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 Our objectives for this session are:
Discuss the following:
Course Learning Outcomes
Class Management
Major Topics
Course Learning Outcomes
 Be able to know the nature of the learner
 Be able to understand what are the
professional and personal qualities must a
teacher possess to facilitate learning
 Be able to know the implications of the
learners thought, learning environment to
Class Management
 Submit written requirements or online
requirements on time(Deductions of 5% to
the total scores will be made for late
submission not more than 5 days
 Attendance and participation are required
 Put mobile phones in silent mode
 Keep our room clean
Course Requirement
 Assignments 15%
 Attendance 10%
 Written Exam 25%
 Demonstration 50%
 Total 100%

 Who am I?
 What I am doing here?
 The principal elements that make teaching
and learning possible and attainable are
teacher, the learner and conducive learning
 The teacher serves as the prime mover of
the educational wheel while the learner is
the key participant in the learning process.
The Learner
 The learner is an embodied spirit. He is a
union of a sentient body and a rational soul.
His body experience sensations and feels
pleasure and pain. His soul is the principle
spirit acts, the source of intellectual
abstractions self reflection and fee rational
The Learner
 The learner has also a spiritual nature. So he
must be nourish not only his body but also
his spirit. When the learner is nourished
materially and spiritually he can complete
his very nature
The Fundamental Equipment of
the learner
 Cognitive Faculties
 The learner is equipped with cognitive as
well as appetitive faculties. His faculties
include the following
 Senses, instincts, imagination, memory and
The Fundamental Equipment of
the learner
 Five senses are part of the learners sentient
body. It I said that “there is nothing in the
mind which was not first in some manner in
the senses”
 Instinct
 The word comes from Latin word instinctus
which means impulse.
The Fundamental Equipment of
the learner
 This means that the learner has a natural or
inherent capacity or tendency to respond to
environmental stimuli such as danger sign
for survival or self preservation
 Imagination
 It is another cognitive faculty of the learner.
It is the ability to form a mental image of
something that is not perceived through
The Fundamental Equipment of
the learner
 The teacher must help the learner develop
his power of imagination by encouraging
them to think outside the box to be creative
to form new ideas and explore old ideas.
 Memory
 This is the cognitive faculty of retaining and
recalling past experience
The Fundamental Equipment of
the learner
 Intellect
 The learner can engage in cognitive process
such as forming ideas or concepts reasoning
out and making judgment
 Reasoning includes analyzing. Judging is
Appetitive Faculties
 Feeling and emotion
 Rational will
Emotion is the on /off switch of learning.
Positive feelings and emotions make the
teaching learning process an exciting joyful
and fruitful affair. Negative feeling and
emotions make same process of burden
Appetitive Faculties
 Will
 The learners will serve as guiding force and
the main integrating force is his character
Factors that contribute to the
differences among learners
 Five distinguishing elements
 Ability
Ability dictates the prospects of success in
any purposeful activity
 Aptitude
 \It refers to the learners innate talent or gift.
It indicates a natural capacity to learn
certain skills
Factors that contribute to the
differences among learners
 Interest
 Learners interest in learning makes learning
no longer a task but a pleasure
 Family and cultural background
 Students who some from different
socioeconomic background manifest a wide
range of behavior due to differences in
upbringing practices
Factors that contribute to the
differences among learners
 Attitude and values
A positive attitude will enhance the
maximum and optimum use of learners
cognitive and affective faculties for learning
 The learner is gifted with intelligence. The
concept of intelligence evolved through the
years. Intelligence then was measured only
in terms of language and mathematical
 Howard Gardner’s theory on multiple
intelligences the concept of the learner’s
intelligence has gone beyond linguistics and
mathematical intelligences
Find out your multiple intelligences
 Instructions: Read each statement carefully
.Choose of the five buttons for each
statement indicating how well the
statements describe you
 1 – does note describe you at all
 2- describe you very little
 3- describe you somewhat
 4- describe you pretty well
 5- describe you exactly
1 2 3 4 5
1. I pride my self on having a large vocabulary
2. Using numbers and numerical symbols is easy for me
3. Music id very important to me in daily life
4.I always know where I am in relation to my home
5.I consider my self an athlete
6. I feel like people of all ages like me
7.I often look for weakness in myself that I see others
8. The world of plants and animals is important to me
9. I enjoy learning mew words and do so easily
10. I often develop equations to describe relationship
and to explain my observation
11. I have wide and varied musical interest including
both classical and contemporary
12 I do not get lost easily and can orient myself with
either maps or landmarks
13. I feel really good about being physically fit
14 I like to be with all different types of people
1 2 3 4 5
15. I often think about the influence I have on others
16. I enjoy my pets
17. I love to read and do so daily
18. I often see mathematical ratios in the world around me
19. I have a very good sense of pitch, tempo and rhythm
20 . Knowing direction is easy to me
21 I have a good balance and eye hand coordination
22. I respond to all people enthusiastically free of bias
23. I believe that I am responsible for my actions and who
am I
24. I like learning about nature
25. I enjoy hearing and challenging lectures
26. Math has always been one of my favorite subject
27. My music education began when I was younger and still
continues today
28. I have the ability to represent what I see by drawing
1 2 3 4 5
29. My outstanding coordination and balance let me excel in
high speed activities
30. I enjoy new or unique social situations
31. I try not to waste my time on trivial pursuits
32. I enjoy caring for my house plant
33. I like to keep a daily journal of my daily experiences
34. I like to think about numerical issues and examine statistics
35.I am good at playing an instrument and singing
36. My ability to draw is recognized and complimented by
37 I like being outdoors enjoy the change of seasons and look
forward to different physical activities
38, I enjoy complimenting others when they have done well
39. I often think about the problems in my community and
what I can do to help them
40. I enjoy hunting and fishing
41 I read and enjoy poetry and occasionally write my own
1 2 3 4 5
42. I seem to understand things around me through
mathematical sense
43. I can remember the tune of a song when asked
44. I can easily duplicate color, form and shading texture in my
45. I like the excitement of personal and team competition
46. I am quick to sense others dishonesty and desire to control
47. I am always totally honest with myself
48. I enjoy hiking in natural places
49I talk a lot and enjoy telling stories
50. I enjoy doing puzzle

