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Also known as “uppers” or “speeders”. These ‘stimulate’ or
activate the central nervous system in other words, increase
the activity in your brain. There are some types of
stimulants that are legal, some are only prescribed by
doctors, but some are illicit and dangerous.
Caffeine is a stimulant which is found in soft drinks,
energy drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate and even in chewing
gums. These refreshments and treats were added with
caffeine to energize the body and brain. But taking in too
much caffeine can cause negative effects to your body.
Illicit drugs are cocaine and methamphetamine. Mainly
used by people through smoking, swallowing, and injecting
which is illegal and can cause harmful effects. Despite
being used by wicked people, cocaine and
methamphetamine are also used in hospitals as stimulants
to cure people with ADHD, and narcolepsy.
Short-Term Effects of Stimulants Long-Term effects of Stimulants
- Increased heart rate and pulse - Paranoia
- Increased respiration (breathing) - Heart attack
- Increased digestive process - Brain stroke
- Increased blood pressure - Kidney damage
- Increased body temperature - Liver damage
- Decreased appetite - Coma which leads to death
- Alert body responses
- Inability to sleep
- Euphoria
- Depression (the “down” that
follows the “up” sensation”)

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