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Operation of two converter IPFC

considering complementary
voltage compensation and P/Q
Dr. H. T. Jadhav
Professor Electrical Engg
IPFC by coordinated phasor diagrams and P - Q plots
Converter 1 supplies only real power to System 1
Converter 1 supplies both P & QC to System 1
Converter 1 absorbs both P & QL from System 1
Some remarks about location of voltage Vpq
• Trajectory of V1p is always circular arc.
• Center of this arc is in middle between
ends of Vs & VR phasors.
• The intersection of (actual or
extended) Vx with the so-constructed
arc precisely defines Vp as component
of Vpq that is in quadrature with Vx
• Vp is in phase with line current I.
• If the trajectory of injected voltage Vpq
is made to coincide with this arc then
converter provides only real power
compensation and its reactive power
exchange with the transmission line is
zero (Qpq = 0).
Some remarks about effect of voltage Vpq in PQ plane
• Operating points on arc, corresponding to Qpq = 0, translate into a
similar circular arc defining Q Vs P relationship in [Q1r, P1r] plane.
• Region right of [Qr Vs Pr ]Qpq = 0) arc is series capacitive
compensation, which increases P;
• Region right of [Qr Vs Pr ]Qpq = 0) arc is series inductive
compensation, which decreases P,.
• Range of capacitive compensation is practically independent of real
power compensation provided.
• While range of attainable inductive compensation decreases with
increasing real power (of either polarity) compensation.
• This is because, increasing inductive compensation, line current
decreases and converter, having a limited voltage rating, is unable
to provide required total output VA with available line current.
• Series compensators, in practical applications, are usually
employed to increase the transmitted power.

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