51 I take pride in my musical accomplishments

52 Seeing things in 3 dimensions is easy for me and I like to

make things in 3 dimensions
53 I like to move around a lot
1 2 3 4 5
54 I feel safe when I am with a stranger

55. I enjoy being alone and thinking about my life and myself
56. I look forward to visiting the zoo
57 Most often I ponder the question why am I here?
58 I often reflect why innocent people suffer?
59 I spend my time reading inspiration books
60 I want to live meaningfully
61. What's my mission in life

62 Is there such think as hell

63 Where I can find happiness

 Linguistics 1,9,17.25,33,41
 Mathematical 2,10, 18,26,34,42,50
 Musical 3,11,19,27,35,43,51
 Spatial 4,12,20,28,36,44,52
 Kinesthetic 5,13,21,29,37,45,53
 Interpersonal 6,14,22,
 Intrapersonal 7,15,23,31,39,47,55
 Naturalist 8,16,34,32,40,48,56
 Existentialist 57,,62,63
Professional teacher
 Is a licensed professional who possesses
dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional
Personal Attributes
 Control of the knowledge
 Repertoire of best teaching practices
 Dispositions and skills approach
 View of learning to teach as lifelong
process and dispositions and skills for
working towards improving her own
Learning Style
 It is the way a person processes internalize
and studies new and challenging material
Personal Attributes
 Personality is the sum of ones personal
characteristics. It is one’s identity.
Personalities may be describe as authoritain,
weak, dynamic or magneic
Learning Environment
 Learning environment consists of the
physical environment as well as the
psychological atmosphere or socio
emotional climate which is mainly a
product of the interaction and relationship
between teacher and students and among
the students
Physical Environment
 Physical environment includes the physical
condition of the classroom the arrangement
of the furniture seating arrangement the
classroom temperature and lighting
Psychological climate
 Psychological atmosphere or climate that
reigns in the classroms
 Safety eg. Rules and norms
 Relationship e.g respect for diversity
 Teaching and learning e.g support for
Pine and Home describe facilitative
environment for learning
 Encourages people to be active
 Promotes and facilitates the individual’s
discovery of the personal meaning of idea
 Emphasizes the uniquely personal and
subjective nature of learning
 Differences is good and desirable
 Consistently recognizes peoples right to
make mistakes
Pine and Home describe facilitative
environment for learning
 Tolerates ambiguity
 Evaluation cooperative process with
emphasis on self evaluation
 Encourages openness of self rather than
concealment of self
 Encourage to trust themselves as well as in
external resources
 People feel they are respected
Pine and Home describe facilitative
environment for learning
 People feel they are accepted
 Permits confrontation
 Provides conducive learning environment
necessary in full development of the
cognitive and appetitive faculties of the
Principles of Learning
 The learning of our students is our foremost
 Key words of learning
 Acquisition of knowledge base
 Fluency
 Make sense of the world
 Solve problems
 Make decision
Questions for Discussion
 Is memorizing without understanding
considered learning?
 Is memorizing for the test and forgetting
what you memorized after the test
considered learning?
 This knowledge base should be used with
fluency? What does this means?
 What does the term inert ideas means?
How can they be prevented from becoming
 Learning is an experience which occurs
inside the learner and is activated by the
 The process of learning primarily controlled
by the learner and not by the teacher.
Learning is not only the function of what a
teacher does or says to or provides for a
