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Rajasree Ranjit
 Tapioca Sago is generally Known as SAGO (SABUDANA
in Hindi or JAVVARISHI in Tamil) in India.
 Sago is a produce, prepared from the milk of tapioca root.
 Botanical name: Mannihot utillisema.
 starch extraction produces large amounts of effluent high in
organic content
All tapioca processing industries in TamilNadu have
prevailed with two major problems.
1. Huge requirement of water for better extraction of starch
from tubers.
2. Generation of large volumes of effluent.
Manufacturing Process Flow Sheet for Production of
Starch and Sago
Types of wastes in Sago Processing
Unit Types of Wastes Environmental impact
1.Washing Organic matter, soil. Little impact.
2.Retting •Cyanide diffused into rivers, ponds or •High HCN concentration in the waste
back-water. water can be a problem if used directly on
•Organic matter. land.
•Organic matter is a problem, causing high
BOD and COD, and eutrophication of
waterways and foul odors.

3.Peeling Peels with high fibre and high cyanide •contaminate ground water supply during
content. rain.
•Cyanide is a problem if used as a feed.
4. Squeezing Effluent with high content of cyanide and •High HCN may kill plants if effluent is
organic matter (mainly starch). allowed to run out on land.
•Organic content may contaminate ground
water supply and cause eutrophication of
surface water and foul odor.
Unit operation Types of Wastes Environmental impact

5.Drying and cooking Cyanide vapors, ash (from Cyanide vapor is not likely to
firewood). be a problem unless
processing is done in an
enclosed space.
6. Sieving Fibrous waste. If exposed to rain, the
seepage of organic material
from stored waste could
contaminate the ground
7. Sedimenting Starch residue. •Foul odor
Waste water. •Organic matter is a
problem, causing high BOD
and COD, and
eutrophication of water
Wash water and effluents
 Waste water from cassava processing, if released
directly into the environment before proper treatment,
is a source of pollution
 waste water discharged from a cassava starch
processing factory is acidic with
a. high organic matter content (soluble carbohydrates
and proteins)
b. suspended solids (lipids and non-soluble
carbohydrates - starch or cellulose fibers)
 Waste water is generated at three stages :
1. Root washing
2. Primary settling of starch milk
3. Secondary settling of starch milk
Root washing Primary settling Secondary settling

pH 6.5-7.5 4.3-5.4 4.5-4.7

Total solids (mg/l) 550-700 4,200-4,400 4,000-6,600
Suspended solids (mg/l) 400-500 680-730 1,868-2,960

Total dissolved solids 150-200 3,520-3,670 2,132-3,620

BOD (mg/l) 40-60 4,800-5,700 3,400-6,018
COD (mg/l) 100-150 5,760-6,840 3,870-6,670
Total nitrogen (mg/l) 30-38 70-75 65-74
1. On groundwater
 Contamination of groundwater is often the outcome of seepage of untreated
effluent into shallow and deep aquifers. This is a problem in a few areas, such as
India (documented) and Vietnam (cited).
 untreated effluent can reach groundwater in sufficient quantities to pollute open
wells and bore holes. If such conditions prevail, groundwater quality may be
affected, leading to health problems of nearby communities.

2. On surface water
 Surface water includes all rivers, streams, canals, ditches, lakes, reservoirs,
lagoons, estuaries and coastal waters.
 The main problem originating from cassava processing is through the addition of
organic substances. This results in eutrophication, which in-turn is responsible
for an increase in the number of microorganisms and the growth of algae. This
can alter water quality and/or change the aquatic ecology, affecting plants and
animals, human health and visual aspects.
Solid wastes

 Solid waste is created by all forms of cassava processing. Solid waste from cassava
starch processing is divided into three categories:
1. Peelings from initial processing
2. Fibrous by-products from crushing and sieving (pulp waste)
3. Starch residues after starch settling
 Inappropriate storage of solid waste for long periods is the main issue, especially
with heavy rainfall. This culminates in the production of leachate that can
contaminate groundwater. In the dry season there is little problem, but if stored
through the monsoon season the problem can be quite significant.
 Usually even the small-scale processors manage their solid waste well. There is
therefore little or no problem. In many areas, such as Vietnam, despite the large
amounts of residue produced, it is usually disposed of quickly - sold as animal feed
or dried and used as fuel.
 In India solid residue is dried and sold as cattle feed or soil conditioner.
Atmospheric pollution
1.Hydrogen cyanide

 Cyanide released during cassava processing ends up in the waste water and will
eventually evaporate into the atmosphere without detrimental effects.
 However, the effect of volatile HCN on the health of cassava processors may be a
 Processors (mainly women and children) producing gari in ill-ventilated sheds are
often exposed to high levels of HCN liberated during frying. Design of the processing
facility with adequate ventilation is critical.
 In Thailand, there are reports (K. Sriroth, personal communication) that high-speed
grating machines produce levels of HCN in dust and water sprays that effect the health of
workers if located in a not well-ventilated space.
 Dust can also be a problem in areas of intensive production of cassava; as high as
10% of the dry weight of cassava can be lost as dust.
 Odor is generated from an uncontrolled fermentation of the organic matter in cassava
processing waste.
 This is a cited problem in Vietnam, India, and Thailand, especially during the
processing season. Odor is the most noticeable and widespread impact.
 It affects the greatest number of people and increases in impact as the processing
season progresses. Despite being unpleasant and widespread, the significance of this
impact is small.
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