Integration & Its Application: Session 7

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Integration & Its Application

A function F is an antiderivative of f on an interval I if
F’(x)=f(x) for all x in I.

Let’s use an example to figure out what this statement means…

Suppose we know f(x) = 2x and we want to find its antiderivative, F.

If f(x) = x², then F’(x) = 2x. So we know the derivative of F.

Think backwards, what function has a derivative equal to 2x ?

F(x) = x² !!!

To find the antiderivative, do the reverse of finding the derivative.

Is F(x) = x² the only function whose derivative is 2x ? Or in other

words, is F(x) = x² the only antiderivative of 2x ?
Theorem 1: Let G be an antiderivative of a function f. Then,
every antiderivative F of f must be of the form
F(x) = G(x) + C, where C is a constant.

So the answer to the question is F(x) = x²the only antiderivative of

2x is NO!!

Example 1: Let F(x) = x² + 4 and let G(x) = x²- 1

Then F’(x) = 2x and G’(x)= 2x

Thus both F and G are antiderivatives of f(x) = 2x.

Note two functions which have the same derivative will only
differ by the constant.

This means the antiderivative of a function is a family of

functions as pictured on the next slide.

F(x)= x2 +1

F(x)= x2

F(x)= x2 - 1 x

F(x)= x2 - 2

F(x)= x2 - 3

When you integrate (which is another name for finding the antiderivative)
you get a family of curves. Each of these is an antiderivative of f(x)=2x.
The Indefinite Integral

The process of finding all antiderivatives of a function is

called antidifferentiation, or integration.

 is the symbol used for integration and

is called the integral symbol.

We write  f(x)dx  F(x)  C

This is called an indefinite integral, f(x) is called the

integrand and C is called the constant of integration.
Basic Integration Rules

Rule 1: kdx  kx  C (k, a constant)

Keep in mind that integration is the reverse of differentiation.

What function has a derivative k?

kx + C, where C is any constant.

Another way to check the rule is to differentiate the result and see
if it matches the integrand. Let’s practice.

Example 2: Example 3:

 dx xC
2 2
  
 2dx  2x  C
Before we list Rule 2, let’s go back and think about derivatives.

When we used the power rule to take the derivative of a power, we

multiplied by the power and subtracted one from the exponent.

d 3
 
x  3x2

Since the opposite of multiplying is dividing and the opposite of

subtracting is adding, to integrate we’d do the opposite. So, let’s try
adding 1 to the exponent and dividing by the new exponent.

Integrating: x3dx  x 31

1 4
 31 4
 x

d 1 4 4 3
 x  x x
Check by differentiating the result: dx  4  4

Since we get the integrand we know it works.

Basic Integration Rules

Rule 2: The Power Rule xn 1 n  1

x  n 1  C

Example 4: Find the indefinite integral

 t 3 dt


t dt  C

Example 5: Find the indefinite integral x 2 dx

3 5
3 1 5
x 2 X2 2
 x 2 dx 
C 
C  X2 C
2 2
Here are more examples of Rule 1 and Rule 2.

Example 6: Find the indefinite integral  3 dx

Solution: 1 x 31 x 2 1
x 
dx  x  C  C  2 C
3 31 2 2x

Example 7: Find the indefinite integral  1dx

Solution:  1dx  x  C

 3x dx
Example 8: Find the indefinite integral 

Solution:  3x 21  3x 1 3
 
 3x 2 dx  3 x 2 
C 
C  C
Basic Integration Rules

Rule 3: The Indefinite Integral of a Constant Multiple of a Function

 cf(x)dx  c f(x)dx, c is a constant

Rule 4: The Sum Rule (or difference)

 fx  gxdx   f(x)dx   g(x)dx

 fx  gxdx   f(x)dx   g(x)dx
Rule 5:  e dx  e C
x x

Rule 6:  xdx  ln x  C To check these 2 rules, differentiate
the result and you’ll see that it matches
the integrand.
1 3
Example 9: Integrate.  (2x   2  x  3e x )dx
x x

Using the sum rule we separate this into 5 problems.

1 3
 2xdx  x  x2 
dx dx x dx  dx
3e x
   

Call them: 1 2 3 4 5

For 11 we will use rule 3 to bring the constant outside of the

integral sign.

