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Week 1

1.1 Introduction to Algebra
1.2 The Real Numbers
1.3 Addition of Real Numbers
1.4 Subtraction of Real Numbers
1.5 Multiplication of Real Numbers
1.6 Division of Real Numbers
1.7 Properties of Real Numbers
1.8 Simplifying Expressions; Order of Operations

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Chapter 1

Introduction to Real
Numbers and

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a. Evaluate algebraic expressions by

b. Translate phrases to algebraic

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Algebraic Expressions

An algebraic expression consists of variables,

numerals, and operation signs.
5 a
x + 38 19 – y y

When we replace a variable with a number, we say that

we are substituting for the variable.

This process is called evaluating the expression.

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Algebraic Expressions

Sometimes a letter can represent various numbers. In

that case, we call the letter a variable.
Let a = your age.
a is a variable since a changes from year to year.

Sometimes a letter can stand for just one number.

In that case, we call the letter a constant.
Let b = your date of birth.
Then b is a constant.

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Evaluate and
 x for x = 72 and y = 8.
y y
We substitute 72 for x and 8 for y:
x 72  x 72
 9  9
y 8  y 8

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Translating to Algebraic Expressions
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
added to subtracted from multiplied by divided by

sum of difference of product of quotient of

plus minus times divided into

more than less than twice ratio of

increased by decreased by of per

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Translate each phrase to an algebraic expression.

a) 9 more than y
b) 7 less than x
c) the product of 3 and twice w

Phrase Algebraic Expression

a) 9 more than y y+9

b) 7 less than x x7

c) the product of 3 and twice w 3•2w or 2w • 3

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Natural Numbers
The set of natural numbers = {1, 2, 3, …}.
These are the numbers used for counting.
Whole Numbers
The set of whole numbers = {0, 1, 2, 3, …}.
This is the set of natural numbers with 0
The set of integers = {…, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …}.

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Integers consist of the whole numbers and their
0, neither positive nor negative
Negative Positive
integers integers

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Integers to the left of zero on the number line are called

negative integers and those to the right of zero are
called positive integers. Zero is neither positive nor
negative and serves as its own opposite.

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Tell which integer corresponds to each situation.

1. Death Valley is 282 feet below sea level.
282 below sea level corresponds to 282.

2. Margaret owes $312 on her credit card. She has $520

in her checking account.
The integers 312 and 520 correspond to the situation.

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Rational Numbers
The set ofarational numbers = the set of
numbers , where a and b are integers and b is
not equal to 0 (b  0).

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7 1
Solution: The number2 can be named3 , or 3.5. Its
graph is halfway between 3 and 4.

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Find decimal notation for  .

Solution Because 7 means 7  40, we divide.

40 7.000
We are finished when the 200   0.175
remainder is 0. 0
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 14
Decimal notation for rational numbers either
terminates or repeats.
Decimal notation for irrational numbers neither
terminates nor repeats.

Real Numbers
The set of real numbers = The set of all
numbers corresponding to points on the number

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Integers: 1, 2, 3,

Integers Zero: 0

integers: -1, -2, -
3, …

Rational numbers that

numbers are not integers: 2/3, -
4/5, 19/-5, -7/8, 8.2,

Irrational numbers: pi, square roots,


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Numbers are written in order on the number line,
increasing as we move to the right. For any two
numbers on the line, the one to the left is less than the
one to the right.

The symbol < means “is less than,”

4 < 8 is read “4 is less than 8.”

The symbol > means “is greater than,”

6 > 9 is read “6 is greater than 9.”

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Use either < or > for to form a true sentence.
1. 7 3 2. 8 3 3. 21 9

1. 7 3 2. 8 3 3. 21 9

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Use either < or > for to form a true sentence.
5 5 8
1. 7.2  2.
2 8 13

1. 7.2  -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 8
2. 5
8 13  0.625
Convert to decimal notation: 8
 0.6154
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Order; >, <
a < b also has the meaning b > a.

