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lesson 2


What are these pins?
1. Offset
Null 8 8. N / C

2. Inverting Input –VIN

2 7 7. +VCC

3. Noninverting Input 3 6 6.Output


- VEE 4 5
5.Offset Null

Figure 4 Op Amp pins Description
What are these pins?

• Pin 1 and Pin 5 : Offset null input, are used to remove the Offset voltage.
• Pin 2: Inverting input (-VIN), signals at this pin will be inverted at output Pin 6.
• Pin 3: Non-inverting input (+VIN), signals at pin 3 will be processed without
• Pin 4: Negative power supply terminal (-VEE).
• Pin 6: Output (VOUT) of the Op-Amp
• Pin 7: Positive power supply terminal (+VCC)
• Pin 8: No connection (N\C), it is just there to make it a standard 8-pin
Symbol of OP-AMP


- -


+ +


(a) Without power connection (b) With power connection

Figure 5 Op Amp Schematic Symbols

Most Op Amps require dual power supply with
common ground

Positive Supply (+15V) to pin7


Negative Supply (-15V) to pin4 -VIN

+ 4

Common Ground


Figure 6 Dual Supply Voltages connection

Some Op Amps work on single supply also


- -

4 + 4


(a) Single Positive Voltage (b) Single Negative Voltage

Figure 7 Single Supply Voltages connection

Advantage of dual power supply

Using dual power supply will let the op amp to output true AC voltage.

+15V +30V

Output 0V 30 V Output 30 V

-15V 0V

Figure 8a Op Amp powered from Dual supply Figure 8b Op Amp powered from Single supply
What is dual power supply?

Single Power Supply Single Power Supply

–15V Common +15V

Figure 18 Dual Power Supply

How can you make a dual power supply using
two 9V batteries?

What is the voltage between + of first battery and – of second battery?

Virtual Short Virtual Ground

• Kedua persamaan (vi=0 dan ii=0) mengasumsikan bahwa kedua terminal

input seolah-olah terhubung langsung (virtual short), yang mana baik
tegangan maupun arus sangat2 mendekati nol
• Karena adanya virtual short, maka kaki inverting seolah-olah terhubung
ke ground (virtual ground).
• Catatan bahwa meski kaki non-inverting tak terhubung langsung ke
ground, dalam arti ada resistor diantaranya, namun tak ada arus
mengalir melewati resistor tersebut. Sehingga tegangan resistor adalah
nol. Maka kaki inverting tetap saja pada kondisi virtual ground.
Aplikasi Op- Amps (part 2)

• Current to Voltage Converter

• Penguat Penjumlah
• Penguat penjumlah tak Membalik
• Penguat pengurang
Current-to-Voltage Converter
• Misal sumber arus
menghasilkan 10 mA dan RF=
100 kohm, tegangan voltage
adalah -1 V
• Karena resistance output op-
amp mendekati nol, tegangan
output dengan ataupun tanpa
beban adalah hampir sama
• Karena tegangan output vo
dikontrol dari sumber arus is
rangkaian ini disebut dengan
sumber tegangan terkendali
Penguat Penjumlah
Penguat Penjumlah Tak Membalik
Penguat Pengurang

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