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Indah Wulaningsih

STIKes Karya Husada Semarang

Mari kita bermain-main tentang
prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran
(learning principles)
The prior knowledge people have regarding a
subject is the most important determinant of
the nature and amount of new information
that can be processed
The availability of relevant prior knowledge is a
necessary, yet not sufficient, condition for
understanding and remembering new
information. Prior knowledge also needs to
be activated by cues in the context of which
the information is being studied.
Knowledge is structured. The way in which it is
structured in memory makes it more or less
accessible for us
Storing information into memory and retrieving
it can be greatly improved when, during
learning, elaboration on the material takes
The ability to activate knowledge in the long-
term memory and to make it available for use
depends on contextual cues.
To be motivated to learn, prolongs the amount
of study time (or processing time, to put in
cognitive psychology terms) and hence,
improves achievement
an active learning stimulated by, and
focused round a clinical, community or
scientific problem

• Structuring knowledge for better recall and

application in clinical context
• Developing an effective clinical reasoning process/problem solving
• Development of self-directed learning
• Principle of the learning through practice and
abilities beyond knowledge
• The integration of disciplines

• small group discussions on

• interdisciplinary problems with
• enough time for self-study and
• parallel training in skills
 About 8-12 students and a tutor
 Randomly composed
 Meetings twice a week for two hours
 The 'seven jump’
The key of tutorial in PBL

…to use problem to drive the learning

activities on a need-to-know basis
(Woods, 1994)

Skenar mahasi
io swa
Apakah PBL sesuai
dengan prinsip-prinsip
pembelajaran? Dimana
letak kesesuaiannya?
1- 5 6 7
Problem SDL Reporting

• Context
• Assimilation
• Integration
• • Theory testing •
• Intrinsic Activation prior Elaboration
knowledge • Elaboration • Integration
• Theory construction
• Elaboration
 Mahasiswa mencari kata-kata atau
terminologi atau konsep yang artinya tidak
dimengerti atau kurang jelas
 Mahasiswa mendiskusikan arti dari kata atau
terminologi atau konsep tersebut
 Jika tetap tidak dimengerti dimasukkan
kedalam learning objective
 Terminologi yang tidak dimengerti dapat
menjadi penghalang dalam proses
 Klarifikasi dari terminologi yang kurang
dimengerti dapat memulai proses belajar
 Pemahaman terhadap problem yang diberikan
 Proses
 Setiap anggota kelompok mengemukakan
pendapatnya mengenai permasalahan
(problem) yang harus didiskusikan
 Bisa dengan cara mengemukakan pertanyaan
atau pernyataan
 Tidak boleh dikritisi ataupun disanggah
terlebih dahulu
 Alasan
 Ada kemungkinan setiap anggota kelompok
tutorial memiliki perspektive yang berbeda,
membandingkan dan mengumpulkan hasil2
tersebut meluaskan horison intelektual
 Keluaran
 Daftar masalah yang akan didiskusikan
 Seluruh anggota kelompok mengemukakan
pendapat atau hipotesa mereka terhadap
masalah2 yang telah diungkapkan dalam step
 Hipotesa dibuat berdasar prior knowledge
 Seluruh hipotesa dikumpulkan tanpa
dilakukan analisis kritis
 Alasan
 Pada tahap ini bisa diketahui kegunaan
pelajaran sebelumnya, ingatan dan
pemahaman anggota lainnya.
 Jika berjalan dengan baik akan memicu
pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dan tidak
hanya fakta2 karena dapat diketahui gap
pemahaman terkait dengan masalah yang ada
 Daftar hipotesis atau keterangan
 Pembahasan lebih dalam dan sistematis dari
penjelasan2 dan hipotesa
 Hasil dari brainstorming diurutkan dan dicari
hubungannya satu dengan yang lain
 Alasan
 Terjadi restrukturisasi ilmu yang telah dimiliki
dengan mengidentifikasi gap pemahaman
yang ada
 Organizing ideas atau penjelasan secara
 Dibuat berdasarkan diskusi step-step
sebelumnya yang tidak dipahami,
kontradiksi atau ketidaksepakatan,
direformulasikan dan disusun menjadi
learning objective
 Learning obyektif yang dihasilkan harus
terfokus, tidak terlalu meluas atau
superfisial dan dapat dicapai dalam waktu
yang tersedia
 LO kelompok dan LO pribadi
 Menjadi landasan dalam aktivitas belajar
 Menjabarkan kekurangan ilmu yang dimiliki
oleh kelompok tersebut
 Anggota kelompok mencari literatur yang
relevan yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan-
 Mempersiapkan untuk melaporkan apa yang
ditemukan di kelompok tutorial
 Mahasiswa melaporkan sumber-sumber
belajar yang digunakan
 Diskusi mengenai learning obyektif dilakukan
berdasarkan literatur
 Anggota kelompok mensintesis apa yang
telah mereka temukan dari beberapa sumber
yang berbeda
Facilitate Facilitate
learning group
process process
 Diagnostician
 Challenger
 Model
 Activator
 Monitor
 Evaluator
 Stimulator of reflection
 Consultant
 Asking and answering question
 Reacting to student question
 Active listening
 Stimulating reflection
 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
 Performing
 Adjourning
Level of external regulation by the tutor
rigid partial free

