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 Alveolus - a small hollow, basin or flask

(dim. of alveus = a belly, tub); applied to
air-cell in lungs; large terminal secretory
units of some exocrine glands with
relatively thin walls (cf. acinus); tooth
socket; adj. alveolar
 Amacrine - a = without + makros = long;
a cell in the inner nuclear layer of retina
without a long (axonal) process.
Alveolus Amacrine
 Ameloblast - esmail = enamel + G.
blastos = germ; cell giving rise to tooth
 Amitosis - a = without + mitos = thread;
direct cell division without appearance of
visible chromosomes.
 Amoeboid - amiobe = change + -oeides =
form of; having motion like an amoeba, a
protozoon which continually changes its
shape; of the movements of a leucocyte.
Ameloblast Amoeboid
 Amorphous - a = not + morphe = form;
lacking structural definition.
 Ampulla - ampla = full + bulla = vase; a
jar or flask; a local widening in a tube;
duodenal ampulla of Vater
 Aniline blue - anil, indigo plant; dye for
collagen etc.
Amorphous Ampulla
 Ansa nephronis - ansa = bucket handle, sandle
loop + nephronis = of a nephron; hair-pin bend in
the straight tubules of a nephron of the kidney;
cf. Henle; also ansa subclavia; ansa hypoglossi.

 Ansa subclavia = sympathetic nerve loop

passing anterior and posterior to subclavian

 Antrum (-ra) - a cave, cavity; a nearly-closed

cavity or bulge.
Ansa nephronis Antrum
 Anulus (or annulus) = a little ring, dim. L.
anus; a finger-ring; the fourth finger itself.
 Anulus fibrosus (anuli fibrosi or annuli
fibrosi) = little ring of fibres; lamellae of
collagen fibres surrounding nucleus pulposus of
intervertebral disc.
 Apocrine - apo = from, away + krinein = to
separate; budding-off of apical cytoplasm in
secretory cells.
 Aponeurosis - neuron = tendon, sinew (later,
nerve); an expanded flat connective tissue sheet
to which muscle fibres are attached
Annulus Annulus fibrosus
Apocrine Aponeurosis

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