Asking Giving Opinion

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What do you think??

Opinion is phrase or sentence
that consists of argument, reason
or opinion from someone.
Asking Opinion is a sentence which asking
opinion or argument to other people to

Giving Opinion is a sentence that gives a reason

to someone or other people.
Alex and Andi are talking about their plan to have
a holiday to Bali

Alex : What do you think about going to Bali next

Andi : That’s a good idea. I’ve never been to Bali.
Alex : Do you think we should book the ticket from now
or just before we go?
Andi : I think we’d better book the ticket now. Many
people go to Bali in holiday. If we don’t book the
ticket now, we might not get any ticket later.
Alex : Yes, you are right.
•What Do you think •That’s a good idea
•Do you think •I think

It is called asking for It is called giving

someone opinion opinion
Asking Opinion
• Do you have any idea?
For example:
• Do you have any opinion on
… 1. Do you have any
• Do you think is/are … idea of what is he
• Have you got any comments
on …
talking about ?
• What is your opinion 2. What’s is your
opinion about our
• What are you feeling
about….? new English
• What do you think
• What do you think
• What is your
• How do you like?
• How do you think of
Rina’s idea ?
• I personally believe ….. For example:
• I personally consider ….
• I personally think /feel ….
• I personally believe
• Well, personally … that this reason is
• I assume/guess … suitable for us
• I personally think
that this house is big
EXAMPLE for us
• I think it’s For example:
good/nice/great …
• I think that… 1. I think they have got
• I think I like it. much experience in
• In my opinion … competition.
• In my case ….. 2. In my opinion it is a
• In my mind ….. good sport event
• I believe ...
• If you ask to me, I feel
Example of formal expression
Dialogue :
Student : Miss Ratna, what is your opinion
about my result in this semester?
Teacher : I personally think your result in
this semester is very good, keep your grades
Student : Thank you so much for your
information Miss Ratna. I am very glad to
hear that.
Examples of informal expression
Dialogue 1
Jaka : What do you think of my new ball?
Reza : I think your ball is nice.

Dialogue 2
Cika : What is your idea about the stars in this
night Aisyah?
Aisyah : Wow.. I think it is very beautiful..
Responding to opinion
1. Agreement
Sample phrases (from formal to informal) :
- I completely agree (with what you say).
- That's just/exactly what I think/believe.
- In my opinion, you are right/correct.
- That's my opinion, too.
- I couldn't agree more.
- There's no doubt about it.
- You can say that again!
- You bet!
2. Disagreement
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)
- I disagree with what you're saying.
- I don't agree with you/think so/see it that
- I couldn't agree less.
- I couldn't disagree more.
- You've got to be joking/kidding!
- You can't really be serious!
- Come off it!
• At a department store in Bali, a tourist from Washington,
Miley and Daniel are going to by some clothes.
• Daniel : This store has various items. There are many
clothes and souvenirs here.
• Miley : Yes, you’re right.
• Daniel : What do you think about this shirt?
• Miley : Mmmm… but I don’t think red is the right
color for you. I think blue will be better.
• Daniel : Do you really think so? I think red is nice.
• Miley : Actually, I think red is too bright for you.
• Daniel : mmmm… I guess you’re right.
• Miley : But there is no blue shirt here. Let’s ask to
the shopkeeper.
• Daniel : Yeaaah…
• Victoria : Hi…. Kayla. Where are you going
• Kayla : Oh.. Hi Vic. I’m going to the library.
• Victoria : Oh... Hey maybe you can also borrow
teen lit or chick lit there?
• Kayla : Well, I think that’s impossible, Vic.
Because I don’t like those books. In my opinion, the
stories are notso interesting and sometime they’re so
• Victori : I see. According to me, the books are
okay. The stories are based on the everyday facts in
teenagers life.
• Kayla : Then, we have different opinion about it
Vic. And I appreciate your opinion.
Listen the audio carefully and complete the dialog using
the expressions of opinion!

Uncok : Look! It’s Statue of Liberty in New

Mona : Yes, I think so. Look at the top of the
1. But it’ll cost a lot Statue. What does she bring?
2. She brings a tabula ansata Uncok : …………………………………………….(2)
3. But how can we get there ? Mona : I see, But what is tabula ansata?
4. We should start saving up money Uncok : ……….(3) I think we should go there
then Someday.
5. It’s a unique and wonderful Mona : I agree………………………….(4)
statue, right? Uncok : We can go there by plane.
6. It is Latin words that mean a Mona : well, flying is the fastest way to get
tablet with handle there indeed,….(5)
Mona : …………………………………………………..(6)
Uncok : That’s good idea.
Fill in the blank using the opinion expressions given in the box below

1. Totally Agree 2. opinion 3. am concerned

4. Strongly believe 5. believe that 6. strongly

1. I____________________with you
2. It is all right if you don’t agree with me but I have every right to
3. As far as I______________________, I will not support bullying in
my school.
4. I am_____________________ that medical care should be free for
5. Some people_____________________eating fish and yogurt at the
same time causes severe skin disease.
6. I feel quite______________________about this issue.
Read the dialogue and do the exercises with your tablemate !
Situation : Five people are involved in a TV program called “Parents Speak Out”. They are talking about the
education system in Fantasia Island

Moderator : Today’s topic on “Parents Speak Out” is the education system in Fantasia Island . Why don’t we
just go around first and get your opinion. Angie, could we begin with you? What do you think of the education
system in Fantasia Island?
Angie : Well, if you ask me, it’s terrible. The education system in Fantasia Island is out of date. The
education system doesn’t make the students improve their knowledge.
Moderator : So, that’s what you think. Ryan how do you feel about them?
Ryan : Well, in general, I agree with Angie. But what bothers me more is that they memorize without
understanding the knowledge. The learning method makes the students under pressure. Students have to do
homework, study at school for hours and it in bring class situation.
Suzan : I think so, too. As far as I’m concerned, the education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It
seems to me that high education is only for rich people.
Moderator : What about the teachers?
Angie : Yes, well, in my opinion, the quality of the teachers in Fantasia Island is very poor. They lack of
qualified teachers. This problem arises because the goverment doesn’t pay attention to the teachers’
prosperity. Therefore, many Fantasia are not interested to become a qualified teachers.
Bob : Oh, I don’t know about that. I think they implement the British education system in
Fantasia Island. British education system is super.
Suzan : Maybe, but the teachers in Fantasia Island put the British education system into practice with the
wrong teaching method. They don’t teach Fantasian students much about how to apply knowledge in practical

Check your understanding. Answer those question

• What is the topic discussion?
• Why does Angie say the education system in Fantasia Island is terrible?
• Who support Angie’s opinion?
• What is Angie think about the teachers in Fantasia Island?
• Identify the expression of Asking and Giving opinion complete this table !

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