learner. Learning has to do something
which happens in the unique world of the
learner. “No one directly teaches anyone
anything of significance”
 Learning is the discovery of the personal
meaning and relevance ideas
 Learning is the process which requires the
exploration of ideas in relation to self and
community so that people can determine
what their needs are what goals they would
like to formulate what issues they would
like to discuss and what content they would
like to learn
 Learning (behavioral change) is a
consequence of experience
 People become responsible when they have
really assumed responsibility they become
independent when they have experienced
independent behavior they become able
they when they have experienced success,
they began to feel important when they are
important to somebody
 Learning is a cooperative and collaborative
process. Cooperation from learning
 The interactive process appears scratch and
kick people curiosity potential and
curiosity. Cooperative approaches are
enabling. Through such approaches people
learn to define goals to plan to interact and
to try group arrangements in problem
 Learning is an evolutionary process.
 Behavioral change require time and
patience. Learning situations characterized
by free and open communication,
confrontation, acceptance, respect the right
to make mistakes, shared evaluation active
and personal freedom from threat and trust
in the self are evolutionary in nature
 Learning is sometimes a painful process.
 Behavioral change often calls for giving up
the old and comfortable ways of believing,
thinking and valuing. It is not easy to
discard familiar ways of doing things and
incorporate new behavior. It may be good to
make our students realize that learning is a
difficult task. It is accompanied by sacrifice,
inconvenience and discomfort
 Learning is the learner himself
 Each individual had accumulation of
experience ideas feelings and attitude which
comprise as rich vein of material for
problem solving and learning. Teacher must
draw learners ideas feelings and experience
 Learning is emotional as well as intellectual
 Learning is affected by the total state of the
individual. People are feeling beings as well
as thinking beings and when their feelings
and thoughts are in harmony learning is
 The process of problem solving and
learning is highly unique and individual
 Each person has its unique styles of learning
and solving problems
 Laws of Learning
 It is worth including other principles laws of
learning by Thorndike
 Law of Effect
 Learning is strengthen when accompanied
by a pleasant or satisfying feeling
 Learning is weakened when associated with
an unpleasant feeling
 Learning takes place properly when it
results in satisfaction and the learner derives
pleasure out of it
 Laws of Learning
 Law of Exercise
 Thins most often repeated are best
 Students do not learn complex tasks in a
single session
 Law of Readiness
 Individual learn best when they are
physically mentally and emotionally ready
to learn they do not learn well if they see no
reason for learning
 Laws of Primacy
 Things learned first create a strong
 What is taught must be right the first time
 Law of Recency
 Things most recently learned are best
 Law of Intensity
 The more intense the material taught the
more in s likely learned
 Law of Freedom
 Things freely learned are best learned
 The greater the freedom enjoyed by the
students in the class the greater is the
intellectual and moral advancement enjoyed
by them
 Describe the professional teacher by means
of a song or verse
 Like all good teacher you have a touch of
the actor… You also have a touch of a
doctor or nurse in you. In what sense is the
professional teacher an actor, doctor and

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