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Alexandra Altier
Do Don’t
Keep content clear and concise. Put too many words on one slide.

Example: Example:
Too many words can make it hard for your
Too many words on a PowerPoint makes it hard audience to focus on what you are discussing. They
for the audience to focus. will likely read what is printed on the PowerPoint
before the presenter even gets the opportunity to
say it. A lot of words on one slide can also be
Only put essential information on the slides to overwhelming, especially when the students will be
keep the amount of words low. taking notes of what is on the slides. If there is too
much information, it will be hard for the students
to decipher between what is the essential
Don’t add extra “fluff” to the PowerPoint slides. information that they must know and what is just
extra “fluff” that is non-essential.
Do Don’t

Use color in an aesthetic way Use bright and/or similar

that does not interfere with colors for the text and the
the information on the slides. background.

This makes
There are White, yellow, it hard to
many different red, green, see what is
colors that purple, black written.
you can use such as
on your and many more.
PowerPoint This will vary Other colors for this example, such as purple,
slides that are for each pink, yellow, green, and white, could make
not PowerPoint you it hard to focus on the information in the slide.
distracting! create. Play with
the settings and
make sure Make sure the information on the slide is easily
nothing is hard readable.
to see or hurts
your eyes.
Do Don’t
Use text that is at an appropriate size. Use text that is too small or too large


On the other
Your audience should be able to read the
hand, if you
use a text size
If you use a text
words on your PowerPoint with ease.
size that is too

However, you do not want the writing so large small, your

audience will not be

that is too
that you can barely put any information on a able to quickly read large, you will
not be able to
the information on

single slide or so small that the audience can’t the slides.

read it. fit much

on your slides.
Do Don’t

Insert too many photos.

Use enough pictures to provide

visual aids but not too many that it

will take away from what you are

This will take away from the information you have on
discussing. your slides.
Do Don’t

Refer to your slides for Read straight off of the slides. The

guidance! The information on audience can read what you have

your slides should be there as a typed on each slide. Be prepared

guide for your discussion. It is to discuss your topics further

perfectly acceptable to refer than just the information you

back to and even repeat what is have on your slides.

on your slides. Just try to not

make it a consistent habit.

Do Don’t

Keep it simple! There is no need for an

abundance of transitions, shapes, or other

elements in your PowerPoint!

Add so many extras that it takes away
from the point you are trying to make.
This goes back to the point on the

pictures and colors within your


Sometimes, less is more.

Do Don’t

Engage your audience throughout the

presentation! You can ask questions to make Rush through your presentation. Take your time and try
sure the audience is paying attention to
to engage your audience as much as possible.
what you are delivering.You can also answer
questions throughout the presentation.

Also, don’t ignore your audience. Pay attention to their

As a presenter, you should also take body language and facial expression for guidance during
note of your audiences facial
your presentation.
expressions and body language. This will
help you to know if you still have their

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