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Write another inequality with the same meaning.

a. 4 > 10
b. c < 7

a. The inequality 10 < 4 has the same meaning.

b. The inequality 7 > c has the same meaning.

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 21

Negative numbers a Positive numbers b

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

a<0 b>0

If b is a positive real number, then b > 0.

If a is a negative real number, then a < 0.

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 22

5 units from 0 5 units from 0

Absolute Value
The absolute value of a number is its distance
from zero on a number line. We use the symbol
|x| to represent the absolute value of a number x.

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Finding Absolute Value
a) If a number is negative, its absolute value is
b) If a number is positive or zero, its absolute value
is the same as the number.

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Find the absolute value of each number.

a. |5| b. |36|
c. |0| d. |52|

a. |5| The distance of 5 from 0 is 5, so | 5| = 5.
b. |36| The distance of 36 from 0 is 36, so |36| = 36.
c. |0| The distance of 0 from 0 is 0, so |0| = 0.
d. |52| The distance of 52 from 0 is 52, so |52| = 52.
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 25

a. Add real numbers without using

a number line.
b. Find the opposite, or additive
inverse, of a real number.
c. Solve applied problems
involving addition of real
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Addition on the Number Line
To do the addition a + b, we start at 0. Then we
move to a, and then move according to b.
a) If b is positive, we move b to the right.
b) If b is negative, we move b to the left.
c) If b is 0, we stay at a.

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 27

Rules for Addition of Real Numbers
1. Positive numbers: Add the same as arithmetic
numbers. The answer is positive.
2. Negative numbers: Add absolute values. The answer is
3. A positive and a negative number: Subtract the smaller
absolute value from the larger. Then:
a) If the positive number has the greater absolute value,
the answer is positive.
b) If the negative number has the greater absolute
value, the answer is negative.
c) If the numbers have the same absolute value, the
answer is 0.
4. One number is zero: The sum is the other number.
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 28

1. 5 + (8) = 2. 9 + (7) =

Add the absolute values:
1. 5 + (8) = 13 5 + 8 = 13. Make the answer negative.

2. 9 + (7) = 16

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1. 4 + (6) = 2. 12 + (9) =
3. 8 + 5 = 4. 7 + 5 =

Think: The absolute values are 4 and 6. The
1. 4 + (6) = 2 difference is 2. Since the negative number
has the larger absolute value, the answer is
2. 12 + (9) = 3 negative, 2.
3. 8 + 5 = 3
4. 7 + 5 = 2

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Add: 16 + (2) + 8 + 15 + (6) + (14).

Because of the commutative and associate laws for addition,
we can group the positive numbers together and the negative
numbers together and add them separately. Then we add the
two results.
16 + (2) + 8 + 15 + (6) + (14)
= 16 + 8 + 15 + (2) + (6) + (14)
= 39 + (22)
= 17
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 31
Opposites, or Additive Inverses
For any real number a, the opposite, or
additive inverse, of a, expressed as a, is
such that
a + (a) = a + a = 0.

The Opposite of an Opposite

The opposite of the opposite of a number is
the number itself. (The additive inverse of the
additive inverse of a number is the number
itself.) That is, for any number a
(a) = a.
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 32

Find the opposite.

a) 9 b) 8

a) 9  (9) = 9

b) 8 (8) = 8

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Evaluate x and (x) when x = 12.

We replace x in each case with 12.
a) If x = 12, then x = 12 = 12

b) If x = 12, then (x) = (12) = 12

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Evaluate (x) for x = 7.

We replace x with 7.

If x = 7, then (x) = ((7)) = 7

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a. Subtract real numbers and

simplify combinations of
additions and subtractions.
b. Solve applied problems
involving subtraction of real

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The difference a  b is the number c for
which a = b + c.

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Subtract 4  9.

Think: 4  9 is the number that when added
to 9 gives 4.
What number can we add to 9 to get 4?
The number must be negative.
The number is 5:
4 – 9 = –5.
That is, 4  9 = 5 because 9 + (5) = 4.
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Subtracting by Adding the
For any real numbers a and b,
a – b = a + (– b).
(To subtract, add the opposite, or additive
inverse, of the number being subtracted.)

