Measurements

Basic Course Outline:

• Introduction to Basic Instrumentation Concepts
• Calibration of Instruments (Types of Errors, Error Compensation)
• Analog and Digital Recording Instruments (DMM, Oscilloscope, etc.)
• Signal Conditioning Circuits (Bridges, Op-Amps, Filters, etc.)
• Sensors and Transducers (Temperature, Pressure, Strain, Flow, etc.)
• Statistical Methods Used for Measurements

Dr. Memoon Sajid

Assistant Professor
G-07, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
Phone # +923468710421
Email :
Office Hours: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Mon-Fri)
General Instructions
• We will focus both on theory and practical applications
and implementation of what we are learning
• Students will be able to design systems using their gained
knowledge for actual applications
• The text book we will follow is “Measurement &
Instrumentation” by “Alan S. Morris”
• Reference book is “Process Control Instrumentation
Technology” by “Curtis D. Johnson”
• There will be no compromise on discipline and attendance
• Always bring calculator and something to write in lecture
• There will be both announced and surprise quizzes
• Plagiarism will not tolerated in any form
Mapping of CLOs & PLOs
CLOs, Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Cognitive Level
Ability to understand basic PLO-1 Cognitive Level 2
CLO-1 concepts of instrumentation (Understand)
Ability to apply the PLO-2 Cognitive Level 3 (Apply)
CLO-2 knowledge of
microelectronics and
circuits to signal
conditioning, transmission,
and recording of
Ability to analyze dynamic PLO-2 Cognitive Level 4
CLO-3 and static behavior of (Analyze)
sensors and instruments
CLO Assessment Mechanism
Assessment Tools Percentage
Quizzes 20%
Assignments 5%
Midterm Examination 30%
Final Examination 45%

• According to Institute Attendance Policy, 80% of attendance is mandatory to sit in the Final
Exam. The attendance will be taken regularly. An approved leave will not be counted
towards the attendance.
• Assignments must be submitted in the instructor’s office on due date. Late submission of
assignment shall not be accepted.
• Quizzes may be surprised and/or announced.
• Make-up quiz/assignment will be taken only in case of leave approved by the dean FEE.
• Cheating in any assignment, quiz, mid or final shall lead you straight towards minimum
grade F and case will be referred to the Dean’s office for disciplinary action.
2.3 Static Characteristics of Instruments

2.3.1 Accuracy and Inaccuracy

(Measurement Uncertainty)

The accuracy of an instrument is a measure of how close the output reading of the
instrument is to the correct value
2.3.2 Precision/Repeatability/Reproducibility
Precision is a term that describes an instrument’s degree of freedom from random errors
2.3.3 Tolerance

Tolerance is a term that is closely related to accuracy and defines the maximum error
that is to be expected in some value.

2.3.4 Range or Span

The range or span of an instrument defines the minimum and maximum values of a
quantity that the instrument is designed to measure

2.3.5 Linearity
It is normally desirable that the output reading of an instrument is linearly proportional
to the quantity being measured
2.3.6 Sensitivity of Measurement

2.3.8 Resolution
The lower limit on the magnitude of the
change in the input measured quantity that
produces an observable change in the
instrument output.
Constant error that exists over the full range of the amount by which an instrument’s sensitivity of
measurement of the instrument. measurement varies as ambient conditions change.
• Sensitivity drift is quantified by sensitivity drift coefficients that define how much

drift there is for a unit change in each environmental parameter that the

instrument characteristics are sensitive to.

• Many components within an instrument are affected by environmental

fluctuations, such as temperature changes.

• Example of sensitivity drift is the modulus of elasticity of a spring is temperature


• Figure 2.7b shows what effect sensitivity drift can have on the output

characteristic of an instrument. Sensitivity drift is measured in units of the form

(angular degree/bar)/C.

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