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Chapter 7

Suffrage, Elections, and Political Parties

• - is one of the political rights enjoyed by the
citized if the country. This is because through
the exercise of suffrage, citized can participate
in the establishment and administration.
Suffrage and Its Scope
• -suffrage refers to the right and obligation of
the citized to vote in the election of
government official and in deciding on public
questions submitted to them
• - it is the principal means by which the citized
vite and select certain official to represent
them in the administration of the
• -it is a type of election where in the people
render decision to accept or reject certain
amendments to the Contitutions.
• - its refers to the process where in a law or
part of a law passed by the legislature or local
legislative body is submitted to the people for
their approval or rejection.
• - it is a process where by the people are given
the opportunity to directly propose or enact
Who May Exercise Suffrage
- under the contitutions, Filipino citized can
exercise this rights as long as they…
* At least 18yrs of age;
* Not disqualified by law;
* A resident of the country for at least 1yr: &
* A resident of the place where they intend
to vote for at least 6months;
Kinds of Election
• General Elections
-are those held for the purpose of electing
national and local official simultaneously.
National Elections
- are those conducted to elect President, Vice-
President and members of Congress.
Local Elections
- are those held purpose of selecting official in
the region, province, cities, and municipalities.
Special Election
• - are those held on the date different from
that of regular election.
Absentee Voting
According to Contitutions, Congress is
mandated to provide a system for securing the
secrecy and sanctity of the ballot and a system
for absentee voting by qualified filipinos
Rules Governing Elections in the
• The supervision of elections in the philippines
is under the charge of the commission on
election or COMELEC.
Election and Campaign Period
• Campaign period for the president, Vice-
President and Senator is 90 days before the
day of election 45 days before election for
member of the House of Representative and
eletive provincial, city, and municipal official.
Nomination and Selection of Official
• Even the period for political conventions for the
purpose of forming political parties and
nominating official candidates is fixed by the
aforementioned legislation. Section 6 of the said
legislation states that conventions for nomination
of official candidate for president vice-president
and senators shall be held 165days proir to the
actual election dates, and the 75 days prior to the
date of election for member of the House of
Representatives and eletive local official.
Filing of Certificate of Candidacy
• The certificate of candidacy of an individual
running for national elections is required to
file at the main office of the COMELEC not
later than the day prior to the beginning of
the campaign period.
Precincts and Polling Places
• Every Brgy is required to have least one
election precinct, with each precinct having
not more than 300 voter. A polling place is
supposed to be set up in brgy where the
board of election inspector conducts election
proceedig and where voter cast their voter.
Registration of Voters
• The registration of voter held on the 15th
Saturday prior to the day election those who
are to reach 18 years old on or before the day
election and for those quilified to cast their
vote but not included in the list if voters.
Common Poster Area
• The COMELEC is empowered to designate
common poster areas in the barangay where
candidates can their election propaganda
announcing their candidacy.
Prohibited Forms of Propaganda
Official Watcher
Board Of Election Inspectors
Board of Canvasser
Pre-Proclamation Controversies
Political Parties
Party System
Nonpartisan System
Single-Party System
Two-Party System
Multi-Party System
The Development of Philippine
Political Parties
The Philippine Electoral System
Presidential Politics
Political Parties in the Philippine Today

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