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1. 3 – 7 = 2. –5 – 9 3. –4 – (–10)

The opposite of 7 is –7. We change
1. 3 – 7 = 3 + (–7) the subtraction to addition and add
= –4 the opposite. Instead of subtracting
7, we add –7.

2. –5 – 9 = –5 + (– 9)
= –14

3. –4 – (–10) = –4 + 10
= 6
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Simplify: 4  (6)  10 + 5  (7).

4  (6)  10 + 5  (7) = 4 + 6 + (10) + 5 + 7
= 4 + (10) + 6 + 5 + 7
= 14 + 18
Adding opposites= 4

Using a commutative law

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Summary for Addition of real numbers:

Summary for Subtracting of real numbers:

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a. Multiply real numbers.

b. Solve applied problems
involving multiplication of real

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Multiplication of real numbers is like multiplication of
arithmetic numbers. The difference is that we must
determine whether the answer is positive or negative.

The Product of a Positive

and a Negative Number
To multiply a positive number and a negative
number, multiply their absolute values. The
answer is negative.

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1. (7)(9) 2. 40(1) 3. 3  7


1. (7)(9) = 63

2. 40(1) = 40

3. 3  7 = 21

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The Product of Two Negative
To multiply two negative numbers,
multiply their absolute values. The
answer is positive.

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1. (3)(4) 2. (11)(5) 3. (2)(1)

1. (3)(4) = 12

2. (11)(5) = 55

3. (2)(1) = 2

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To multiply two nonzero real numbers:
a) Multiply the absolute values.
b) If the signs are the same, the answer is positive.
c) If the signs are different, the answer is negative.

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The Multiplication Property of
For any real number a,
a  0 = 0  a.
(The product of 0 and any real number is 0.)

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 2  4 
1. 19  0 2.     0
 3  8 
1. 19  0 = 0

 2  4 
2.     0  0
 3  8 

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1. 9  3(4) 2. 6  (3)  (4)  (7)

Multiplying the first two numbers
1. 9  3(4) = 27(4)
Multiplying the results
= 108

Each pair of negatives gives

2. 6  (3)  (4)  (7) = 18  28 a positive product.
= 504

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The product of an even number of negative numbers
is positive.

The product of an odd number of negative numbers

is negative.

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Evaluate 3x2 when x = 4 and x = 4.

3x2 = 3(4)2 3x2 = 3(4)2
= 3(16) = 3(16)
= 48 = 48

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Evaluate (x)2 and x2 when x = 6.

(x)2 = (6)2 x2 = (6)2
= (6)(6) = 36
= 36

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a. Divide integers.
b. Find the reciprocal of a real number.
c. Divide real numbers.
d. Solve applied problems involving
multiplication and division of real

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The quotient a  b or , where b  0, is
that unique real number c for which
a = b  c.

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Divide, if possible. Check each answer.
1. 15  (3) 2.

Think: What number multiplied by –3 gives
1. 15  (3) = 5 15? The number is –5. Check: (–3)(–5) = 15.

45 Think: What number multiplied by –5 gives

2.  9 45? The number is –9. Check: (–5)(–9) = 45.

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 57

To multiply or divide two real numbers (where the
divisor is nonzero):
a) Multiply or divide the absolute values.
b) If the signs are the same, the answer is positive.
c) If the signs are different, the answer is negative.

Excluding Division by 0 a
Division by zero is not defined: a  0, or 0 , is not
defined for all real numbers a.

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Dividends of 0
Zero divided by any nonzero real number
is 0:
 0, a  0.

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a. 72  0 b. 0  150

a. 72
Think: What number multiplied by 0
gives 72? There is no such number
0 because anything times 0 is 0.

is undefined.

b. 0  150 = 0

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Two numbers whose product is 1 are called
reciprocals, or multiplicative inverses, of
each other.

