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Organogenetic Period:

The Fourth to Eight Weeks

 Phase of Embryonic Development

 Folding of the Embryo
 Germ Layer Derivatives
 Control of Embryonic Development
 Highlights of the Fourth to Eight Weeks
 Estimation of Embryonic Age
 Summary of the Fourth to Eight Weeks
 Clinically Oriented Problems
The Fetal Period
Nine Week to Birth

Estimation of Fetal Age

Highlights of Fetal Period
Expected Date of Delivery
Factors Influencing Fetal Growth
Procedures for Assessing Fetal Status
Summary of Fetal Period
Clinically Oriented Problems
Lamanya Kehamilan Berat Anak Istilah

< 22 minggu < 500 g Abortus

22 – 28 minggu 500 g – 1000 g Partus immaturus
28 – 37 minggu 1000 g – 2500 g Partus praematurus
37 – 42 minggu > 2500 – Partus a’terme
(sampai 4500 g) (maturus)
> 42 minggu Partus serotinus
Placenta and Fetal Maembranes

 The Placenta
 Parturition (Childbirth)
 Amnion and Amniotic Fluid
 Yolk Sac
 Allantois
 Multiple Pregnancies
 Summary of Placenta and Fetal Membranes
 Clinically Oriented Problems
produksi hormon
phase pertama ( phase dilatasi )
phase kedua ( phase pengeluaran )
phase ketiga ( phase placental )
phase keempat ( phase pemulihan )
Human Birth Defects

 Teratology – Study of Abnormal Development

 Anomalies Caused by Genetic Factors
 Anomalies Caused by Environmental Factors
 Anomalies Caused by Multifactorial
 Summary of Human Birth Defect
 Clinically Oriented Problems
The End
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