2 xdx Next we will use rule 2, the power rule to integrate.

 x11  x2
2 xdx  2   2  x2
1 1  2
Example 9 continues…
1 3
 2xdx  x  x2 
dx dx x dx  dx
3e x
   

Call them: 1 2 3 4 5

 2xdx x 2
1 

For 2 we will use Rule 6 the natural log rule.

  dx   ln x

For 3 we will first rewrite then use the constant rule (Rule 3)
and then the power rule (Rule 2).

3 x 21
x 1
 x2 dx  3 x dx  3  2  1  3  1  x
Example 9 continues…
1 3
 2xdx  x  x2 
dx dx x dx  dx
3e x
   

Call them: 1 2 3 4 5

1 3 3
1  2xdx  x
2 
x 
dx  ln x 3 x 2
dx 

For 4 we will rewrite and then use the power rule (Rule 2).
1 1
x 2 23

 xdx   x dx 
 x
1 3

For 55 we will use the constant rule (Rule 3) and then Rule 5 for ex.

 3e dx 3 e dx 3e
x x x
 
Example 9 continues…
1 3
 2xdx  x  x2 
dx dx x dx  dx
3e x
   

Call them: 11 2 3 44 5

1 3
 2xdx   dx   x 2 dx   xdx   3e x dx
3 2 23  3e x
x 2
 ln x   x
x 3

So in conclusion:
1 3 3 2
 2xdx  x  x2 
dx dx xdx  3e dx x x x 3e C
x 2 x
      ln   2

x 3
You may be wondering why we didn’t use the C before now. Let’s
say that we had five constants C1  C2  C3  C4  C5 . Now we add all
of them together and call them C. In essence that’s what’s going
on above.
Here are some for you to try:

1. Integrate and check your answer by taking the derivative.

 3  x 4  e x dx

Click the correct answer below.

3x  5x 5  e x  C

3x  4x 3  e x  C

1 5
3x  x  ex  C
Here is the solution in detail.

  
3  x 4  e x dx  3dx  x 4 dx   e x dx

x 4 1
 3x   ex  C
4 1

1 5
 3x  x  e x  C
1 3
2. Integrate.  2x  4   dx
 x2 x

Click on the correct first step.

Integrate each factor separately . x 2

 1
 4x 

 3ln x   C
 x 

Multiply the two factors in the radicand together

10 4
and combine the like terms.  6  2 dx
x x
Rule 4 states:
 fx  gxdx   f(x)dx   g(x)dx
 fx  gxdx   f(x)dx   g(x)dx

This does NOT apply to multiplication or division.

You should multiply the factors in the integrand, simplify and then
use Rule 4 to integrate the terms.
Multiply the two factors in the radicand together
and combine the like terms.
2 4 12 10 4
 x
6 2 
x x
dx   6  2 dx
x x

Next use Rule 4 to integrate each term separately .

 6dx  10  x
dx  4  x 2 dx

x 1
6x  10ln x  4 C

6x  10ln x  C
Differential Equations

A differential equation is one which has a derivative

expression in it.

For example: f’(x)=2x+1 is a differential equation.

When we integrate this type of equation we get the
general solution which contains the constant, C .

To find a particular solution we need another piece of

information. It could be a point that we know the
function passes through. We call this piece of
information the initial condition.

A typical problem might be:

f’(x)= 3x2 - 4x + 8 
f(1)= 9 

Let’s look at the solution to the problem:
f’(x)= 3x2 - 4x + 8 
f(1)= 9 

Solution: First integrate both sides:

3x3 4x2
f(x)    8x  C
3 2

Simplify: f(x)  x3  2x2  8x  C

Now find C by using the initial condition.

Substitute 1 for x and 9 for f(x)
9  1  21  81  C
3 2

9  1 2 8  C This gives the particular

9  7 C
f(x)  x3  2x2  8x  2
Review - Basic Integration Rules

Rule 1: kdx  kx  C (k, a constant)
xn 1
x  n 1  C
Rule 2: The Power Rule

Rule 3: The Indefinite Integral of a Constant Multiple of a Function

 cf(x)dx  c f(x)dx, c is a constant

Rule 4: The Sum Rule (or difference)

 fx  gxdx   f(x)dx   g(x)dx

 fx  gxdx   f(x)dx   g(x)dx
Rule 5:  e dx e C
x x

Rule 6:  xdx  ln x  C

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