Clauses and Sentences

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© Yosa A, Alzuhdy—English Dept. YSU

English for MKU

Yogyakarta State University
Kinds of Sentences

The combination of clauses forming various types of sentences.

1. A SIMPLE SENTENCE consists of one independent clause ONLY.
The man bought a magazine in Gramedia bookstore last week.
2. A COMPOUND SENTENCE is two or more independent clauses
joined together.
I enjoy tennis a lot, and I usually play it once a week.
3. A COMPLEX SENTENCE contains one independent clause and one
(or more) dependent clause(s).
Here, one idea is more important (the MAIN Clause) than the other
(the SUBORDINATE clause).
Although women in the United States could own property, they could
not vote until 1920.
4. A COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCE is a combination of two or more
independent clauses and one (or more) dependent clauses.
I want to get married soon after I graduate from this university;
however, my parents want me to get a job first.
SIMPLE Sentences

Remember that all sentences consist of one or more clauses.

A SIMPLE SENTENCE consists of one clause.
China is changing.
S Vb
Developers are welcomed.
S Vb
People need vitamins.
S Vb Obj
Her mother is a senior surgeon in this hospital.
S Vb C: Noun Adv
My friends and I always play football and go swimming every weekend.
S Vb-phrase Adv
1. The man took a magazine from the highest shelf.
2. Students normally spend four years in college.
3. I enjoy playing football with my friends every weekend.
4. I enjoy playing football and look forward to it every weekend.
SIMPLE Sentence

Independent Clause  Simple Sentence :

Subject + Verb  The VERB must be in accordance with SUBJECT,


For example:
1. Her father and sister are waiting for her coming at the airport.
2. We will have the mid semester exam in a few days.
3. A collection of books has been stolen from the library.
4. She didn’t follow the interview yesterday.
5. My girlfriend is in Jakarta right now.
6. Both of her brother and sister are students of this faculty.
Connected Sentences
Practically, two combined clauses should be joined using a:
> Coordinate Connector  Compound Sentence
> semicolon (;)  Compound Sentence
> Sentence Connector  Compound Sentence
> Subordinate Connector  Complex Sentence
He is sick. He stays at home.
He is sick, so he stays at home.
He is sick; he stays at home.
He is sick; therefore, he stays at home.
Because he is sick, he stays at home.
He stays at home because he is sick.

The girl is very clever. Nobody likes her.

The girl is very clever, but nobody likes her.
The girl is very clever, and nobody likes her.
5 Because the girl is very clever, nobody likes her.
COMPOUND Sentences

A COMPOUND SENTENCE is two or more independent

clauses joined together.
I enjoyed tennis. I hate golf.
 I enjoyed tennis, but I hate golf.

There are three ways to join the clauses:

With a coordinator : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
I enjoyed tennis, but I hate golf.
With a sentence connector: nevertheless, therefore, etc…
I enjoyed tennis; however, I hate golf.
With a semicolon
I enjoyed tennis; I hate golf.
Compound Sentences: Coordinators


for and nor but or yet so
Format: S + V(,) coordinator S + V

1 clause 1 clause
for (karena) giving reasons for the first clause
and (dan) expresses equal, additional, similar ideas
nor (juga tdk) joins two negative independent clauses ( inverted: aux+Subj)
1. She is not taking English this semester, for she has got B+ in that course.
Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can’t help falling in love with you.
2. My friend Jim is excellent in Math, and he is also a good football player.
3. Siti doesn’t like watching infotainment, nor does she like watching sports.
Jim isn’t an English student. He isn’t a student of sports department.
 Jim isn’t an English student, nor is he a student of sports department.
Adi doesn’t want to meet Ani, nor will he receive any phone calls from her.
Compound Sentences: Coordinators

but (tetapi) expresses two equal, contrasting ideas

or (atau) giving alternative possibilities
yet (namun) showing surprising or unexpected contrast
so (maka,shg) showing the result of the first clause

1. He always comes to class on time, but he often feels sleepy in class.

2. I didn’t like the man, but he always sat beside me, and I couldn’t refuse.
3. You can type the letter using a computer, or you can handwrite it.
4. The invitation can be sent via email, or you can give it to him directly.
5. The man has already got three dishes of “bakso”, yet he is still hungry.
6. I have read this book three times, yet I cannot understand the story.
7. You need a lot of practice, so you should do the exercises in the book.
8. I like swimming, so I will join the swimming club in this campus.
Compare: I like swimming, so I will join the swimming club in this campus.
I will join the swimming club in this campus, for I like swimming.

Coordinate Connectors (Coordinators)

SEVEN Coordinate Connectors: FAN BOYS: S+Vb, Coordinator S+Vb

for (karena); and (dan); nor (juga tidak); but (tetapi); or (atau); yet (namun); so (maka)
 I bought this book, for there is new information in it. (karena)
 I bought this book for my sister-in-law. (untuk)
 I bought this book for completing my collection. (untuk)
 I have read this book for three days. (selama)
 I bought this book, and I also sent the package. (dan)
 I didn’t buy that book, nor did I meet her in the bookstore. (juga tidak)
 I bought this book, but I didn’t buy that book. (tetapi)
 I had to buy this book, or I had to wait for 2 years for its reprint. (atau)
 I bought this book last week, yet I haven’t got time to read it . (namun)
 I have bought this book, so I can take it home. (maka)

Akan tetapi Meskipun begitu Di samping itu Di sisi lain Karena itu
however nevertheless besides on the other hand therefore
consequently furthermore meanwhile otherwise etc…
Akibatnya Lebih-lebih lagi Sementara itu Kalau tidak dlsb
Format: S + V. Connector, S + V
S + V; connector, S + V

