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The research was conducted in the third week of the first quarter of the academic year 2018-
2019. This study aimed to (1) know the learning condition of an English class in Lao-angan
Elementary School, (2) to know how audio-lingual method can improve students’ achievement in
learning plural noun and to improve students’ achievement in learning plural nouns using Audio-
lingual method. (3) To know the retention level of pupils in forming plural forms of nouns through
counterchecking their spelling and reading from the just audio- visual presentation. Some simple
steps were taken: planning/ sorting audio- lingual, action, observation and reflection. The
methods of data collection are tests (pre-test and post-test), non-test observation,
documentation, interview. In terms of data analysis, this involves quantitative and qualitative
interpretation. Findings show that Audio-Lingual method can improve the students’ achievement
in learning plural noun. The improvement can be seen from of the students’ score. The students
become more active and excited in teaching and learning process. The improvement of
students’ score can be seen from the score differences between the pre-test and post-test. In
Phase I, the mean score of pre-test is 18 and it becomes 32 in the post-test 1. In Phase II, the
mean score of Post Test 1 is 32 and it becomes 42 in the Post Test . The result of the research
implies that using Audio-Lingual in teaching English is a good method to improve the students’
achievement in spelling and pronunciation.
Key words : improving,, audio-lingual method, plural noun
each student’s ability to communicate effectively
through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Students practice speaking and listening through
regular classroom discussion and the oral
presentation of projects. They develop their
reading skills through a varied program of
independent reading, guided reading of short
stories and novels, shared reading, and
participation in literature circles. For Grade 6
learners in the K to 12 Curriculum, the focus of
writing will be on personal
narratives, informational texts, essays, and
realistic fiction.
use audio-lingual method in their teaching process, namely: (1)
the classroom activity. Where teachers are centered so that it
makes the teacher easier to manage the students; (2) the
usage of the target language in the classroom, which is meant
to make the students have the same abilities that the native
speakers have; (3) the classroom activity, it focuses on pattern
drills so that the teacher only gives brief explanation and focus
an oral skills leading to good pronunciation and speech. By
audio lingual method, the teacher is easier to control the
student’s behavior and student’s pronunciation. The teacher
can serve as a model, give the excitement, listen with a critical
ear and provide the language reinforcement to the excitement
presented. After that ,the teacher can know the student’s
pronunciation error at the same time, memorization of short
dialogues and oral repetition of controlled structural became
the activities though which students gained phonological and
syntactic habits.
Action Research Question

This action research sought to answer the following questions:

(1) what is the learning condition of an English class in Lao-
angan Elementary School?

(2) how audio-lingual method can improve students’

achievement in learning plural noun and to improve students’
achievement in learning plural nouns using Audio-lingual

(3) how retention level of pupils in forming plural forms of

nouns help counterchecking their spelling and reading from the
audio- lingual presentation listened to.
Innovation, Strategies/ Intervention

The participants of the study were the 15 pupils from the Grade 6 class
of the researcher. This consist of 9 males and 6 females. They are from
different economic status. It is found that these 15 pupils have difficulty in
forming plural forms of noun because they fail to pass the pretest given by
the teacher before start of the topic. Out of 50 item test, they got below the
75% passing percentage.

The research method used was classroom action research. The procedures
of each step can be explained as follows: planning/ sorting audio-lingual
presentation, conducting, observation, documentation and reflection.

The technique which was used to collect the data included quantitative and
qualitative interpretation. Data collected have been analyzed. This action
research is conducted in two activities.

In the first activity, the researcher gave a pre-test. The purpose was to know
how far the students have gone in about plural noun relating to the given
materials by power point presentation.
In the second activity, the researcher applied audio lingual
teaching method in teaching-learning process. The pupils
performed the material that was given by the teacher
afterwards the researcher has given a post test and material
using audio lingual method and in the end of class the
researcher give the student posttest. The researcher used the
audio-lingual method in the second activity (pre-test) to last
activity (post-test) with the purpose giving such kind of forms
plural noun about the material which has been taught to
students. In this study, the researcher used a written test as
the instruments for collecting data.

When the comparison has been established of the results of

have established the researcher let the pupils read their
answers. Now the focus of the researcher is on the
pronunciation of the pupils.
Action Research Method

In this research, the researcher had conducted two phases . In

the Phase I ,the researcher explained the rules and how to
form the plural of most nouns, by add an “s” to the singular,
how to form the plural of nouns ending in “y” preceded by a
consonant change the “y” to “i” and add “es,” how to form the
plural of many nouns ending in “f” or “fe”, by change the “f” or
“fe” to ves and form of irregular plural noun using media power

Before implementing the Phase I , the researcher conducted a

pre-test to the students. Pre-test was given to know the
mastery of plural noun by the students.
Action Research Method

In the Second Phase, the researcher implemented with Audio-

Lingual Method. The same explanation about the rules and how
to form the plural of most nouns, by add an “s” to the singular,
how to form the plural of nouns ending in“y” preceded by a
consonant change the “y” to “i” and add “es,” how to form the
plural of many nouns ending in “f” or “fe”, by change the “f” or
“fe” to ves and form of irregular plural noun using media power
point and added with Audio-Lingual Method.
After finishing the step of action research, the researcher
conducted a post-test to measure students’ improvement
after teaching and establish finding on the effect of using
power point presentation in Phase I and Powerpoint
Presentation in Phase II.
Discussion of Results and Reflections

From the research reflection of the observation, it can be

inferred that the result of Phase I is quiet good but researcher
still found a mistake in student pronunciation. The result of
teaching plural noun used Audio Lingual method increase from
Phase I until Phase II. The improvement were significant, it
could be seen from the students’ mean score.
Based from the observation, the researcher conclude that Audio Lingual Method can improve
the student’s grammar mastering and pronunciation. The use of Audio-lingual increased their
grammar mastery, lessen pronunciation errors, and their achievements are increased in test
by test. The data, researcher can conclude that through the use of Audio Lingual method, is
able to help student’s improvement in their plural noun, it can be shown that, teaching plural
noun using Audio Lingual method can make students more enthusiast, participating, excited
and happy in learning plural noun process.
The student’s progress during teaching learning process it can be seen as follows. It is
supported by the result of mean of the pre test: 18, Phase I Post Test: 32 and Phase II Post Test
: 42.

In conclusion it shows that there is a significant difference between pre- test, first post test
and second post -test.

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Robelle Millie Ann B. Racca and Ronald Candy S. Lasaten, English Language
Proficiency and Academic Performance of Philippine Science High School Students,
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016

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