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Find the reciprocal.
6 1 8
1. 2. 6 3. 4. 
7 4 9

Solution 6 7
1. The reciprocal of is .
7 6
2. The reciprocal of 6 is  .
3. The reciprocal of 1 is 4.
8 9
4. The reciprocal of  is  .
9 8
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 62
Properties of Reciprocals
For a  0, the reciprocal of a can be named
1 1
and the reciprocal of is a.
The reciprocal of any nonzero real number
a b
can be named .
b a
The number 0 has no reciprocal.

The Sign of a Reciprocal

The reciprocal of a number has the same
sign as the number itself.

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Opposite Reciprocal
Number (Change the (Invert but do not
sign.) change the sign.)
3 3 4
 
4 4 3
25 25 1
23 23 3

3 3 23
8.5 1 10
8.5  or 
8.5 85
0 0 Undefined

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Reciprocals and Division
For any real numbers a and b, b  0,
a 1
a b   a
b b
(To divide, multiply by the reciprocal of the

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Rewrite the division as multiplication.

1. 9  5 2. 3    2 
 
4  5
1. 9  5 is the same as 9   1 
2. 3    2   3   5 
   
4  5 4 2

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3 5
Divide by multiplying by the reciprocal 
of the divisor. 4 16
Solution 3 5 3 16 Multiply by the reciprocal of the
   divisor
4 16 4 5
3 4  4
 Factoring and identifying a

common factor

4 3 4
  Removing a factor equal to 1
4 5

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Summary for Multiplication of real numbers:

The product of an even number of negative numbers

is positive.
The product of an odd number of negative numbers is
Summary for Division of real numbers:

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 68

Sign Changes in Fraction Notation
For any real numbers a and b, b  0,
a a

1. b b
(The opposite of a number a divided by the opposite of
another number b is the same as the quotient of the two
numbers a and b.)
2. a a a
 
b b b
(The opposite of a number a divided by another
number b is the same as the number a divided by the
opposite of the number b, and both are the same as the
opposite of a divided by b.)
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 69
a. Find equivalent fraction expressions and
simplify fraction expressions.
b. Use the commutative and associative laws
to find equivalent expressions.
c. Use the distributive laws to multiply
expressions like 8 and x – y.
d. Use the distributive law to factor
expressions like 4x – 12 + 24y.
e. Collect like terms.

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc.

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 71
Equivalent Expressions
Two expressions that have the same
value for all allowable replacements are
called equivalent.

The Identity Property of 0

For any real number a
a+0=0+a= a
(The number 0 is the additive identity.)

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The Identity Property of 1
For any real number a
(The number 1 is the multiplicative

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Simplify:  40 x .
24 x
40 x 5  8x Look for the largest factor
  common to both the numerator
24 x 3  8x and the denominator and
5 8x factor each.
  Factoring the fraction
3 8x expression.
  1 8x/8x = 1
 Removing a factor of 1 using
3 the identity property of 1

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Evaluate x + y and y + x when x = 7 and y = 8.

We substitute 7 for x and 8 for y.
x + y = 7 + 8 = 15

y + x = 8 + 7 = 15

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Evaluate xy and yx when x = 7 and y = 8.

We substitute 7 for x and 8 for y.
xy = 7(8) = 56

yx = 8(7) = 56

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The Commutative Laws
Addition: For any numbers a, and b,
a + b = b + a.
(We can change the order when adding without
affecting the answer.)
Multiplication. For any numbers a and b,
ab = ba
(We can change the order when multiplying without
affecting the answer.)

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Calculate and compare:

4 + (9 + 6) and (4 + 9) + 6.

4 + (9 + 6) = 4 + 15
= 19

(4 + 9) + 6 = 13 + 6
= 19

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The Associative Laws
Addition: For any numbers a, b, and c,
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.
(Numbers can be grouped in any manner for addition.)
Multiplication. For any numbers a, b, and c,
a (b c) = (a b) c
(Numbers can be grouped in any manner for

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The Distributive Law of
Multiplication over Addition
For any numbers a, b, and c,
a(b + c) = ab + ac.