1. I bought this book, and I also sent the package.

2. He always comes to class on time, but he often feels sleepy in class.
3. You can type the letter using a computer, or you can handwrite it.
4. The man has already got three dishes of “bakso”, yet he is still hungry.
5. I like swimming, so I will join the swimming club in this campus.
1. I bought this book; furthermore, I also sent the package.
2. He always comes to class on time; however, he often feels sleepy in class.
3. You can type the letter using a computer; otherwise, you can handwrite it.
4. He has already got three dishes of “bakso”; nevertheless, he is still hungry.
5. I like swimming; therefore, I will join the swimming club in this campus.
Ex. 1. Check if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
If it is incorrect, state what makes it so.

missing Verb: was
missing Subject: we
missing Connector: but
missing Verb: be
missing Comma: ,
C double Subject: omit it

missing Connector: and

I 11. The rain clouds can be seen in distance, however no

rain has fallen. wrong format: ; however,

I 12. You can drive your car for another ten kilometers; or,
you can get it fixed. wrong format: , or
atau: ; otherwise,
C 13. The software should be used on a laptop computer,
and this is a laptop.
COMPLEX Sentence: Subordinator


after before that when which why
whether in order that if who unless because
though so that until since whenever as if
although even though as while anytime… etc.
Format: S + V subordinator + S + V
Subordinator + S + V, S + V
1. The teacher let them go out after they submitted the assignment.
After they submitted the assignment, the teacher let them go out.
2. I don’t take English this semester because I have got B+ in it.
Because I have got B+ in English, I don’t take it this semester.
3. She will get home and eat a lot of food whenever she feels sad.
Whenever she feels sad, she will get home and eat a lot of food.
Independent or Dependent?

See the exercise on page 21.

1. Dependent
2. Independent
3. Dependent
4. Dependent
5. Independent
6. Dependent
7. Independent
8. Independent
9. Dependent
Adverb Clause Connectors (Subordinators)
Ingat: ada dua format penggunaan Subordinators:
main clause + sub-clause S+Vb Subordinator S+Vb
sub-clause, + main clause Subordinator S+Vb, S+Vb
Perhatikan hubungan logis kedua clause, dan fahami makna/fungsi berbagai subordinators.
 He feels very tired since he has been working hard. (karena)
 Since he has been working hard, he feels very tired. (karena)
 He has been working hard since he arrived here this morning. (sejak)
 He felt very tired, but/yet he came to the course. (tetapi /namun)
 Although he felt very tired, he came to the course. (meskipun)
 He felt very tired. However, he came to the course. ( Akan tetapi)
 He felt very tired; nevertheless, he came to the course. (meskipun dmk)
Check: _______ arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.
(A) The student
(B) When
(C) He
(D) After the student
15 combined clauses should be joined using a connector (Co- or Sub-) or ; .
Review: three groups to connect clauses:


for and nor but or yet so
Format: S + V(,) coordinator S + V


accordingly furthermore in contrast meanwhile on the other hand
besides hence indeed moreover otherwise
consequently however instead therefore nevertheless
for example in addition likewise thus nonetheless
Format: S + V. Connector, S + V
S + V; connector, S + V


after although that when which why
whether as as if since unless because
though so that until while whenever etc.
Format: S + V subordinator + S + V
Subordinator + S + V, S + V

A power failure occurred, _______ the lamps went out.
(A) then
(B) so
(C) later
(D) next
There are two clauses: A power failure occurred.
The lamps went out.
Hubungan antar klausa: Sebab-akibat.
Coordinate conjunction dibutuhkan untuk menghubungkan klausa tsb.
then, later, next  sentence connectors.
Fungsi  urutan kejadian atau proses (sequence)
They had dinner at 7 pm. Then, they watched TV for about two hours.
They had dinner at 7 pm; next, they watched TV for about two hours.
So  coordinate conjunction, menunjukkan akibat dari klausa pertama.

_______ was late, I missed the appointment.
(A) I
(B) Because
(C) The train
(D) Since he
Kalimat di atas diawali dengan VERB was, berarti perlu dilengkapi dengan
Subject (Noun). Setelah tanda koma juga ada Clause: Subject + Verb
I missed the appointment.
Berarti ada dua klausa  Carilah logika hubungan antara keduanya.
: Sebab akibat.
Perhatikan juga format kalimatnya: perlu subordinate connector di awal kal.
I dan The train bisa sebagai subject (noun), tetapi tidak ada connector.
Because adalah connector yang sesuai (penyebab) tetapi tidak ada subject.
Pilihan yang tepat: D. Since he  connectornya tepat, ada subject.

You will get a good grade on the exam provided _____.
(A) studying
(B) study
(C) to study
(D) you study
Clause: You will get a good grade on the exam.
Klausa ini diikuti oleh connector provided, berarti setelah connector
tersebut harus diikuti oleh clause yang lain: Subject + Verb
Subject+Verb… provided + Subject + Verb
provided that
providing that
= dengan syarat, asalkan

More on Adverbs: see A. Ghani Johan: Bab 6 (pp. 93-102)

and Betty Schrampfer Azar: Chapters 8-9 (pp. 287-345)
Ex. 2. Check if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
If it is incorrect, state what makes it so.

I missing Verb: were

C missing Connector: Although or: but (NOT BOTH!)

I missing Subject: it

double: omit while


C double Comma: ,

I missing Subject: you

Ex. A. Check if each sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).
If it is incorrect, state what makes it so.
Omit: After or add comma: , and omit: before
Add: Because or add: so

Add: are
Add: was

Add subject: the teacher

Add comma: ,

Review Exercise

Page 43. TOEFL Exercise


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