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WSH – OTM Integration

Creation date 21-Jan-2008

 What is OTM?
 What are the pre-requisites?
 What is the set-up required?
 How to use OTM for Planning.
 Code Flow.
What is OTM?

OTM is Oracle Transportation Management (previously

known as Glog/GC3) which is used by EBS for planning
What are the pre-requisites?

 Processes to support EBS – OTM Integration should be

deployed in BPEL.
 Organization in EBS should be OTM enabled.
 The OTM and BPEL profiles should be set to the
appropriate values.
Setup Required

 Shipping Parameter (Delivery tab) Transportation is to

be Enabled for the Organization.
 Profiles. (OTM and BPEL)
Shipping Parameters

Shipping -> Setup -> Shipping Parameters

OTM and BPEL Profiles
These are the important OTM and BPEL profiles to be set.
OTM: Domain Name
OTM: Domain Password
OTM: Domain User
OTM: Integration Enabled
OTM: Servlet URI
WSH: BPEL Webservice URI for OTM
WSH: BPEL Domain Name
How to use OTM for Planning

 Book a Sales Order for the OTM enabled organization with

Promise Date and Request Date as future dates.
 Auto-Create Deliveries.
 Send the delivery to OTM for planning by submitting conc.
request ‘’
 OTM Plans the Delivery and sends the Planned Trip gets
created on successful completion of conc. req. ‘Planned
Shipment Interface’, triggered on successful planning of
Code Flow  Process called

Send Delivery for Planning OutboundInterface, OutboundChild

Invoke BPEL Process for Delivery WshSendDlvyToOtmService

-Create Order Release corresponding to delivery in OTM

- Plan the Order Release and create shipment (as Trip in EBS) in OTM

Invoke BPEL Process to send the Planned Delivery WshRecievePShipmentFromOtm


Pick Release and Ship Confirm

Send Trip to OTM for Actual Shipment OutboundInterface, OutboundChild

Invoke BPEL Process for Trip WshSendTriptoOtmService

Create a Sales Order.

Orders,Returns -> Sales Orders. The Shipping Method Should be NULL

Create the Sales Order contd..

Promise Date and Request Date should be future dates.

Book the Sales Order.

Orders,Returns -> Sales Orders. The Shipping Method Should be NULL

Query the order in Shipping
Transaction form

Auto-Create Delivery for the Delivery Detail.

Submit Shipping-Transportation
Outbound Interface for the delivery

Shipping -> Interfaces -> Run

Shipping-Transportation Outbound
spawns the child request

View -> Requests

Search the Order Release in OTM

Order Management -> Order Release -> Order Release

View the Order Release and Shipment
in OTM

Click on ‘+’ sign next to the Order Release created.

Planned Shipment Interface creates
Trip in EBS for the delivery

View -> Requests

Query the order in Shipping
Transaction form to see the Trip

The Trip for the delivery gets created.

Pick Release sales order

Shipping -> Release Sales Orders -> Release Sales Order

Ship Confirm the delivery

Shipping -> Release Sales Orders -> Release Sales Order

Submit Shipping-Transportation
Outbound Interface for the Trip

Shipping -> Interfaces -> Run

Shipping-Transportation Outbound
spawns the child request

View -> Requests

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