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Name -Lalita kumari

Roll- 16527
Univ. Roll no. -2160070018

The convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) is a

species from the family (Cichlidae)It is native to
central America.It is also known as the zebra fish .
Convict cichlids are popular in aquarium fish and have
been the subject of numerous studies on fish behavior .
Classification :-
kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Actinopterygii
Order -cichliforms
Family -cichlidae
Genus -Amatitlania
Species -A . Nigrofasciata
The convict cichlids is a rather small cichlid
species .Size:-Males grows to be around 6.5
inches long and female closer to 4.5 inches
,with both genders in a wide variety of colors ,
with females being more highly colored .
young usually take around 6 months to
mature , during which time both parents care
for their young and carry out several
parenting tasks .convict cichlids are known to
be highly aggressive when breeding, and
tend to be more aggressive to high
Convict cichlids are native to the lacks and streams of
central America .in particular the species occurs along
the eastern Cost by central America from Guatemala
cost Rica, convict cichlids prefer moving water , and are
mostly frequently founds in habitats with cover in the form
of rocks or sunken branches .t the daily water
temperature range from 79-84F . Convict cichlids can be
relatively tolerant of cool water.
In natural habitats, the species has a diet
composed of various prey, including
crustaceans , small fish and insects, worms
plants and also algae. The fish can protrude
its jaw 42% of its standard length allowing
into have a varied diet.


(Female with eggs)

(one day old larva )

(three day old larva)

(Five day old fry)
Serious of images of reproduction
(top to bottom)
The convict cichlids can reach sexual maturity as 16 weeks, though
sexual maturity more commonly occurred as 6 months. Sexually
mature convicts from monogamous pairs and spawn in small caves or
crevices, female adhere eggs to the walls of the cave.
The eggs hatch approximately 72hours after fertilization. They fan the
eggs moving water with their fins over the clutch to provide
oxygenation. They fan the eggs both day or night. At night they use
their sense of small to recognize the presence of eggs in the dark, they
keep their pelvic fins in contact with the eggs to remain at the right
existence for fanning.
After hatching the larva spend another 72 hours absorbs their yolk
sacs and developing their fins before they become free swimming fry

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