Topic: Difference Between Tort and Breach of Trust and Quasi Contract

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Presented by: Shubham Tanwar

Roll no.- 18020

Group No. 3




Tort law is the body of laws that enables people to seek 
compensation for wrongs committed against them. When
someone’s actions cause some type of harm to another,
whether it be physical harm to another person, or harm to
someone’s property or reputation, the harmed or injured
person or entity may seek damages through the court.
Breach of trust

Any act which is in violation of the duties or a

trustee or of the terms of a trust. Such a
breach need not be intentional or with
malice, but can be due to negligence or
breaking a promise or confidence.
Quasi contract arises in various situations
when a person is obliged to compensate
another although the basis of this obligation
is neither a contract between the parties,nor
any tort on the part of the person who is
bound to compensate.The basis of this
obligation is that no one should have unjust
benefit at the cost of the other.
TORT Breach of Trust
1. Tort is a civil wrong. Civil 1. Breach of Trust and other
proceedings shall be equitable obligations are
instituted. criminal offences, and are
2. It is not codified law. liable for punishment with
3. Motive is irrelevant. imprisonment, or fine or both.
4. The law of torts in its 2.. It is a codified law.
origin is a part of the 3. Motive is relevant.
common law. 4. Breach of Trust and other
5. The plaintiff and the obligations fell exclusively
defendant may or may not within the jurisdiction of
know each other previous to equity.
the incidence of tortious 5. The plaintiff and the
liability. defendant know each other
from the beginning. In fact the

1. The plaintiff is entitled to get unliquidated damages.

2. In the law of torts, the duty is towards persons generally. Every
person is under certain obligations against other public, i.e. not to
cause injury or harm, etc. These duties and rights of every person is
“rights in rem.”
3. In tortious liability, the plaintiff and the defendant may or may not
knew each other before the tortious liability arises.

1. Injunctions, specific restitution of property, and the payment of
liquidated damages of money by way of penalty, etc. are the legal
remedies available for plaintiff under quasi-contracts.
2. There is a contract implied by the law, and therefore contractual
liability is imposed upon the defendant. The plaintiffs rights against
the defendant are “rights in personam.”
3. In quasi-contractual obligations, generally, the plaintiff and
defendant know each other from the beginning, and then it ripens into
contractual liability.

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