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Slope Stability

Crozet Tunnel

Central America??
Gros Ventre Slide, WY, 1925
(pronounced “grow vahnt”)

50 million cubic yards

Earthquake Lake, MT, 1959

29 fatalities
Nelson County, VA
Madison County, VA
Slope Stability
I. Stresses and Strength
A. Applies to all sloping surfaces
• Balancing of driving and resisting forces
• If Resisting forces > Driving Forces:
Slope Stability
I. Stresses and Strength
A. Applies to all sloping surfaces
• Balancing of driving and resisting forces
• If Resisting forces > Driving Forces:
B. Engineering Approach
• Delineate the surface that is most at risk
• Calculate the stresses
• Calculate the Shear Strength
A Friendly Review From Last Month……

Stress on an inclined plane to Force

σ = Force / Area

Where is Normal Force and Shear Force = ??

cos Θ = a = Fn
h = Fg
sin Θ = o = Fs
h = Fg
Fn = Fg cos Θ
Fs = Fg sin Θ
Shear Stress Analysis

Find the
Fn = Fg cos Θ
Shear stress Fs = Fg sin Θ

What is behind this pretty little box???

Shear Stress Analysis

Fn = Fg cos Θ
Fs = Fg sin Θ
Consider a planar slide whose failure surface is ‘linear’…..
II. Planar Slide—case 1

Volume of Slice =
MO x PR x 0.5 x 1 ft
II. Planar Slide—case 1

Volume of Slice =
MO x PR x 0.5 x 1 ft
Sa = Shear Stress
Sa = W sin β
W = Fg

Fn = Fg cos β
Fs = Fg sin β
Sa = W sin β

Sr = Shear Resistance = (Friction + Cohesion)

Sa = W sin β

Fn = Fg cos β
Fs = Fg sin β

Sr = Friction + Cohesion
= W cos β tan ϕ + c * (segment MO)
Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
Factor of Safety

Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
Sa = W sin β
Sa = shear stress
Sa = W sin β
An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees Factor of Safety
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3 Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
•MO has a distance of 100 ft Sa = W sin β
•PR has a distance of 22 ft

Determine the factor of safety!!

An Example…..
•Slope of 23 degrees
•Angle of internal friction of 30 degrees
•Cohesion of 90 lbs/ft2
•Soil is 100lbs/ft3
•MO has a distance of 100 ft
•PR has a distance of 22 ft
failure length 100
Determine the factor of safety!!
failure height 22
volume 1100
unit weight 100
slope angle 23
angle of internal friction 30
cohesion 90
unit 100
weight of slice 110000

Sa 42980.42
Sr 67459.91

Factor of Safety = 1.56955

Slides: Rotational (slump)
III. Rotational Slide—case 1
III. Rotational Slide—case 1

A. The process
• Determine volume of each slice
• Determine the weight of each slice
III. Rotational Slide—case 1

A. The process
• Determine volume of each slice
• Determine the weight of each slice
• Calculate the driving and resisting forces
of each slice
• Sum ‘em up and let it rip!
III. Rotational Slide—case 1
“should use a minimum of 6 slices”
For Slice 1:
11’ x 20’ x 1’ = 220 ft3
Calculate the weight of each slice…
220 ft3 x 100 lbs/ft3 = 22,000 lbs.

For Slice 2:
30’ x 20’ x 1’ = 600 ft3
600 ft3 x 100 lbs/ft3 = 60,000 lbs

For Slice 3:
38’ x 20’ x 1’ = 760 ft3
760 ft3 x 100 lbs/ft3 = 76,000 lbs

For Slice 4:
25’ x 20’ x 1’ = 500 ft3
500 ft3 x 100 lbs/ft3 = 50,000 lbs
The Driving Force:
The Driving Force:


The Driving Force:

The Driving Force:



(-) (-) (-) (-/+) (+)
The Driving Force:

Your turn!

50,000 lbs

76,000 lbs
60,000 lbs

22,000 lbs
The Resisting Force:

cohesion slice slope angle angle of

weight Internal friction
The Resisting Force:

cohesion slice slope angle angle of

weight Internal friction

Angle of internal friction: 30 degrees

Cohesion: 50 lbs/ft2
Length of failure plane: 122 ft


The Resisting Force:

cohesion slice slope angle angle of

weight Internal friction

Angle of internal friction: 30 degrees

Cohesion: 50 lbs/ft2
Length of failure plane: 122 ft

Your turn!!
Factor of Safety

Fs = Sr = W cos β tan ϕ + cL
Sa = W sin β
Factor of Safety

Fs = Sr = 100,930 lbs
Sa = 47,560 lbs
Factor of Safety

Fs = Sr = 100,930 lbs
Sa = 47,560 lbs

Fs = 2.12
Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 130 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 30 degrees
Cohesion (c): 400 lbs/ft2
Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 130 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 30 degrees
Cohesion (c): 400 lbs/ft2

Hc = 2 * c * tan(45 + ϕ/2)
Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 130 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 30 degrees
Cohesion (c): 400 lbs/ft2

Hc = 2 * c * tan(45 + ϕ/2)

Determine the maximum depth of the trench that

will stand with the walls unsupported….
Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 130 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 30 degrees
Cohesion (c): 400 lbs/ft2

Hc = 2 * c * tan(45 + ϕ/2)
Hc = 2 * 400 lbs/ft2 * tan(45 + 30/2)
130 lbs/ft3
Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 130 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 30 degrees
Cohesion (c): 400 lbs/ft2

Hc = 2 * c * tan(45 + ϕ/2)
Hc = 2 * 400 lbs/ft2 * tan(45 + 30/2)
130 lbs/ft3
Hc = 2 * 400 lbs/ft2 * 1.732
130 lbs/ft3
Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 130 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 30 degrees
Cohesion (c): 400 lbs/ft2

Hc = 2 * c * tan(45 + ϕ/2)
Hc = 2 * 400 lbs/ft2 * tan(45 + 30/2)
130 lbs/ft3
Hc = 2 * 400 lbs/ft2 * 1.732
130 lbs/ft3

Hc = 10.65 ft
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd Eq. 14.42, Das, 5th edition

γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
Fc = c Fϕ = ϕ
cd ϕd
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd
γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
2 = 600 2 = 24
cd ϕd
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd
γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
2 = 600 2 = 24
cd ϕd
cd = 300 ϕd = 12
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd
γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
Hc = 4 * 300 lbs/ft2 * sin 90 * cos 12
110 lbs/ft3 (1 – cos(90 – 12))
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd
γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
Hc = 4 * 300 lbs/ft2 * (1) * (0.978)
110 lbs/ft3 (1 – 0.208)
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd
γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
Hc = 4 * 300 lbs/ft2 * (1) * (0.978)
110 lbs/ft3 (1 – 0.208)
Hc = 1173.5 lbs/ft2
87.12 lbs/ft3
Yet Another Example:

Unit Weight of Soil (γ): 110 lbs/ft3

Angle of internal friction (ϕ): 24 degrees
Cohesion (c): 600 lbs/ft2

Determine the safe depth of a vertical cut for a

Factor of Safety of 2

Hc = 4 * cd * sin i * cos ϕd
γ (1 – cos(i – ϕd))
Hc = 4 * 300 lbs/ft2 * (1) * (0.978)
110 lbs/ft3 (1 – 0.208) Hc = 13.5 ft

Hc = 1173.5 lbs/ft2
87.12 lbs/ft3

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