modelling coaching consulting

low intermediat high

Level of self-regulation by the student
1. Stimulates sufficient depth and breadth in
the formulation of the problem statements
2. Stimulates awareness of gaps in prior
3. Stimulates reanimation of the discussion
when explanations dried up
4. Stimulates participation by as many
students as possible
5. Stimulates deepening brainstorming
activities, for eg by questioning,
clarification and explaining relationships
6. Stimulates interaction and discussions
7. Stimulates finalise explanations in the
problem definition as much as possible
8. Stimulates brainstorming in sufficient depth
and breadth
9. Stimulates awareness of conflicting ideas
10.Stimulates an awareness of the main issues
and the secondary issues
11. Stimulates sufficient breadth and depth
in formulating learning objectives
12. Stimulates the formulation of precise and
workable learning objectives
13. When formulating learning objectives,
points out apparent gaps in the initial case
analysis phase
14. Stimulates consultation of different
literature and other study resources
15. The tutor guides the group at the right
moment during the initial case analysis phase
16. The tutor guides the group at the right
moment during the initial
case analysis phase
17. The tutor helped properly explain the
difficulties the students have
with the subject matter
18. Provides support to the student in his/her
role as discussion leader
19. Stimulates students into making summary lists
of literature covered and other study resources
20. Helped indicate and evaluate differences and
similarities between resources (quality,
limitations, topicality)
21. Corrects misconceptions with respect to
22. Checks whether misconceptions from the initial
case analysis phase have been corrected
23. Ensures that students have a sufficient
grasp of the subject matter
24. Stimulates interaction in the group
25. Stimulates students into making
relationships (e.g. cause and effect,link
between physiology and anatomy)
26. Stimulates visualisation of knowledge (use
of diagrams)
27. Stimulates learning activities other than
simply reading aloud notes or copies
28. Stimulates integration of accumulated
knowledge with other cases studies in the
same block
29. Stimulates to finalise the integration of
30. Stimulates clarifying ambiguities
(difficulties, questions) students experienced
with respect to the subject matter
31. Stimulates the group through hints and
asking students to come up with their own
solutions to these questions (difficulties)
32. Answers questions (if tutor is expert on
the subject)
33. Stimulates students into consulting
sources of information (experts,
literature, surgery) to clear up ambiguities
34. Stimulates awareness of gaps in
knowledge still present in the reporting
35. Stimulates participation by all students
during the reporting phase
36. Stimulates feedback and an
explanation of the case in question
37. Stimulates application of knowledge
by making slight changes to the case
38. Stimulates self-assessment in the
tutorial group
39. Directs the group at the right moment
during the reporting phase
40. Provides support to the student in
his/her role as discussion leader

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