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Dasar Biomolekuler

Reproduksi Pria
Kuliah 2
Rahmatina B. Herman
Bagian Fisiologi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas
Sex Determination and Differentiation

Reproductive cells each contain a half set of

Gametogenesis is accomplished by meiosis
The sex of and individual is determined by
combination of sex chromosomes
Sexual differentiation along male or female
lines depends on the presence/ absence of
masculinizing determinant
Parents with diploid (46 chr) somatic cells
Mother Father
Meiotic division Meiotic division
of germ cells of germ cells

Haploid Ovum Haploid Sperm


Diploid fertilized Ovum


Offspring of diploid somatic cells

Ovum with X sex chromosome
Fertilized by
Sperm with Y sc Sperm with X sc

Embryo with XY sc Genetic sex Embryo with XX sc

Sex-determining region No Y chr, so no SRY

of Y chr (SRY) stimulates and no H-Y antigen
Production of H-Y antigen
In plasma membrane of
undifferentiated gonad

H-Y antigen directs Gonadal With no H-Y antigen,

differentiation sex undifferentiated gonads
of gonads into testes develop into ovaries
Testes secrete hormone and factor
Testosterone Mullerian-inhibiting factor

Converted to
Degeneration of
Mullerian ducts

Transforms Wolfian ducts

Promotes development of
into male reproductive tract
undifferentiated external
(e.g. epididymis, ductus
genitalia along male lines
deferens, ejaculatory duct,
(e.g. penis, scrotum)
seminal vesicle)

Primary male reproductive organs
Perform dual function:
- producing sperm by seminiferous tubules
- secreting male sex hormones by Leydig cells
Seminiferous Tubules
± 250 m are packed within testes
Consist 2 functionally important cell types:
- Germ cells: most of which are in various stages of
sperm development
- Sertoli cells: provide crucial support for
Microscopic: reveals layers of germ cells in an
anatomic progression of sperm development, starting
with the least differentiated in the outer layer and
moving inward through various stages of division to
the lumen, where the highly differentiated sperm are
ready for exit from the testis
Definition: A complex process by which
undifferentiated primordial germ cells
spermatogonia (diploid of 46 chromosomes/2n),
proliferate and are converted into specialized,
motile spermatozoa/ sperm (bearing a randomly
distributed haploid set of 23 chromosomes/n)
During active sexual life
Beginning at age of ± 13 ys
Continuing throughout the remainder of life

As the result of stimulation by anterior pituitary

gonadotropic hormones
Three major stages:
1. Mitotic proliferation
2. Meiosis
3. Packaging/ spermiogenesis: physically
reshaping/ remodeling
± 64 days, from spermatogonium to mature sperm
Up to several hundred million sperm may reach
maturity daily
1. Mitotic Proliferation
Spermatogonia continuously divided mitotically,
bearing full complement of 46 chr (2n)
On of the daughter cells remains at the outer edge of
the seminiferous tubule as an undifferentiated
spermatogonium, maintaining the germ-cell line
The other daughter cell starts moving toward the
lumen while undergoing the various steps
The daughter cell divides mitotically twice more to
form 4 primary spermatocytes and then enter to a
resting phase during which chromosomes are
duplicated and the double strands remain together
(2n) in preparation for the 1st meiotic division
2. Meiosis
Started with 1st meiotic division:
Each primary spermatocyte (2n) forms 2
secondary spermatocytes (n)
Continued with 2nd meiotic division:
Finally yielding 4 spermatids (n)
No further division takes place beyond this
3. Packaging
Spermatid still resemble undifferentiated
spermatogonia structurally, except for their half
complement of chromosomes (n)
During this stage: remodeling of spermatid into
Production of extremely specialized, mobile
spermatozoa requires extensive remodeling, or
packaging of cell elements, a process known as
Has 4 parts:
1. Head
consists of nucleus which contains genetic information
2. Acrosome
- an enzyme-filled vesicle that caps the tip of head
- used as an “enzymatic drill” for penetrating ovum
- formed by aggregation of vesicles produced by
endoplasmic reticulum/ Golgi complex before these
organelles are discarded
3. Tail
- Provide mobility for spermatozoon
- Energy for movement is generated by mitochondria
concentrated within midpiece of the sperm

Until sperm maturation is completed, the developing
germ cells arising from a single primary spermatocyte
remain joined by cytoplasmic bridges, which result
from incomplete cytoplasmic division, permit the 4
developing sperm to exchange cytoplasm
The linkage is important, because X chr (but not Y chr)
contains genes that code for cell products essential fro
sperm development
The large X chr contains several thousand genes, while
the small Y chr has only few dozen (the most
important of which are the SRY gene and others that
play critical roles in male fertility)
During meiosis, half the sperm receive an X
chromosome and the other half a Y chromosome
Were it not for the sharing of cytoplasm so that all
the haploid cells (n) are provided with the
products coded by X chromosome until sperm
development is complete, the Y-bearing, male
producing sperm could not develop and survive
Throughout their development, sperm remain
intimately associated with Sertoli cells
Physiology of Mature Sperm
Movement: 1 – 4 mm/min.
Travel in a straight line
Activity is enhanced in neutral and slightly alkaline,
greatly depressed in mildly acidic media
Rapid death in strong acidic media
Temperature   activity   metabolism rate  
shortened life
Live: - many weeks in genital ducts of testes
- 1 - 2 days in female genital tract
Fluid: - vas deferens (10 %)
- seminal vesicules (60 %)
- prostate gland (30 %)
- mucous glands (bulbourethral)
pH: ± 7.5
Mucoid and milky
Weak coagulum  dissolve in 15 – 30 minutes
May be stored for years in - 100°C
Fluid form seminal vesicules
Nutrient supplier: fructose
Citric acid
Prostaglandin  to aid fertilization:
1. By reacting with cervical mucus  more receptive
to sperm movement
2. (Possibly) reverse peristaltic contraction in uterus
& fallopian tube  towards ovaries
A few sperm reach the upper end of tubes within
5 minutes
Fluid from prostate gland
Ions Ca, P; clotting enzyme; profibrinolysin
Alkaline milky fluid

Neutralized acidity
- Citric acid
- Metabolic end products
- Vaginal secretion: pH 3.5 – 4.0

Enhancing motility and fertility

1. Fungsi hipotalamus
2. Spermatogenesis
3. Mekanisme penetrasi ovum oleh sperma
Mengapa hanya 1 sperma yang bisa
memasuki oocyte

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