The Distributive Law of

Multiplication over Subtraction
For any numbers a, b, and c,
a(b  c) = ab  ac.

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Multiply. 4(a + b).


4(a + b) = 4  a + 4  b Using the distributive law of

multiplication over addition.
= 4a + 4b

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Factoring is the reverse of multiplying. To factor, we
can use the distributive laws in reverse:
ab + ac = a(b + c) and ab – ac = a(b – c).

To factor an expression is to find an
equivalent expression that is a product.

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a. 6x – 12 b. 8x + 32y – 8

a. 6x – 12 = 6  x – 6  2
= 6(x – 2)

b. 8x + 32y – 8 = 8  x + 8  4y – 8  1
= 8(x + 4y – 1)

Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 83

Like Terms

Terms in which the variable factors are exactly the

same, such as 9x and –5x, are called like, or similar

Like Terms Unlike Terms

7x and 8x 8y and 9y2

3xy and 9xy 5ab and 4ab2

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Combine like terms. Try to write just the answer.
1. 8x + 2x 2. 3x – 6x
3. 3a + 5b + 2 + a – 8 – 5b
Solution 2. 3x  6 x  (3  6) x
1. 8x + 2x = (8 + 2) x
 3x
= 10x

3. 3a + 5b + 2 + a – 8 – 5b
= 3a + 5b + 2 + a + (–8) + (–5b)
= 3a + a + 5b + (–5b) + 2 + (–8)
= 4a + (–6) = 4a – 6
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 85

a. Find an equivalent expression for an

opposite without parentheses, where
an expression has several terms.
b. Simplify expressions by removing
parentheses and collecting like terms.
c. Simplify expressions with parentheses
inside parentheses.
d. Simplify expressions using rules from
order of operations.
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The Property of 1
For any real number a,
1  a = a
(Negative one times a is the opposite,
or additive inverse, of a.)

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Find an equivalent expression without parentheses.

(4x + 5y + 2)
(4x + 5y + 2) = 1(4x + 5y + 2) Using the property of 1
= 1(4x) + 1(5y) + 1(2)
= 4x – 5y – 2 Using a distributive law
Using the property of 1

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Remove parentheses and simplify.

(8x + 5y – 3)  (4x – 2y  6)


(8x + 5y – 3)  (4x – 2y  6)
= 8x + 5y – 3 – 4x + 2y + 6
= 4x + 7y + 3

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a. 5(3 + 4) – {8 – [5 – (9 + 6)]}
b. [6(x + 3) – 4x] – [4(y + 3) – 8(y – 4)]
a. 5(3 + 4) – {8 – [5 – (9 + 6)]}
= 5(7) – {8 – [5 – 15]}
= 35 – {8 – [ –10]} Computing 5(7) and 5 – 15
= 35 – 18 Computing 8 – [–10]
= 17

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b. [6(x + 3) – 4x] – [4(y + 3) – 8(y – 4)]

= [6x + 18 – 4x] – [4y + 12 – 8y + 32]

= [2x + 18] – [4y + 44] Collecting like terms within brackets

= 2x + 18 + 4y – 44 Removing brackets

= 2x + 4y – 26 Collecting like terms

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Rules for Order of Operations
1. Do all calculations within grouping symbols
before operations outside.
2. Evaluate all exponential expressions.
3. Do all multiplications and divisions in order from
left to right.
4. Do all additions and subtractions in order from
left to right.

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1. 20 12  4  2 2. (3)3  9  6(3)

Solution 2. (3)3  9  6(3)

1. 20 12  4  2
(3)  9  6(3)  27  9  6(3)
20 12  4  2  20  3  2
 20  6  3  6(3)
 14  3  6(3)
 3  (18)
 21
Copyright © 2015, 2011, and 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 93

63  9
Simplify: .

6  3  9 18  9

2 2

 1

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