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1.ACCEPT,EXCEPT:The I won’t accept an
verb accept means answer except yes.
“receive”. The
preposition except
means other than ;the
conjunction “unless”;
and the verb ,”leave
2.AFFECT,EFFECT:Affect The situation doesn’t
is a verb that mean affect me.I’ve realized
“influence”.As a noun no negative effects, so
effect means result;as why should I effect a
a verb, effect means change?
“bring about”
3.AMONG,BETWEEN:A Among the possible
mong refers to groups candidates. I'll choose
of more than two; between this two.
between often refers
to only two.
4.AMOUNT,NUMBER:A A number of glasses
mount refers to thing held the same amount
in a bulk or mass; of water.
number to refers to
separate things that
can be counted.
5.BAD,BADLY:Bad is an The report is bad.(bad
adjective, used report)
before a noun or after
a linking verb; badly is I look bad.(bad
an adverb. appearance)

I play badly.(bad at
6.CHOOSE,CHOSE: I choose today the
Choose means select: same thing I chose
chose is the past yesterday.
tense of choose.
7.FARTHER,FURTHER: Further reflection tells
Farther refers to as what we should
physical distance, walk farther.
further refers to a
greater extent or
8.FEWER,LESS:Fewer I like to use the “ 10
refers to separate items or fewer”. It
items that can be takes less time than
counted. Less refers to the others.
a quantity that can be
measured but not
9.GOOD,WELL:Good is Carl is a good athlete.
an adjective, never an He eats well (adverb)
adverb. Well is an in order to stay
adjective that means well(adjective).
“healthy, "but it is
most often used as an
10.HOLE,WHOLE:Hole The whole day turned
refers to an opening or sour when I fell in the
gap; whole refers to whole.
11.IMPLY,INFER:Imply Writers imply. Readers
means “suggest”; infer infer.
means “deduce”.
12.IT’S,ITS:It’s is a It’s possible to replace
contraction for “it is” its missing case.
or “it has”; its is a
possessive pronoun.
13.LAY,LIE:Lay means “put” Since you don’t feel well,
or place and is just lay your cards on the
transitive(must have a direct table and go lie down.
object). Its past tense is laid.
Lie means “recline” or to “to
speak falsely” and is
intransitive (it cannot be a
direct object) Its past tense
is lay(that’s where the
confusion comes in).
14.PLAIN,PLANE;Plain is a The plain truth is that tis plane
noun “an area of level, cannot land on just any
treeless person”, or an plane.
adjective meaning “ordinary”
or “easily understand”. Plane
is a noun meaning a “ flat
surface,” “ a tool for making
something smooth”, or ”an
airplane”. Plane is also an
adjective meaning “level”.
15.PRINCIPAL,PRINCIPLE: The principal of the
Principal is a noun school promotes the
meaning “highest- ranking principle respect.
person” or “invested
money”. Principal is also
an adjective meaning
“primary”. The noun
principle means “guiding
16.REAL,VERY,REALLY: The monetary gains
Real is usually an are real, which is really
adjective meaning encouraging.
“authentic”. It should
not be used in place of
the adverbs very or
17.THAN,THEN:Than is a I showed that I was
conjunction that taller than my brother.
creates a comparison ; Then he slugged me.
then is usually an
adverb referring to
18.TO,TOO,TWO: To is a We went to the
preposition that upscale market to buy
indicates direction two zucchinis, though
and is the word used they were too
to inform an infinitive. expensive.
Too is an adverb that
means “excessively”.
Two is the number 2.
19.WHO’S,WHOSE: Who’s in charge here?
Who’s is the
contraction of “who Whose mess is that?
is” or “who has”.
Whose is a possessive
20.YOU’RE,YOUR: You’re telling me
You’re is the that’s your mess.
contraction of “you
are”. Your is a
possessive pronoun.

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