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“All Actions Have Consequences”

“Ignorantia juris non excusat”
(ignorance of the law excuses no one)
The Imperative Quality of a Judgment
of practical intellect is meaningless, apart from will.
Reason can legislate, but only through will
can its legislation be translated into actions.

When the matter is sifted down, the happiness
of every human being's soul is in his own hands,
to preserve and develop, or to cast away.
“Love is Freedom”
A human being, therefore, has a supernatural,
transcendental destiny.
Aquinas gives a fourfold classification of law:
• the eternal law,
• natural law,
• human law,
• and divine law.
Spiritual Freedom
Individual Freedom

‘‘en sui causa’’

Sartre's Existentialism Stems from this principle:
Existence precedes essence

The person first, exist, encounters himself and surges

up in the world then defines himself afterward. The
person is nothing else but that what he makes of
Simply, the person is what one has done and is doing.
On the other hand, the human person who tries to escape
obligations and strives to be en-soi (i.e., excuses such as "I
was born this way" or "I grew up in a bad environment") is
acting on bad faith (mauvais foi)
Theory of Social Contract
A Law of Nature (Lex Naturalis) is a precept or general
rule established by reason, by which a person is
forbidden to do that which is destructive of his life or
feels away the means of preserving the same; and to
omit that by which he thinks it may be best preserved.
They must appoint one man, or assembly of human
beings, to bear their person; a person being defined as
"he whose words or actions of another, or of any other
thing, to whom they are attributed, whether truly or by
Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chain.
Men are naturally free and equal.
John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued that people have rights, such as
the right to life, liberty, and property that have a foundation independent of the laws of particular
The environment selects which is
similar with natural selection.

John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and Theequal
environment does tothat
against claims an
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued thatorganism
people havenot only before,
rights, suchbut
alsoof after
the right to life, liberty, and property that have a foundation independent it responds.
the laws The
of particular
society behavior is shaped and
maintained by its
The second result is practical; consequences.
the environment can be
John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued that people have rights, such as
Can be
the right to life, liberty, and property thatan individual
have beindependent
a foundation free? of the laws of particular
According to skinner "our struggle for freedom is
John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that
not due to a will to be free as for Aristotle or Sartre.
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued that people have rights, such as
the right Free
to life, liberty,
willandis property
but anthatillusion.
have a foundation
Human independent of the laws of
behavior isparticular
influenced by the environment and not some internal
force or thought.
John Locke defended
Skinner thinks the claim
that that the
men areproblem
by nature free is
and equal against claims
to free human that
God had made
beings not all people
from naturally
controlsubject but
to a monarchy.
argued that kinds
people haveof
rights, such as
the right to life, liberty, and property that have a foundation independent of the laws of particular
it can be solved only if we accept the fact that we
depend upon the world around us and we simply change
the nature of dependency.
John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued that people have rights, such as
Life is full of paradoxes, nobody could nor should
the right to life, liberty, and property that have a foundation independent of the laws of particular
society it.
John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued that people have rights, such as
the right to life, liberty, and property that have a foundation independent of the laws of particular
John Locke defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that
God had made all people naturally subject to a monarchy. He argued that people have rights, such as
the right to life, liberty, and property that have a foundation independent of the laws of particular

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