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Differential Calculus

Engr. Joeydann M. Telin

Chapter 1


- A function from set X and Y is the set of

ordered pairs of distinct real numbers (x,y), in
which no two distinct ordered pairs have the
same first component.
The set of permissible values of x is called
the domain of the function and the set of all
resulting value of y is called the range of the
The symbol f(x) (read as “f of x”) denotes
the particular value of y that corresponds to the
given value of x.
The variable x is called the independent
variable while the variable y is called the
dependent variable because y is usually
expressed in terms of x when their relationship is
given in the form of an equation.
In our high school days
Functions can be express by:
• Arrow diagrams

• Tables
• Graphs

• Equations
Functions can be specified in a variety of ways.

Functions that are given by equations involving

the dependent and independent variables. For
instance, the equation

Equation in implicit form defines the dependent

variable, as a function of the independent
To evaluate this function (that is, to find the -
value that corresponds to a given -value), it is
convenient to isolate on the left side of the

Equation in explicit form Using as the name of

the function, you can write this equation as
Function notation
Ex 1.
Given that f is the function defined by:
f(x) = 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 − 4
Find: a.) f(0) e.) f(3x)
b.) f(3) f.) f(x+h)
c.) f(h) g.) f(x) + f(h)
d.) f(3h)
Ex 2.
𝑔 𝑥+ℎ −𝑔(𝑥)
where h≠0

a.) g(x) = 4𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 + 7
b.) g(x) = 𝑥 + 9
For the function f defined by
evaluate each expression
Graph of a function
The graph of the function
consists of all points
(x, f(x)) where x is in the
domain of f,
note that x the directed
distance from the y -axis and
f(x) the directed distance
from the x -axis.

y = x²
f(x) = 𝑥 − 2
g(x) = 𝑥² − 9
x2 + y2 = 25
The graphs of eight basic functions
Finding the Domain and Range of a Function
The domain of the function
is the set of all -values for which
which is the interval To find the range,
observe that is never negative.
Ex 3.

Determine the Domain of the function g

defined by
g(x) = 𝑥(𝑥 − 2)
Using Calculator

Start: -4
End: 7
Step: 1
A Function Defined by More than One
For the piecewise-defined function
Ex 4.
Let f be the function defined by
x-1 if x<3
f(x) = 5 if x=3
2x+1 if 3<x
determine the domain and range
Ex 5.
Let g be the function
g(x)= 3x-2 if x<1
x² if 1⦤x
determine the domain and range
Ex 6.
The function h is defined by
h(x) =
determine the domain and range
Ex 7.
Let H be the function defined by
H(x) = x + 3 if x ≠ 3
2 if x = 3
determine the domain and range
Ex 8.
The function of is defined by
f(x) = x² if x ≠ 2
7 if x = 2
determine the domain and range
Ex 9.
Determine the domain and range of the
function f for which
f(x)= x

f(x) = x if x ≥ 0
-x if x < 0
Ex 10.
Determine the domain and range of the
function f for which

f(x) = x(1 – x2)

Trigonometric Functions
In mathematics, the trigonometric
functions (also called circular functions, angle
functions) are functions of an angle.

They relate the angles of a triangle to the

lengths of its sides. Trigonometric functions are
important in the study of triangles and modeling
periodic phenomena, among many other
Ex 11.
∅(x) = sin x
a. ∅(π)
b. ∅(5/4 π)
c. ∅(2/3 π)
d. ∅(- π/6)
e. ∅(π-y)
Ex 12.
H(Y) = cos 2y – sin y
H(-1/4 π)
Ex 13.
If F(b) =
Find :
F(tan x)
Ex. 14
1 𝑤
If f(w) = −
𝑤 1+sin 𝑥

f(cos x)
Operation on Functions
Given the two functions f and g:
(i)Sum, denoted by : f+g
defined by: (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x)
(ii)Difference, denoted by f-g
defined by: (f-g)(x)=f(x)-g(x)
(iii)Product, denoted by f.g
defined by: (f.g)(x)= f(x).g(x)
(iv)Quotient, denoted by f/g
defined by: (f/g) (x)= (f(x))/(g(x))
Example 1
f(x) = 2x - 3
g(x) = 𝑥 2 +1
a.) f + g
b.) f g
c.) g/f
(v)Composite, denoted by f °g
Defined by: (f °g)(x)=f(g(x))
Example 2
g(x)= 2x+1
Find: (f °g)(3) in two methods
Example 3
f(x)= 2x - 3
g(x) = cos x
f °f
f °g
g °f
Example 4
f(x)= sin x
g(x) = π x
(f °g) (1/2)
(g °f) (π /4)
- Seatwork next meeting

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